네이버 카페 게시물 수집
네이버 카페에서 검색 결과로 노출된 게시글을 수집합니다. 검색 키워드와 검색 기간을 설정해주세요.

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네이버 카페 게시물 수집 봇 사용법

1. 로그인 후 대시보드에서 네이버 카페 게시물 수집을 선택합니다.

2. 설정 창에서 검색 키워드, 수집 시작일, 수집 종료일, 정렬 옵션, 최대 수집 건수를 입력한 후 저장합니다.

3. 데이터수집 시작 버튼을 눌러 데이터 수집을 시작합니다.

4. 데이터 수집이 완료되면, VIEW 버튼을 눌러 수집된 데이터를 확인하고 엑셀로 다운로드 합니다.

결과물 예시
  "id": 96558049,
  "schedule_result_id": 54977037,
  "worker_log_id": null,
  "created_at": "2024-07-26T22:30:31.000+09:00",
  "updated_at": "2024-07-26T22:30:31.000+09:00",
  "result_set_id": 257,
  "uid": "54977037_joonggonara_80224928",
  "user_id": 8814,
  "date": "2024-07-26",
  "url": null,
  "elapsed_time": 3.15359,
  "message": "raphael.T-mobile.com ( Root: /Users/raphael/hashscraper",
  "schedule_id": 554950,
  "검색 키워드": "harmony7777",
  "게시물 URL": "https://cafe.naver.com/joonggonara?iframe_url=%2FArticleRead.nhn%3Fclubid%3D10050146%26articleid%3D80224928%26art%3DaW50ZXJuYWwtY2FmZS13ZWItc2VjdGlvbi1zZWFyY2gtbGlzdA.eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJjYWZlVHlwZSI6IkNBRkVfVVJMIiwiYXJ0aWNsZUlkIjo4MDIyNDkyOCwiY2FmZVVybCI6Impvb25nZ29uYXJhIiwiaXNzdWVkQXQiOjE3MjIwMDA2MTA3MzF9.ik4s1sjmo9Wcu-jgHCwVjEIJpY6y95calJyRKELnZiw%26query%3Dharmony7777",
  "카페명": "중고나라",
  "작성일자": "2011-06-11 09:49",
  "작성자": "harmony7777",
  "제목": "아이폰3gs32기가(리퍼받음)+추가구성 전북익산",
  "본문": "완료 아이폰3gs32기가(리퍼받음)전북익산 380,000원 결제 방법 결제 방식은 판매자와 협의 판매자 판매가 완료되어 판매자 연락처를 볼 수 없습니다. 네이버에 등록된 판매 물품과 내용은 개별 판매자가 등록한 것으로서, 네이버카페는 등록을 위한 시스템만 제공하며 내용에 대하여 일체의 책임을 지지 않습니다.   판 매 양 식 아이디 harmony7777 이메일 eoms008@gmail.com 거주지역 전북 익산 영등동 판매 제품명 아이폰3gs32기가(리퍼받음)+추가구성 전북익산 구입시기 2010년6월2일 희망가격 38만원 중고가격이 비싼것 같으시면 신제품 최저가 먼저확인하세요    거래방법 직거래 상세설명 사진 및 상세내용 자전거 거래시 차대번호 필수 (미 기재시 삭제처리)  죄송합니다 쓰던폰을 떨궜는데 액정이 나가버리는 바람에 당분간 제가 사용 해야 할거 같습니다             중고가격이 비싼것 같으시면 신제품 최저가 먼저확인하세요             구 매 양 식 아이디 거주지역 구매 제품명 구매 가격 거래방법  위 항목을 (거래금지 항목 포함) 허위작성하거나 임의 삭제 또는 채우지 않을 경우 무통보 삭제될수 있습니다.       ",
  "조회수": "141",
  "좋아요수": null,
  "댓글수": "1",
  "이미지 URL": "https://cafeptthumb-phinf.pstatic.net/20101110_221/burst9_1289316478425kk3i8_jpg/noti_burst9.jpg?type=w740, https://dthumb-phinf.pstatic.net/?src=%22http%3A%2F%2Fi.iabout.kr%2Fw%2Fhomepage%2F20101109%2F634249305158747359.JPG%22&type=cafe_wa740, https://dthumb-phinf.pstatic.net/?src=%22http%3A%2F%2Fi.iabout.kr%2Fw%2Fhomepage%2F20101109%2F634249305158747359.JPG%22&type=cafe_wa740"
검색 키워드 게시물 URL 카페명 작성일자 작성자 제목 본문 조회수 좋아요수 댓글수 이미지 URL
2014-03-13 09:53
영어듣기평가 B to Z
영어듣기평가 B to Z 재생 113 00:00 01:13 작사는 제가 했고 용인문정중 이선 선생님 노래해주셨습니다. 패러디송을 앞으로 계속 불러주신답니다. 듣기평가만점송 듣기평가 [부지런]평가 영문 해석해두고 유사 답지 [밑줄] 긋고 그림 [특징] 적어놔 듣기평가 만점 듣기평가 만점 듣기평가 [집중]력평가 첫 단어 답 아냐 yes/no wh 귀 기울이고 다음 [문제] 미리 봐둬 듣기평가 만점 듣기평가 만점 듣기평가 부지런평가 영문 해석해두고 유사답지 밑줄긋고 그림특징적어놔 듣기평가 만점 듣기평가 만점 듣기평가 집중력평가 첫 단어 답 아냐 yes/no wh 귀 기울이고 다음 문제 미리 봐둬 듣기평가 만점 듣기평가 만점 1. 컴퓨터 수성펜 준비: 컴사 한 자루는 늘 필통에 한 자루는 사물함에 넣어두는 센스 2. 듣기문항이 올해부터 5지선다형으로 바뀜. 3. 자신의 수정테이프는 사용가능하지만 빌리지는 못합니다. 수정테이프도 준비하세요. 4. OMR 카드 작성 시간은 별도로 주어지지 않습니다. 방송종료와 동시에 문제지와 답지를 제출합니다. 추가시간 못 줌 5. 핸드폰 소지 금지. 시험 중에 핸드폰을 소지하는 것 자체로 부정행위에 해당 영어듣기 기출문제로 워밍업을! 6월 11일 듣기평가를 봅니다. 실제처럼 풀어보세요. http://cafe.naver.com/et21/1233 http://cafe.naver.com/et21/1234 http://cafe.naver.com/et21/1235 1. 시험지를 받자마자 영어듣기 부분중 뒷부분 답지가 영어인 부분을 미리 해석해 두어야 합니다. 문제는 잘 들었는 데 답지 해석하다가 문제 잊어버린 아쉬움.. 2. 앞 문제를 풀면 녹음이 나오기 전에 다음 문제의 내용을 읽거나 그림을 보면서 차이를 미리 살펴두고 그림과 연관 지어 나올 수 있는 단어들을 미리 생각해 두드러진 차이가 있는 단어를 간략히 메모해 둡니다. 3. 유사한 정답지가 두 개(예 약국-병원, 도서관-서점-- 등) 있으면 둘중 하나가 답일 확률이 높습니다. 학생들은 이걸 함정이라고 하구요. 출제교사들은 이걸 평가의 원칙중 "오답지의 매력도"라는 말로 불러요. 틀린 답이 정답과 비슷해야 좋다는 뜻이지요. 4. 숫자 나오는 문제는 처음 나오는 숫자를 잘 적고 그 다음에 나오는 숫자와 관계를 잘 짝지어 사칙연산(=. -. x, 등)을 할 준비를 해야 합니다. 처음 들리는 숫자를 답으로 고르는 시대는 중1 첫 영어듣기 문제뿐이지요. 중요 단어, 특히 숫자나 요일 등은 기록하며 듣는 습관을 기르세요. 듣기 시험지가 지저분할 수록 점수는 올라간다! 5. 영어듣기는 순간 집중력이 좌우합니다. 정답을 골랐다 싶으면 다음 문제 나올 때까지 긴장을 확 풀어버리는 훈련이 필요합니다. 6. 어울리는 혹은 어울리지 않는 대화 고르기 문제를 풀 때는 손가락 활용법을..나누어서 들려주고 그 중에 제일 적절한 것을 고르는 문제의 경우 a)~~~ b)~~~ c)~~~ 이렇게 나오고 a,b,c 중에 고르는 문제를 들을 때는 처음에 a부분에 손가락을 올려놓고... 들은 뒤에 답이 아니면 손가락을 떼고 b로 넘어가서 b위에 손가락을 올려놓는 것이지요. 그리고 b도 아니면 c위에 올려놓구요. 근데 이런 경우가 있겠죠. 만약 a부분이..틀린것 같지는 않다???그렇다면 a부분에 손가락을 올려놓은 채 b와 c를 들은 뒤.답을 결정하는 겁니다. 손가락을 안 얹어 넣고 그저 기억력으로만 하려면 힘들 껍니다. 저런 문제들은 항상 절대적인 답이 있는 게 아니라 가장 적절한 걸 찾는 것이거든요. 7. 무조건 듣기보다는 질문을 잘 이해하고 질문의 핵심어구(남자, 여자 등)에 동그라미 치면서 요구하는 사항에 초점을 맞춰 들으세요. 못 알아 듣는 단어에 집착하지 마세요. (착한 바보입니다.) 영악하다 싶을 정도로 대화의 흐름에 귀를 맡기세요. 대부분의 경우 힌트어는 2회 이상 반복되거든요. 특히 말하는 이의 감정을 고르라는 문제는 말투만 잘 들어도 답이나오죠. 이거 틀리면 진짜 제명! MP3 DOWNLOAD 이건 11월 모의고사 2학년 영어문제 풀이한 수업입니다. 유형별 문제 풀이 방법 송쌤의 듣기만점 비기부터 ㅋ 1. 시험지를 받자마자 영어듣기부분중 뒷부분 답지가 영어인 부분을 미리 해석해 두어야 합니다. 문제는 잘 들었는 데 답지 해석하다가 문제 잊어버린 경험 다 갖고 있을 겁니다. 작년 수능 감독하러 갔을 때 외국어영역 시험 시간에 이렇게 하는 학생 딱 한 명 있더군요. 그 반에 있는 애들은 좋은 대학 못 갔을 겁니다. 2. 앞의 문제가 풀린 경우 다음 문제의 녹음이 나오기 전에 다음 문제의 내용을 읽거나 그림을 보면서 차이를 미리 살펴두고 나올 수 있는 단어들을 미리 생각해 둡니다. 두드러진 차이가 있는 단어를 간략히 메모해 둡니다. 3. 유사한 정답지가 두 개(예 약국-병원, 도서관-서점-- 등) 있으면 거의 둘중 하나가 답이지요. 학생들은 이걸 함정이라고 하구요. 교사들은 이걸 "오답지의 매력도"라는 말로 불러요. 틀린 답이 정답과 비슷해야 한다는 뜻이지요. 4. 숫자 나오는 문제는 처음 나오는 숫자를 잘 적고 그 다음에 나오는 숫자와 관계를 잘 짝지어 사칙연산(=. -. x, 등)을 할 준비를 해야 합니다. 처음 들리는 숫자를 답으로 고르는 시대는 중1 첫 영어듣기 문제뿐이지요. 중요 단어, 특히 숫자나 요일등은 기록하며 듣는 습관을 기르세요. 듣기 시험지가 지저분할 수록 좋은 겁니다. 5. 영어듣기는 순간 집중력이 좌우합니다. 정답을 골랐다 싶으면 다음문제 나올 때까지 긴장을 확 풀어버리는 훈련이 필요합니다. 6. 어울리는 혹은 어울리지 않느 대화 고르기 문제를 풀 때는 승우의 손가락 활용법을.. 나누어서 들려주고 그 중에 제일 적절한것을 고르는 문제의 경우a)~~~ b)~~~ c)~~~ 이렇게 나오고 a,b,c 중에 고르는 문제인데요.. 이부분을 들을때는 처음에 a부분에 손가락을 올려놓고... 들은 뒤에 답이 아니면 손가락을 떼고 b로 넘어가서 b위에 손가락을 올려놓는것이지요~그리고 b도 아니면 c위에 올려놓구요.. 근데...이런경우가 있겠죠~ 만약 a부분이..틀린것 같지는 않다???그렇다면 a부분에 손가락을 올려놓은채 b와 c를 들은뒤...답을 결정하는겁니다~ 손가락을 안 얹어넣고 그저 기억력으로만 할려고 하면 힘들껍니다. 그렇다고 한번 듣고 그게 반드시 답도 아닐테구요? 그쵸???ㅋㅋㅋ 저런 문제들은 항상 답이 있는게 아니라..가장 적절한걸 찾는것이라... 저 손가락 올리기 방법을 활용하면 좋을껍니다.(황보승우 제공) 7. 무조건 듣기보다는 질문을 잘 이해하고 질문의 핵심어구(남자, 여자 등)에 동그라미 치면서 요구하는 사항에 초점을 맞춰 들으세요. 못알아 듣는 단어에 집착하지 마세요. (착한 바보입니다.) 영악하다 싶을 정도로 대화의 흐름에 귀를 맡기세요. 대부분의 경우 힌트어는 2회 이상 반복되거든요. 8. 컴퓨터로 직접 풀 경우 시간 날 때 미리 다운 받아서 틈틈이 풀도록 하세요 9. mp3 플레이어로 듣고 풀기 게시판중 mp3도 있습니다. 다운 받아 mp3 플레이어에 옮겨 담아 갖고 다니세요. 문제 파일을 출력하여 시간날 때 틈틈이 풀면 됩니다. 점심시간에 한 번. 야자할 때 지루해지면 한 번, 친구와 함께 들으며 내기도 해 보고^*^ 해당 학년이 조금 수준이 낮다 싶으면 다음 학년으로 올라가세요. 80% 이상 맞추면 다음 학년으로 넘어 가서 푸세요^^ 10. 둔촌고 이재성샘 영어듣기 매뉴얼을 출력하여 완전 마스터하시고요. 2007학년도 11월 고2 전국연합학력평가 문제지 외국어(영어) 영역 제 3 교시 성명 수험번호 2 1 ? 먼저 문제지에 성명과 수험 번호를 정확히 기입하시오. ? 답안지에 수험 번호, 답을 표기할 때에는 반드시‘수험생이 지켜야 할 일’에 따라 표기하시오. ? 문항에 따라 배점이 다르니, 각 물음의 끝에 표시된 배점을 참고하 시오. 1점과 3점 문항에만 점수가 표시되어 있습니다. 점수 표시가 없는 문항은 모두 2점입니다. 1번부터 17번까지는 듣고 답하는 문제입니다. 방송을 잘 듣고 답 을 하기 바랍니다. 듣는 내용은 한 번만 방송됩니다. 1. 대화를 듣고, 남자가 사기로 한 책갈피를 고르시오. [1점] ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ 2. 대화를 듣고, 여자의 심경으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. ① angry ② relieved ③ envious ④ proud ⑤ grateful 3. 다음을 듣고, 무엇에 관한 설명인지 고르시오. ① 보석의 올바른 보관법 ② 하이힐 구입 시 유의점 ③ 이메일을 통한 상담 요령 ④ 계절에 맞는 드레스 선택 ⑤ 공식 파티에 어울리는 복장 4. 대화를 듣고, 남자가 여자에게 부탁한 일을 고르시오. ① 토론 주제 알려주기 ② 진로 상담 해주기 ③ 할머니 병문안 가기 ④ 수업 보충자료 주기 ⑤ 과제 제출일 연기하기 5. 대화를 듣고, 두 사람의 관계를 가장 잘 나타낸 것을 고르시오. ① 택시 기사 …… 승객 ② 자동차 판매원 …… 고객 ③ 교통 경찰 …… 운전자 ④ 운전 강사 …… 연수생 ⑤ 자동차 수리공 …… 고객 6. 대화를 듣고, 여자가 할 일을 고르시오. ① 이사 준비하기 ② 세탁기 구입하기 ③ 세탁기 균형 맞추기 ④ 서비스 직원 기다리기 ⑤ 서비스 센터에 전화하기 7. 다음을 듣고, 여자가 하는 말의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. ① 시상 내역을 알리려고 ② 수상 소감을 밝히려고 ③ 영화 개봉을 축하하려고 ④ 신인 배우를 모집하려고 ⑤ 영화 제작 과정을 소개하려고 8. 대화를 듣고, 남자가 탑승할 날짜와 지불할 요금을 고르시오. ① 11월 26일 …… $700 ② 11월 27일 …… $630 ③ 11월 27일 …… $700 ④ 11월 28일 …… $630 ⑤ 11월 28일 …… $700 9. 대화를 듣고, 두 사람이 대화하고 있는 장소로 가장 적절한 곳을 고르시오. ① cinema ② baseball park ③ department store ④ swimming pool ⑤ amusement park 10. 대화를 듣고, 남자가 여자를 위해 할 일을 고르시오. ① 벌금 내기 ② 책 반납하기 ③ 강의 시간 알려주기 ④ 친구에게 전화하기 ⑤ 모임 장소 예약하기 11. 다음 표를 보면서 대화를 듣고, 대화의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것을 고르시오. 2 외국어(영어) 영역 2 8 12. 다음 뉴스를 듣고, 언급되지 않은 것을 고르시오. [3점] ① 오늘의 날씨 ② ‘십대들의 해’ 선언 ③ 대통령의 일정 ④ 도로 공사 일정 ⑤ 자선 행사 13. 다음 그림의 상황에 가장 적절한 대화를 고르시오. ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ 14. 대화를 듣고, 여자의 마지막 말에 대한 남자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. Man: ① You must come here before 11:00 p.m. ② There is a park for children around here. ③ We can make almost anything you want. ④ I’m a vegetarian, so I don’t want beef soup. ⑤ No, my restaurant is closed during the holiday. 15. 대화를 듣고, 남자의 마지막 말에 대한 여자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. Woman: ① Really? That’s a good news. ② I have to take a taxi from tomorrow. ③ You’re handy. You fixed my car perfectly. ④ If you need some money, call me anytime. ⑤ Right. You can use a monthly payment plan. 16. 대화를 듣고, 여자의 마지막 말에 대한 남자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. Man: ① The alarms ring all day long. ② I’d like to know the exact time. ③ The alarms are all out of order. ④ I’d like to collect antique clocks. ⑤ It’s only because I am a heavy sleeper. 17. 다음 상황 설명을 듣고, Cathy가 엄마에게 할 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. Cathy: ① I see. I’ll do it right away. ② How can I get to the bus terminal? ③ Why do I have to go to the post office? ④ I’d like to, but I have to meet grandfather. ⑤ Sorry, Mom. Why don’t you ask Dad to do it? 이제 듣기?말하기 문제가 끝났습니다. 18번부터는 문제지의 지시에 따라 답을 하기 바랍니다. 18. 다음 글에서 밑줄 친 This가 가리키는 것으로 가장 적절한 것은? [1점] This is a group of printed questions used to collect information from the people who answer them. The questions may be either open-ended, where respondents are required to answer in their own words, or multiple choice, where respondents are required to select one or more answers from those provided. The respondents may also be provided with checklists or rating scales. This has advantages over some other types of surveys in that it is cheap and does not require as much effort from the questioner as verbal or telephone surveys. ① 답안지 ② 시험지 ③ 설문지 ④ 회계장부 ⑤ 통계분석표 19. 다음 글에서 밑줄 친 He(he)가 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은? An older man spent a leisurely afternoon shopping at the mall. When ①he returned to his car, he found a strange man sitting in it. Frightened, the older man dropped his shopping bags and pulled out a gun. ②He told the man that if he did not get out of the car, he would shoot. The man ran off quickly. The older man got into the car, but his key did not fit into the car’s ignition! ③He realized that the car was identical to his car, which was parked a few spaces down. ④He drove to the police department and reported the story. The officer on duty laughed and pointed to the other end of the counter. There the strange man was reporting a threat by an older man. ⑤He is the one who was sitting in his car. * ignition: 점화 장치 외국어(영어) 영역 3 3 8 20. 다음 글을 쓴 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은? Mr. Lee and Mr. Johnson will arrive at 10 a.m. on Monday, June 20. When you prepare the program, please schedule a meeting during which we can discuss our business plans with them. Also, make sure that our visitors have opportunities to meet our staff and gain a complete understanding of our business. The visitors will expect to have some basic information about Roycom and to be offered activities which give them an understanding of the company. Please also arrange some social and cultural activities during their stay. We want them to leave with an excellent impression of our company and the way we treat foreign visitors. ① 손님맞이에 만전을 기하게 하려고 ② 직원들 사이의 협력을 강조하려고 ③ 회사의 이미지 개선을 촉구하려고 ④ 성공적인 회사 홍보를 칭찬하려고 ⑤ 구매자와의 계약 조건을 확인하려고 21. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현을 골라 짝지은 것으로 가장 적절한 것은? Legend has it that, during the Chinese Tang dynasty, a poor public official was so honest that he refused (A) taking/ to take bribes. He could not buy meat to feed his family. So, he invented tofu. To this day, some Chinese call honest government officials “tofu officials.” (B) Knowing / Known as “the cow of China,” tofu’s protein is similar in quality to that of meat. But tofu is really more like cheese in the way it is made. Soy milk is thickened with a mineral salt, forming curds―that’s (C) why/ what tofu’s other popular name is “bean curd.” (A) (B) (C) ① taking …… Knowing …… why ② taking …… Known …… what ③ to take …… Known …… why ④ to take …… Knowing …… what ⑤ to take …… Known …… what 22. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? Gila monsters are one of only two kinds of venomous lizards in the world. Their venom is about as ①poisonous as diamondback rattlesnake venom. They have thick tails that grow thicker after meals because that’s ②where they store fat. These lizards have been known to eat up to one-third of their body weight in one meal! That is ③like a 60-pound kid eating 80 quarter-pound hamburgers. They eat mostly small birds, eggs, and insects. Gila monsters track ④its prey by picking up a scent. Gila monsters also sometimes eat carrion, ⑤which is an animal that is already dead. * venom: (독사 따위의) 독액 23. 다음 글의 마지막에 politician이 느꼈을 심경으로 가장 적절한 것은? [1점] When a politician came to a house, he found a vicious-looking pit bull near the porch. He hated dogs and was a bit hesitant, but he was given a warm welcome by the people of the house. He stepped past the pit bull. The dog followed him into the room and lay down showing its teeth. He chatted with his hosts about local issues, when the dog stood up, lifted its leg and completely wetted the carpet. But all the people in the room said nothing, so he also said nothing. After a good chat, the candidate finished his cup of tea, and made his way out of the door. He’d just taken a few paces outside when he heard someone call out behind him: “Excuse me, aren’t you going to take your dog with you?” * pit bull: 맹견의 한 종류 ① proud ② pleased ③ grateful ④ satisfied ⑤ perplexed [24 ~ 27] 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. 24. Do you know the average person can only keep his mind on one thing for six to eleven seconds at a time? The average used to be eleven seconds about twenty years ago, but psychologists think that the average concentration span is now only six seconds due to social pressures, chronic television-viewing, and drug damage. And it’s getting worse. As a result, even when you’re thinking about something you like to think about, your mind will tend to every six seconds if you’re average. This inner chaos goes on and on. A sense of wellbeing and the ability to think clearly is destroyed whenever thoughts or feelings are turbulent. ① open ② rise ③ wander ④ apply ⑤ overflow 25. In the 1830s, Samuel Colt invented the Colt revolver. Colt had a plan for manufacturing his guns. He explained his idea to his father: “The first workman would receive the most important parts, and would put these together and pass them on to the next who would do the same, and so on until the complete revolver is put together. It would then be inspected and given the finishing touches by experts and each gun would be exactly alike and all of its parts would be the same. The workmen, by constant practice , would become highly skilled at their particular task. So we would have better guns and more of them for less money than if you hire men and have each one make the entire revolver.” [3점] ① in a single operation ② with government support ③ in an urgent situation ④ with an advanced machine ⑤ under poor working conditions 4 외국어(영어) 영역 4 8 26. Anyone who has covered their computer or refrigerator with self-stick notes knows the value of these handy bits of paper. However, few know how their favorite sticky scratch pad came to be. Actually, it was . When Spencer Silver and Art Fry were working, Silver discovered an adhesive but discarded it because it was not very strong. Fry remembered his colleague’s discovery on Sunday after he had marked songs in his choir book with scraps of paper. As frequently happened, the scraps fell out while Fry was singing, which was annoying. When Fry returned to work on Monday, he himself began using Silver’s adhesive to develop a temporary bookmark. ① the fruit of patience ② the result of an accident ③ the process of cooperation ④ the product of religious faith ⑤ the copy of a new technology 27. “You know what? I just got a letter from the president of the corporation that made my car. I’ve been having trouble with the engine of the car almost from the day I bought it.” “Did you take it back to the dealer?” “I sure did, but he kept claiming that everything seemed okay. I got so angry that I almost came to blows with the guy, but I decided against force and instead I wrote a letter to the president of the company. As you can see, he wrote back and not only did he apologize for the way I was treated, but also he offered to let me trade in my car.” “Congratulations! You’ve proved that _____________________.” ① practice makes perfect ② the pen is mightier than the sword ③ one cannot eat one’s cake and have it ④ a little knowledge is a dangerous thing ⑤ what cannot be cured must be endured 28. 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은? If you’ve ever tried to swat a fly, you know it’s hard to hit. That’s because a fly can detect moving objects extremely well. ①Flies view the world through compound eyes. ②The compound eyes of flies are composed of thousands of individual lenses and are very sensitive to movement. ③Each lens faces a different direction and views a small part of a scene. ④Some dragonflies have very advanced hearing organs. ⑤The parts add up to a complete picture in the insect’s brain, and it tells a fly to fly away fast! 29. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말을 골라 짝지은 것으로 가장 적절한 것은? Friendships are often taken for granted. Many experts believe that friends are essential, as food and shelter are. Those same experts claim that human beings have a genuine need to be part of a social group or an (A) initial / intimate relationship. When these needs are met, it is believed that people are motivated and (B) inspired/ expired to a greater extent. However, if people do not have an adequate number of friends, they often suffer from mental and physical illnesses. The (C) lack/ abundance of friendships may result in such things as a poor circulatory system, memory loss, and even learning disorders. ① in (itAia)l …… ins(pBir)ed …… la c k(C) ② initial …… expired …… abundance ③ intimate …… inspired …… lack ④ intimate …… expired …… abundance ⑤ intimate …… inspired …… abundance 30. 다음은 얼굴을 그리는 과정의 일부이다. 단계별 설명 중 밑줄 친 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은? [3점] Step 1: Draw the head Draw an oval or egg shape. Halfway down the oval draw a horizontal line. Next, draw a ①vertical line down the middle of the oval. This is the line of symmetry. Step 2: Draw the eyes Draw an oval on the ②intersection of the vertical and horizontal lines. Next, draw an eye on both the left and right side of this oval shape. The face is “five eyes” wide, and the distance between the two eyes is ③equal to the width of one eye. Step 3: Find the mouth Now erase the ④ left eye shape. About 1/3 of the way from the bottom of the oval, make a mark on both sides of the oval. Draw a horizontal half-circle using these marks as a guide. Finally, draw a light line from the middle of both eyes ⑤down to the half-circle you have just drawn. * symmetry: 대칭 외국어(영어) 영역 5 5 8 31. 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것끼리 짝지은 것은? Birds have evolved through millions of years into extremely efficient creatures. Bird flight can be divided into two major categories―simple and complex. (A) , soaring birds are simple flyers. They can literally float through the air for long periods of time without moving their wings. Sometimes seagulls seem to soar just for the fun of it, but most of the time they’re looking for food. (B) , complex flight is well demonstrated by the birds that depend on catching insects for their food. Watch a swallow darting and zooming close to the ground, and you’ll see a real air show. With its wings almost constantly in motion, the swallow climbs and dives. (A) (B) ① However …… In addition ② However …… As a result ③ For example …… On the other hand ④ For example …… In the long run ⑤ Besides …… In contrast 32. 다음 글에서 필자의 주장으로 가장 적절한 것은? Do you wake up every weekday morning and calculate how many hours it is before you can crawl back under the blanket? And do you hate Mondays because they’re such a long, dull and miserable way from next weekend? Then you need to stop and start living for the moment instead of for the weekend. Living for the weekend means you’re cramming 80 percent of your life into 20 percent of your time. Imagine what it does to your health and wellbeing to pack up your real wants and wishes at 9 a.m. on Monday and not to unpack them again until 5 p.m. on Friday. We do it because we’ve been trained to; we all think it’s normal only to have a good time on the weekends, but there’s no reason not to enjoy every single day. ① 자신의 행동에 충실하라. ② 매 순간 즐겁게 생활하라. ③ 끈기 있게 미래를 준비하라. ④ 부지런한 생활태도를 가져라. ⑤ 힘든 상황에도 꿈을 잃지 마라. [33 ~ 34] 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. 33. Research on recovery points to the importance of problem-solving skills. The reason is simple. Action is the best cure for feeling helpless. A child, who was depressed because he didn’t make the rock band, for instance, will recover more quickly if he can find a way to sharpen his skills. Youngsters develop a can-do attitude mainly through experience. So whenever possible, encourage your child to figure out his own solution. A researcher says, “Most parents want to protect their children from sadness and stress. So when a problem emerges, they jump in and try to solve it without giving the child a chance to discover that he has the power to make a difference.” ① 무기력함을 극복할 수 있는 방법 ② 자율적 문제 해결 능력의 중요성 ③ 자식의 삶에 대한 부모의 지나친 간섭 ④ 부모의 성급한 개입이 가져오는 부작용 ⑤ 행실이 나쁜 아이를 가진 부모의 지도 방식 34. For many people, their job is a big part of their identity―which is fine to a point. But such close identification can lead to problems. Losing your job is bad enough, but if your self-image is tied up in the job you’ve just lost, you can also lose a sense of who you are. Similarly, if your self-image is bound to your professional performance, a bad day at the office can send you home feeling worthless. To those who identify with their role too much, I suggest a motto: “Your job is what you do, not who you are.” When I’m playing with my kids or out at a movie, I’m not a doctor; I’m just David Posen. And even if I give up being a doctor to do something else, I’d still be David Posen. ① ways to enhance a self-image ② necessity of mastering job skills ③ priority in improving a self-image ④ importance of identity beyond a job ⑤ relationship between a self-image and feelings 35. 다음 도표의 내용과 일치하지 않는 문장은? The graph above shows Americans’ commuting patterns and means. ① According to the data, the largest number of commuters use cars as their favored means. ② Nearly eight out of ten workers drive alone and about one in ten shares a ride with other people. ③ The most popular means of commuting is public transportation. ④The survey indicates that 3.6% of the respondents are telecommuters, who don’t have to travel to work daily. ⑤The rate of the people walking to work is smaller than that of the telecommuters. * telecommuter: 재택근무자 6 외국어(영어) 영역 6 8 [36 ~ 37] 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. 36. Some experts advise us to improve our weaknesses. Why do you put time and energy into moving from poor to good when that same time and energy can be devoted to doing things which you can do exceptionally well? We’re not only happier when we utilize our primary strengths, but are also more productive. Think about the best contributions you’ve made in your lifetime: those accomplishments that filled you with pride when you completed them and are still very pleasant memories. It’s highly likely that you achieved those accomplishments using primary strengths. To integrate your strengths into each day, examine your roles and responsibilities and search for ways to incorporate and maximize your ability to use them. You’ll find that each day is more satisfying and fulfilling. ① 자신이 처한 환경을 긍정적으로 받아들여야 한다. ② 자부심을 가지고 업무에 충실히 임해야 한다. ③ 위축되지 말고 자신의 단점을 극복해야 한다. ④ 자신의 역할과 책임감을 잊지 말아야 한다. ⑤ 자신의 장점을 계발하고 활용해야 한다. 37. There is one thing you should keep in mind when you create rules for classroom behavior. That is, rules must be observable. Rules such as “Show respect” or “No fooling around” are poor examples because they do not spell out clearly the behavior that the teacher wants. An observable rule such as “Keep your hands to yourself” would replace “Show respect at all times,” while “Be in your seats” would be better than “No fooling around.” Also, rules created and published by the teacher for the classroom should not involve academic or homework issues because they are not related to observable classroom behavior. ① 규칙은 단계별로 제시되어야 한다. ② 규칙은 구체적이고 분명해야 한다. ③ 규칙은 학력 신장에 도움이 되어야 한다. ④ 규칙은 바람직한 행동 변화를 유도해야 한다. ⑤ 규칙은 교사와 학생이 상의하여 만들어야 한다. 38. Ghana에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하는 것은? The people of Ghana lived along an important trade route. Ghana itself had few natural resources. But it became a wealthy nation by controlling the roads and charging taxes for trade between the people of the forest and the people of the desert. Iron was important because it allowed the people of Ghana to make and trade swords, daggers, arrows, and other weapons. This gave Ghana’s warriors great advantage over their enemies. The capital city Koumbi was conquered in 1076 by Berber Muslims known as Almoravids. In 1203, Ghana was attacked by the Sosso tribe. After that, Ghana became weak and powerless. ① 천연자원이 풍부하였다. ② 철제무기를 만들어 교역 하였다. ③ 전사 육성에 많은 경비를 썼다. ④ 이민족에게 정복당한 적이 없었다. ⑤ 13세기에도 계속하여 번창하였다. 39. Marilynne Robinson에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? Born in 1944, Marilynne Robinson is one of contemporary America’s promising new writers. Her first novel, Housekeeping, was widely acclaimed for its poetic language, its vivid characterizations, and its keen understanding of human nature. Set in an isolated Rocky Mountain community in Idaho, Housekeeping describes two orphaned sisters who are cared for by a number of different guardians, each with her own ideas about what is important in life. This touching story about small-town life earned Robinson the 1982 Ernest Hemingway Foundation Award for Best First Novel. Robinson is also the author of a nonfiction book called Mother Country. In addition, she has contributed several stories and articles to major magazines. ① 장래성 있는 신진 작가 중 한 명이다. ② 첫 소설에서 생생한 인물 묘사로 호평을 받았다. ③ 자신의 고아 시절의 경험을 책으로 썼다. ④ Hemingway 재단에서 수여하는 상을 받았다. ⑤ 주요 잡지에 글을 기고하였다. [40 ~ 41] 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. 40. Most people, if given a choice between harmony and discord, will choose harmony. Even the happiest family will experience some discord because disagreements will arise. Not everyone is going to agree on how the family resources should be spent. Not everyone is going to agree on places to go and things to do. The secret, however, is to keep talking about how one feels about a situation. If everyone talks about the situation, then each person can understand the other’s perspective. By talking about other points of view, everyone has the opportunity to change his or her mind. Then the effects of the discord can be managed, and harmony can return to the family. ① A Way to Keep Harmony ② Effects of Discord in Life ③ Where Conflicts Come from ④ Wise Use of Family Resources ⑤ Understanding of Family Relationships 외국어(영어) 영역 7 7 8 41. The number of low-priced, or budget airlines is increasing constantly because of changing trends in commercial air service. Customers value savings more than comfort. Budget airlines can afford to be cheap by doing away with some services. For example, there are no assigned seats or in-flight meals. A budget airline may sell airline tickets at low prices, but its fares are not off-season ticket rates. These airlines reduce the costs in service in order to reduce the price of the tickets. The reason of reducing the price of the tickets is a quick-returns policy. Decreasing prices due to reduction in operating costs makes the number of customers go up, which means more flights and more business from flyers. ① Budget Airlines Offer Low Fares ② New Security Policies in Airports ③ Inconveniences of Budget Airlines ④ Passengers Prefer Comfort to Savings ⑤ Providing Good Services for Passengers 42. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은? The continuous pounding of the waves causes these rocks to crumble and form small hollows. Caves are huge holes under the ground, in cliffs or under the sea. Caves can be formed in various ways. ( ① ) Most rock caves, especially limestone caves, are formed by rainwater that falls into the cracks in the rocks. ( ② ) The rainwater slowly causes the rock to dissolve leaving behind a large hole. ( ③ ) Sea caves are formed by waves that wear away rocks at the base of a cliff. ( ④ )These hollows keep expanding as sand, gravel and rocks brought by the waves erode their inner walls. ( ⑤ ) Some sea caves are sunk in water during high tide and can only be seen when the water recedes. 43. 다음 글의 분위기로 가장 적절한 것은? The unnecessary electric lamps were put out, most of the guests left for the beer-hall. It grew so quiet in the hotel that one could distinctly hear the ticktock of the clock in the lobby, where a lonely parrot spoke something in its dull manner, moving in its cage and trying to fall asleep. The Gentleman from San Francisco lay stretched in a cheap iron bed, under rough woolen blankets, dimly lighted by a single gas-burner fastened in the ceiling. An ice-bag slid down on his wet, cold forehead. His blue, already lifeless face grew gradually cold; the sharp, knocking noise which came from his mouth gradually weakened. ① calm and romantic ② festive and noisy ③ hostile and cynical ④ dynamic and lively ⑤ solitary and gloomy 44. 다음 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? Many people say, “Why do I need to learn all this math? I’ll never use it in real life. I think I’ll spend my time shopping on the Internet mall.” (A) Even if you’re not an All-Star baseball player, you’ll still need to know math. How else are you going to budget to save up for those great deals on the Internet mall? (B) In fact, this is untrue. Lots of people use math every day. In baseball, they use math to calculate hitters’ batting averages. Players can then use those batting averages to negotiate their salaries. (C) Now that you are convinced, let’s start with simple graphs. There is nothing better for explaining things in an easy-to-read format than a chart or a graph. ① (A) - (C) - (B) ② (B) - (A) - (C) ③ (B) - (C) - (A) ④ (C) - (A) - (B) ⑤ (C) - (B) - (A) 45. 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A)와 (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것끼리 짝지은 것은? The drama club faced a challenge in presenting The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. What could transform a nice-looking, conservative doctor, played by Brant Wilson, into the hideous creature known as Edward Hyde? The answer, of course, is the creative application of makeup. To make Brant’s transformation realistic, makeup artist Heather Mikes applied a heavy foundation. To make Hyde look scary, Heather used a dark eyebrow pencil and a small toothbrush on his eyebrows. Next, she brushed on brown makeup for a reddish complexion. Finally, she painted Brant’s cheeks with a soft red color. The audience reacted enthusiastically to his transformation. Brant’s (A) , achieved through (B) , was very effective. (A) (B) ① alteration …… makeup ② alteration …… costume ③ performance …… technology ④ performance …… lighting ⑤ exaggeration …… imitation 8 외국어(영어) 영역 8 8 [46~48] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. ( A ) After traveling two days, we finally got to Merzuga, a tiny town on the edge of the Sahara Desert. We drove to the place from which the caravans departed. Before sunset, we traveled into the desert over sand hills, boarding camels. The sand hills were amazing-they changed color depending on the angle of the sun. The ride lasted about two hours. When we reached the camp, it was dark, cold, and I was starving. We sat in the camp and waited for dinner. Several hours later they brought a lamb dish, which five of us shared from a plate, eating with our hands. ( B ) After dinner, everyone went to sleep in the tent except me. I’ve always wanted to take the chance of sleeping in the desert under the stars. But I didn’t realize it could get so cold at night. So I took the same blanket that I used to ride the camel and wrapped myself in it to keep warm. The sand hills looked like snow, and the clear sky covered with stars was an amazing sight. Next morning, I woke up feeling warmth on my forehead and soreness in my throat, but I could watch the greatest sunrise in my life. ( C ) In Morocco, I have had several experiences in the middle of the trip to the desert. A group of us set off from Marrakesh at 7 a.m. in a minibus and headed southeast. The countryside on the way was very unusual, with dry gray cliffs, and below them in the canyons there were lots of green palm trees. Running into a snowstorm, we got to the Atlas mountains. It got very cold in the bus. It’s incredible to think that the hot desert was so near. 46. 위 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? ① (A) - (C) - (B) ② (B) - (A) - (C) ③ (B) - (C) - (A) ④ (C) - (A) - (B) ⑤ (C) - (B) - (A) 47. 위 글의 필자가 여행 중에 경험한 것이 아닌 것은? ① climbing cliffs ② watching sunrise ③ riding a camel ④ eating a lamb dish ⑤ running into a snowstorm 48. 위 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? ① Green Palm Trees in Morocco ② Key Points to a Good Journey ③ An Amazing Sight in the Campsite ④ The Unforgettable Trip to the Desert ⑤ Encounter with Danger in Sand Hills [49 ~ 50] 두 사람의 의견을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오. Person A Man has always been with animals for a long history. But pets are costly in time, money and energy. Also, the cost to society is very high. For instance, dogs’ mess makes many streets and parks horrible to walk in. Stray dogs and cats breed out of control and have to be dealt with by the state. Bites, scratches and illnesses given by animals take up hospital time and money. Animals don’t really belong in a human home. We can’t properly meet their needs, so it is cruel to keep them as pets. For example, dogs are pack animals that need companionship, but they are often kept single and left during the day. Person B Humans and some animals can have a special relationship of friendship and care. Keeping a pet adds to the quality of life of both the owner and the animal. All owners gain from the interest and stimulus which comes from caring for and playing with their pet. The animal receives shelter, is well fed and looked after. It is likely to live much longer than similar wild animals, and will have better health. Furthermore, most types of pets have been bred over centuries to live with humans, and could not survive in the wild anyway. Although some owners may be uncaring and some animals are not suitable to keep as pets, almost all owners are responsible and caring. No one should take on a pet without making an effort to . 49. 위 두 글의 핵심 쟁점으로 가장 적절한 것은? ① keeping pet animals ② dealing with stray pets ③ protecting wild animals ④ bringing pets to public places ⑤ improving the quality of animal life 50. 위 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? ① make it faithful ② provide it with a mate ③ extend its life expectancy ④ deprive it of freedom ⑤ give it a good life ※ 확인사항 ○ 문제지와 답안지의 해당란을 정확히 기입(표기)했는지 확인 하시오. 듣기평가 A to Z <-여기에 커서대고 즐겨찾기 추가해 두세요. 선생님께서 이 글을 퍼가시려면 답글을 누르세요. 제가 사용한 태그가 모두 보입니다. 복사해서 선생님 커뮤니티로 가져 가시면 됩니다. 학생들에게 무료로 보급되는 한 아무 제한 없습니다. 평상시 준비하는 법 1. 가장 좋은 듣기 향상법 교과서 본문 mp3를 다운 받아 귀에 못이 박히도록 듣고 써보세요. 내신과 영어회와, 모의고사, 수능, 토익, 토플까지 한꺼번에 잡는 방법입니다. 내가 다시 고딩되면 그렇게 합니다. mp3 없으면 오디오테이프에라도 담아서 가지고 다니면서 그렇게 합니다. 카세트 고장나더라도 받아 쓸 수 있을 때까지// 쉼터:팝송 퀴즈 A WHOLE NEW WORLD (알라딘) 영어실력은 행복의 지름길: The Road to Happiness. 2. 너무 듣기가 약하다면 연습부터 중학교 수준 연습 http://user.chol.com/~tullip7777 영어듣기평가에 실제 출제되었던 문제들을 유형별로 모아 두었습니다. 음성파일을 들으면서 문제를 풀고 바로 답을 확인할 수 있습니다. 문제 아래에 대본이 제공되므로 받아쓰기를 하면 많은 도움이 될겁니다. 쉼터:팝송 퀴즈 You mean everything to me. 수능(모의 수능 포함) 시험볼 때 시테크 1. 시간이 많이 걸리는 문제는 체크해 두고 맨 나중에 풀어라 언어영역: 내용과 일치하(지 않는) 것은? 내용으로보아 적절한 것은? 외국어 영역: 윗글의 내용과 일치하(지 않)는 것은? 이런 문제는 지문 전체를 다 읽어야 하므로 다른 문제의 서너 배 시간이 걸립니다 체크해 두고 맨 나중에 풀어야 합니다. 어차피 시간이 모자라서 틀린다 해도 이런거 틀리면 덜 억울하지요 2. 답지부터 읽어라 언어나 외국어는 지문보다 답지부터 읽으세요 답지는 정답으로 가는 이정표의 역할 을 해줍니다 흘끔흘끔 보면 자신이 어디에 있는가 알게 되듯이^*^ 모의고사 만점 전략 1. 영어답지(14번-17번)부분해석부터: 시험지를 받자마자 영어듣기부분중 뒷부분 답지가 영어인 부분을 미리 해석해 두어야 합니다. 문제는 잘 들었는 데 답지 해석하다가 문제 잊어버린 경험 다 갖고 있을 겁니다. 2. 예상단어준비: 다음에 그림을 보고 차이를 미리 살펴둡니다. 두드러진 차이가 있는 단어를 간략히 메모해 둡니다. 낚시바늘에 떡밥을 끼워둬야지요^*^ 3. 유사답지중 정답 90%: 유사한 정답지가 두 개(예 약국-병원, 도서관-서점-- 등) 있으면 거의 둘중 하나가 답이지요. 학생들은 이걸 함정이라고 하구요. 교사들은 이걸 "오답지의 매력도"라는 말로 불러요. 틀린 답이 정답과 비슷해야 한다는 뜻이지요. 4. 처음 나온 거 답일 확률1%: 숫자 나오는 문제는 처음 나오는 숫자를 잘 적고 그 다음에 나오는 숫자와 관계를 잘 짝지어 사칙연산(=. -. x, 등)을 할 준비를 해야 합니다. 처음 들리는 숫자를 답으로 고르는 시대는 중1 첫 영어듣기 문제뿐이지요. "듣기평가=끈기평가" 5. 언어는 생활(13반 이택희 표현) 6. 답지사전분석은 정답으로 가는 이정표 7. 영어듣기는 순간 집중력이 좌우합니다. 정답을 골랐다 싶으면 다음문제 나올 때까지 긴장을 확 풀어버리는 훈련이 필요합니다. 필요한 것 있으면 언제든지 말씀하세요. 없으면 만들어 드립니다^*^ 영어구연동화자료보기 모의고사 고득점 비기 모의고사 대비해서 고등학교 2학년 2004년 6월 외국어문제풀어봐야지요^*^ 문제 MP3 정답 및 해설 듣기대본 송쌤의 듣기 비법 해설 듣기 26번부터 독해 해설 듣기 2003년 모의고사 문제 풀이 듣기평가 준비 A to Z<---예를 잡아 즐겨찾기 추가하세요. 영어듣기는 이걸로 끝낼 수 있어요^*^ 훈련은 실전처럼 실전은 훈련처럼: 모의고사를 무료 수능 훈련으로 훈련은 실전처럼 실전은 훈련처럼 이 말은 국군 훈련소에 쓰인 표어랍니다 http://www.marin.cc.ca.us/~don/Study/7read.html 전에 언북중학교에서 가르쳤던 올해 3학년 올라가는 제자 둘을 어제 만났습니다. 제가 아차산으로 오라고 했지요. 같이 파전이랑 먹으면서 이런저런 대화를 나누었지요. 한 애가 얘기가 한참 무르익을 무렵 "선생님 영어가 일등급 나오긴 나오는 데 모의고사 볼 때마다 시험볼 때 시간이 모자라요"라며 자문을 구하더군요. 그래서 몇 가지 조언을 해주었지요. 첫째, 지문을 다 읽으려 하기 때문에 시간이 모자란 것입니다. 아마 그 시간안에 출제위원도 지문을 다 읽지는 못할겁니다. 그러면 "자기들도 다 못 읽으면서 왜 수험생에게 부담을 주느냐?"고 항의하고 싶으실지도 모릅니다. 그러면 이렇게 되묻지요. 언어영역 시험 볼 때 다 릭고 시험보느냐고.. 독해는 지문을 다 읽기를 요구하지 않습니다. How to Improve Reading Comprehension Key Point Good reading means building frameworks for connecting words to thoughts. The Purpose of Reading. The purpose of reading is to connect the ideas on the page to what you already know. If you don't know anything about a subject, then pouring words of text into your mind is like pouring water into your hand. You don't retain much. For example, try reading these numbers: 7516324 This is hard to read and remember. 751-6324 This is easier because of chunking. 123-4567 This is easy to read because of prior knowledge and structure. Similarly, if you like sports, then reading the sports page is easy. You have a framework in your mind for reading, understanding and storing information. Improving Comprehension. Reading comprehension requires motivation, mental frameworks for holding ideas, concentration and good study techniques. Here are some suggestions. 신문을 읽어 많은 지식을 갖고 있는 것이 유리합니다. 이를 WORLD KNOWLEDGE라고 하는 데요. 세상에 대한 지식이 많을 수록 독해가 쉬워지는 것이지요. 그래서 하루 30분 이상 신문을 통독하는 습관을 들이셔야 합니다. 돌리양 복제가 화제가 된 해에는 복제 이야기가 황우석 박사의 줄기세포 이야기가 나올 때는 재생의학 이야기가 출제될 가능성이 당연히 높지요. 출제하고 싶은 것이 넘쳐나는 시대인 데 어느 출제위원이 8.15해방의 감격이나 3.1운동의 전개과정 등을 내고 싶겠어요. Develop a broad background. Broaden your background knowledge by reading newspapers, magazines and books. Become interested in world events. 우선 독해를 할 때 목적의식을 가지고 읽어야 해요. 출제자는 우리와 같은 시대를 살고 있는 한국인이고 더군다나 고등학교 국가 교육의 목표를 얼마만큼 이루었냐를 보려고 하는 것이거든요. 우선 첫 문장을 읽고 이 글을 쓴 사람의 의도 더 나아가 출제 의도 즉 주제를 파악하도록 애쓰셔야 합니다. 문제 해결의 90 %가 첫 문장에서 가능하답니다. 첫 문장을 이해하지 못하면 부득이 다음 문장 또 다음 문장을 더 읽어야 하겠지요. 그러면서 추측하셔야 합니다. 왜 이 글을 썼을까? 대부분은 추측이 가능하답니다. 영어문제라고 해도 고등학교 교육과정의 다른 교과 내용을 부정하는 내용은 거의 출제되지 못합니다. 예를 들어 "직업 선택"을 주제로 한 지문이 나왔다면 내뇽은 거의 "적성(aptitude), 취미(interest), 행복(happiness) 등을 주제로 하게 되어있답니다. 이처럼 내용파악이 예측되었으면 그 다음에는 내용이 바뀌는 however, but, otherwise 등의 접속사가 있나 없나 살펴 보세요. 만약 이런 접속사가 나오면 내용이 확 바귀는 것이니까 이 접속사가 포함된 문장을 해석해보는 정도의 센스/가 필요합니다. 아 내용이 이렇게 반전되는구나 싶으면 이제 맨 마지막 문장을 읽으시면 되지요. Know the structure of paragraphs. Good writers construct paragraphs that have a beginning, middle and end. Often, the first sentence will give an overview that helps provide a framework for adding details. Also, look for transitional words, phrases or paragraphs that change the topic. Identify the type of reasoning. Does the author use cause and effect reasoning, hypothesis, model building, induction or deduction, systems thinking? Anticipate and predict. Really smart readers try to anticipate the author and predict future ideas and questions. If you're right, this reinforces your understanding. If you're wrong, you make adjustments quicker. 문단정렬 문제 시간 많이 걸려 정말 싫지요? 사실은 이게 가장 빨리 풀 수 있는 문제랍니다. 출제위원들이 이 문제를 낼 때는 문단속의 어떤 지시어가 다른 문단의 내용을 가리키고 있어 선후가 결정되는 글만 출제합니다. 다시 말해 지시어 파악 능력을 묻는 문제라는 뜻이지요. Look for the method of organization. Is the material organized chronologically, serially, logically, functionally, spatially or hierarchical? See section 10 for more examples on organization. Create motivation and interest. Preview material, ask questions, discuss ideas with classmates. The stronger your interest, the greater your comprehension. Pay attention to supporting cues. Study pictures, graphs and headings. Read the first and last paragraph in a chapter, or the first sentence in each section. Highlight, summarize and review. Just reading a book once is not enough. To develop a deeper understanding, you have to highlight, summarize and review important ideas. 어휘를 늘려야지요. 어휘력은 독해의 60 퍼센트를 차지한답니다. 문구점에서 500원짜리 스프링 수첩을 10권쯤 사두세요. 그리고 새로 나온 단어마다 꼬박 꼬박 적어두고 외세요. 그리고 이건 저의 비기인 데요. 다 암기되었으면 뜯어 버리는겁니다. ㅎㅎ 기분 아주 끝내주거든요. 수첩에 스프링만 남을 때까지// Build a good vocabulary. For most educated people, this is a lifetime project. The best way to improve your vocabulary is to use a dictionary regularly. You might carry around a pocket dictionary and use it to look up new words. Or, you can keep a list of words to look up at the end of the day. Concentrate on roots(어근), prefixes(접두사) and endings(접미사). Monitor effectiveness. Good readers monitor their attention, concentration and effectiveness. They quickly recognize if they've missed an idea and backup to reread it. 아울러 새로운 어휘를 학습하는 경우에는 그 어휘의 정확한 발음을 원어민의 발음을 통하여 확인하고, 본인이 직접 발음해보는 것도 효율적인 학습방법이 됩니다. 한 번 소리내어 읽어 보는 것은 20번쯤 눈으로만 보는 암기 효과가 있답니다 Should You Vocalize Words? Yes, although it is faster to form words in your mind rather than on your lips or throat. Eye motion is also important. Frequent backtracking slows you down considerably. Copyright 1991 Donald Martin, How to be a Successful Student 그리고 정작 시간이 많이 드는 옳은 것?은 틀리는 것은? 그리고 이 문장은 어디가 가장 적절할까 묻는 문제는 체크해 놓고 맨 마지막에 푸세요. 이건 보통 지문을 다 읽어야하기 때문에 시간이 2-3분이나 소요되기 때문이지요. 다른 문제 5개 푸는 셈이지요. 틀려도 이런 거 틀려야 함다// 영어듣기는요? 여기 클릭^*^ <자기 주도적 학습 능력을 키우자 > 교육 전문가, “내신위주 평가 정착과 대학 평준화 방안 필요” 사교육 경감대책 1년 ③ 사교육 해법은? “자습을 시키면 뭘 공부해야할지 몰라 멀뚱멀뚱 앉아 있는 학생들이 대부분입니다. 과목과 공부할 책을 정해주면 그때서야 공부를 시작합니다. 공부를 잘하는 학생이라도 똑같습니다. 특히 초등학생의 경우는 더 심합니다.”(박 아무개씨, 학원강사) 한국교육개발원 김양분 연구위원이 지난해 전국 중·고교생 2천6백58명을 대상으로 실시한 설문조사 결과에 의하면 ‘혼자 공부하기에는 불안하다’는 대답을 한 학생이 45.6%를 차지했고, 8%의 학생은 ‘혼자서는 도저히 공부할 수 없다’고 응답했다. 우리 학생의 절반 이상이 이른바 ‘학원중독’ 증상을 보이고 있는 것이다. “학교에서는 선생님 한 명이 담당하는 학생수가 많기 때문에 학원중독 증상을 보이는 학생들은 잘 적응을 못하죠. 그래서 학생들은 학원에 더 의존할 수밖에 없습니다.” 박 씨의 말이다. 사교육의 열풍이 선생님 없이는 스스로 공부를 하지 못하는 학생들을 만들어내고, 이 학생들이 다시 사교육에 기대는 악순환이 계속되고 있는 것이다. 학원 중독증, 자기주도적 학습법으로 치료해야 최경석 교사(서울 노원구 서라벌고)는 “사교육을 없애기 위해서는 자기 주도적 학습 능력을 키우는 것이 출발점”이라고 말한다. ‘자기 주도적 학습’이란 학생들이 문제를 접하게 되면, 그 문제를 해결하기 위한 계획을 세우고 정보를 모아 스스로 문제를 해결할 수 있는 능력을 키우는 학습방법을 말한다. (사진=강호영의 논술교실 http://my.dreamwiz.com/ghdud99/main.htm) 7차 교육과정의 교육목표이기도한 ‘자기 주도적 학습’을 위해서는 학교 시설이나 교사를 확충하는 등 정부가 나서야할 부분이 많다. 최 교사는 “학교가 진정으로 학생들이 공부하고, 학습하는 공간이 되기 위해서는 도서관이나 정보검색실의 확충이 필요하다”고 말한다. 최 교사는 이외에도 △교사 1인당 학생수 대폭 감소 △정보검색을 도와줄 사서교사 확충 △과목별 교사 연구실 △자기 주도적 학습을 위한 교사 연수 지원 등이 필요하다고 말한다. 전문가들은 개인적인 수준의 처방과 함께 공교육을 강화하는 방안도 필요하다고 말한다. 한만중 전국교직원노동조합 대변인은 “공교육을 내실화하기 위해서는 무엇보다도 수학능력 시험을 자격 고사로 하고 대학입시를 내신 위주로 재편하는 것이 필요하다”고 말한다. 대학입시에서 교사들이 주도권을 쥘 수 있어야 공교육이 살아날 수 있다는 것이다. "교사별 평가제 도입돼야" 교육부는 이미 지난해 10월 발표한 ‘2008년 대학입시 전형 방안’을 통해 내신위주의 전형방안을 유도하겠다고 밝힌 바 있다. 전문가들은 하지만 내신위주 대입방안이 실질적인 사교육비 감소 효과를 내기 위해서는 우리 교육의 근본적인 변화가 필요하다고 말한다. 심인섭 한국교육연구소 소장은 “내신 위주 평가가 원칙적으로 되려면 절대평가와 함께 질적인 평가가 도입돼야 한다”고 주장했다. 그것을 위해서는 교사들이 담당하고 있는 학생들의 특성에 맞춰 교육과정을 구성할 수 있고, 학생들의 성취도를 평가할 수 있는 권리를 가지고 있어야 한다는 것이다. 교육부는 교사별 평가를 2010년에 중학교에 진학하는 학생부터 도입하겠다고 밝힌 상황이다. 전교조도 지난달 11일 제주도에서 열린 ‘참교육 실천보고대회’에서 교사별 평가제를 2008년도부터 추진하겠다고 밝혔다. 하지만 정부는 교사별 평가의 전제인 교사 수업시수 감축과 학급당 학생수 경감에 대한 구체적인 계획을 밝히지 못하고 해 난관이 우려된다. "대학 평준화 필요하다" 무엇보다도 학벌사회와 대학서열체제를 극복하기 위해서는 대학교육에도 평준화 모델을 도입할 필요성이 높다고 전문가들은 말한다. 송경원 민주노동당 연구원은 “대학 서열체제를 극복하기 위해서는 대학서열의 정점에 서 있는 서울대를 변화시키는 것이 필요하다”며 “국공립대 통합 네트워크가 중요한 방안이 될 수 있다”고 말했다. 전국의 국공립대를 통합해 한해 입학생 7만4천여 명을 공동선발하고, 졸업시 동일한 국립대학 학위를 수여한다는 것이다. 또 사립대의 공립대 전환을 유도해 이 네트워크에 포함시켜 서열체계를 없앤다는 것이다. 논의되고 있는 또 다른 모델로는 노무현 정권 출범 초기 교육혁신위원회에서 제기했던 경로별 입학 모델을 통한 공동선발 방안이 있다. 교사가 한 학생이 받은 교육의 모든 내용을 누적 기록한 교육이력철을 바탕으로, 대학은 △일반고교생 대상 선발 △직업학교, 특목고 학생 등 대상 동일계 선발 △사회적 공헌도에 따른 선발 등 다양한 경로를 통해 학생을 선발한다는 것이다. "학벌사회 타파 방안 시급" 특히 경로별로 선발을 할 때는 대학의 학생선발 기능을 없애 공동선발을 통해 학생을 배분하는 방안도 제시됐다. 수능 제도를 통해 전국적으로 한 줄 세우기 평가를 하는 우리 입시 제도의 한계를 벗어나고, 더 나아가 대학간 서열 구조를 타파한다는 것이다. 송경원 연구원은 “유치원의 경우 학생·학부모와 유치원이 모두 선발권을 가지고 있어서 고소득층이 같은 학원에 모이는 서열화구조가 나타나는 실례가 있다”며 “유럽의 경우처럼 대학이나 학생·학부모 어느 한쪽의 선발권을 제한하는 것이 유력한 방안이 될 수 있다”고 말했다. 궁극적으로 학벌사회를 타파하기 위한 방안들의 중요하다는 것을 전문가들은 강조했다. 송 연구원은 “출신대학에 의해 사회적 성공여부가 결정되는 학벌체제는 더 이상 사회 구성원들에게 동기부여를 못하고 있다”며 “고위공직자 쿼터제와 학벌에 따른 임금이나 승진 불이익을 금지하는 법률안을 마련중”이라고 말했다. 정영일 기자 bawu@ngotimes.net 수능 기출문제는 교육과정평가원에 가서 다운받아 풀어보시면 도움이 되겠지요.
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싱글카페 돌싱 솔로 미팅 3040모임 재혼 싱글모임(싱카모)
2016-06-27 18:16
통기타 노래 동호회-뮤직벙커-초보 기타배우기
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동탄2신도시 분양 정보 & 경기 남부&진안 부동산 투자 정보
2023-05-12 16:48
통기타 야외 카페 정원 바베큐 모임에 동탄 주민 초대합니다
통기타 야외 카페 정원 모임에 동탄 주민 초대합니다 안녕하세요~ 5월20일 토요일 오후3시 통기타 모임에 초대합니다 호수전망 야외 카페 정원에서 바베큐와 통기타 연주와 노래를 합니다 노래와 통기타 배우기에 관심이 있는 동탄 주민분들은 놀러 오세요 자세한 내용은 아래입니다 https://cafe.naver.com/harmony7777/8940 모임일시: 5월20일 토 오후3시~10시 모임장소: 용인시 남사읍 경기동로 518번길 58 (남사커피) 모임 안내 OIO 9471 7769 모임회비:2만원 저수지 건너편 왼쪽에 보이는 카페가 통기타 모임 장소입니다
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전자부품 오아시스
2020-07-10 16:42
재고 판매리스트(Stock List of supplier)
SG-9101CE-D15PHACC 485 RCC30DREF-S734 10211 MAX4599LT 25104 MAX3220EAP 1984 SF-P151EXL 6000 ABS1616519 9534 ABC54705-FD 411 CA3106FA32A55SBF80F85A176 1000 VCX16839MTD 9555 ABM10W-31.2500MHZ-6-B1U-T3 12176 PACGAME1Q 2700 AAA-PCI-068-K25 6000 MAX489EEPD+ 17357 BC15-K34-RZ3X 3000 A91C104FSW 3875 SGA-4286Z-TR1G2 2000 XC3S2000-5FGG900C 2000 PA7128S1 8780 TBM1H685MEAB 19000 U8151 2564 BAT54LT1G 4000 OLIMEXINO-85-KIT 2264 SFSDT-33-28-G-06.00-SL 18311 AC0402BPX7R9BB 5800 MAX3222EPN+ 26247 FD3150L 1071 EEC-S0HD224VD 13469 CAT24C512XI 3800 SG-9101CG-C07PGDCA 1216 BAS70-05-TP 2367 HA-OP07CJ 8300 MAX481ESA+-T 2922 CA3102E14S-5PXB109 1000 LCYGP 346 CA3106F32A55PB15 2700 AA-1-4A 3800 RCB34DYHD 13226 MAX5467EXK-T 6419 PAG.M0.7GL.AC39G 2000 RCB105DHFR 5240 BAL74 8000 MAX6306UK29D4 7584 TCD51A1DM0 21393 AC03000702JAC00 5000 CA3106E18-1PZB15 4500 ACA1206RS7P9 1003 MAX232ECWE-T WSO16 3 5000 A9BBG-0202F 2000 VE-242-IW-F2 1000 IDSD-05-S-06.00-P09 150 JANTX647 3000 MAX6727KAWGD3+ 6000 TBJD225K050CRSB0023 9790 RBU06PH470J6L36VC 4456 HAT2218 600 SFM-124-02-S-D 10258 IDSD-16-S-48.00-T-G-ST2 4000 TAP106M010BRW 526 RC875NP-181J-35C 826 LDECB2680MA0N 9000 SFSDT-28-28-G-06.00-SL 5000 NCP1015AP065G-LF 3000 CA3102E28-21PWB04 9300 MAX393EPE PDI 5703 ABMM-14.31818MHZ-B2 705 BB3PST-C 100 VE-264-IV-B1 6967 PA97 21300 MAX3241CAI- 10225 ABAC1005W11 17890 SGE-1510-0-0260A 00100C-05000C 1000 SFM-112-02-F-D 7240 TC1044ESOA 36500 SGE-1510-4-1520A 2400 FC4SDCBMM8.0-T1 6842 CA3140TS 5200 U-82867 8119 ECS-143-18-23A-EN-TR 376 IDSD-11-D-03.00-G 212 BCC M425-M414-3A-650-PW3434-020 331 RBC60DRYS-S734 2395 MAX17497AATE+T 2400 MAX6410BS44-T 5000 SFSDT-10-28-G-18.00-DR-NUS 7800 A9166101 548 TC74VCX2373FK 8300 SGE-225-2-1500 00500C 1800 QP-100D 1000 AA-A29LL9G-FREQ 4500 FCD4A14CC 6874 MAX4377TAUA+T 1947 X24601P 2000 LFA150F-48-SCJ1 6000 CA7-16-10-240 1000 CA3106E32-7SBF80F0 5100 PBA50F-36-N1 2000 SGA7386 8000 PBA112 4500 DAMT11C1P0L4A191K87 7000 A91-78-143 1186 A9F55132 9510 CA3102E20-3P 480 XA-A14-CS4P 8150 LCLND61434 8000 UA194HMQB 16933 LEA150F-30-S 3000 MAX5452EUBT 4836 MAX2105CWI+ 2000 PB-2211 150 MAX17878GCB/V+T 2000 SFR2500005103FR500 5800 RCC06DCAH 3197 MAX17545EVKITA# 150 QS74FCT2193ATSO 2332 EEA-GA1A101B 192 TC164-FR-07165RL 4100 ABA31563 8982 K9G8G08U0A-PIBO 8800 SGM-01A3FJA1 3000 SFSD-30-28-H-19.70-D-NUS 1000 AC-082ASBLY 1937 A9T21-0034 1000 RC855NP-361KC 12511 CAY10-680J4LF 1000 QSE-080-01-L-D-A-K 3000 SFML-120-T1-S-D-A-K 1000 MAX1636EAP-T 3581 NDH8302P 1000 QOU14100JBAF 135 CA3106E22-14PBF80A232 5000 LDK130M29R 9000 MAX6384XS44D1 2700 SGE-1510-2-1670A 05000C 2700 LDS0705-221M-R 5000 MAX3221ECAETR 2000 A9D33640 5100 MAX207CWG TD 1000 KAD3024 2000 RC32GF132J 10865 RBQ216/RBQ217 15500 DAP 204/AS-BDAP-204 2451 ABM3B-26.000MHZ-R40-C-1 10801 LEM2520TR47K-470N 1000 ABLS2-26.000MHZ-D4YF-T 25968 QS74FCT521CTQ 340 AB21.4000MHZ 171 TB200-02B 2193 A925-91738-026-00-J 4000 TC9314F-036 17331 GBB95DHBT 2000 MAX6388XS44D2+ 1000 SG120K-12 435 BAS40-06W 9050 ECRJC010A12A 5000 MAX4061TA 724 AAT2603 18000 AA2864974 1000 ABM11W-27.0000MHZ-6-J2Z-T3 10711 MAX17022ETA+T 2000 EEE-FK1V470P 4046 LCLND21458 227 GCA14DTBN 5800 CA3106E20-3PYB 6000 ED114/6DS 385 VE09M00131K 4067 QS1G3C16853 143 IDSD-25-D-02.01-G 5800 A9F54316 9490 LEB225F-0524-S 5000 SFM-120-03-L-D-P 2363 U811SD9V3GE 11111 MAX3522CTN+T 6256 PBO1608-101MT 18000 PAG.M0.5TL.AC52NK 3000 ABMMAD 968 MAX16016PTBL 5000 LEA100F-5-SNY 8300 XBTGT5330 5800 CACR-PR44BB3AF 3000 FCCN410QD3C30 9888 KAF2PZ 5200 ABLS-LR-20.000MHZ-T 6428 P-B16A 4100 ABM8W-20.7360MHZ-4-K1Z-T3 21173 AAA1M300J-08 5000 SGDP-A5AP 1000 CA3106E1610PXB 150 D70108HG-12 2000 HBS050ZH-ANT 5000 MAX633BCSA原管 4710 GCC06DCMI-S288 2000 SFPJ-73V/Y3 579 AAT 4000 TC164-FR-0734KL 1945 SFM-150-T2-S-D-LC-K 4000 ABX00017 8300 HA300C 2508 DBMC17H2PJK87 4500 ABLS147456MHZB2T 14904 RCA30DRST-S288 6037 QWLD01R20C23S 17500 ACA-1693-FTM 6180 DBME25P0L2A191-146 5100 VDP310BAA1 20429 AB-STI 16/10 5000 MAX502BEWG+ 4672 PBL3726/10 3000 VE-23F-EX-B1 2950 IDSD-13-D-04.00-P07 79 AAT60026C-S16-T 3000 SFSD-18-30-G-06.00-S 250 RBM40DCMD-S288 3749 XC6109N27ANRN 480 A9CCA-0904F 1000 A9L111B 2950 QMV334BY1 1000 SG-8002CE-5.000000MHZ-SC-B 1000 MAX4573EWI 18113 MAX6383XR24D6+ 263 MAX59690ETX 20001 VCO400SA 19690 AAC0809100psc 3800 HA17431UA-TL-E 4370 IDSD-04-D-06.50 277 ECW-U1102JX5 3048 XC3042-100PC84BKI 2950 TB200-08SS 12200 SGMSH-10ACA2C 7000 SGE-125-3-0270 8000 MAX6383XR41D3+ 2400 RC162022YRHB 3454 LECWE3A-NX-P3-0-70TRAY(ES) 2000 X5020-002 5100 AC1582 5100 U893BSEAFPG3 11012 D70108HG-16 6212 VE-20Y-EX-F1 9344 EDI88512CA/LPA-K 8356 QRA3-33/8-QC48IN-20 435 SGE-1510-0-2340A 1000 SFSD-05-30-G-08.00-DS-NUS 3000 MAX4151ACPE 2374 TC5165165AFT-50 9331 AC350S-480 150 AC3FAVL-AU-B 2000 SFSDT-25-28-G-42.00-D-NDS 18150 HC1-6508B-8 9000 RC875NP-822J-5OB 28843 LE-BA9S-6W 3000 QMTU13J060SM 6000 VC03015000J0G 28487 UA603FM 6388 AB405 3000 SGE-1510-2-0150A 7880 GCAB 1000 AA026 4000 OE-A8HS18AP 2950 HARMONY 1000 DAL3W3P300G40LF 3000 RBC60DRTS-S93 6000 ECQ-E6104KFB 3000 NCP1560HD 2000 UA748CDG 3488 MAX16962SATEA/V+ 5000 SGE-365-0-0580 05000C-05000C 1000 VE-25N-EV-F4 3000 NCV3066DR2G 4000 X9315TM 6000 LF1000603303-0 13928 IDSD-24-S-36.00 1000 ABLS-8.064MHZ-20-R80-4Z 16122 BBS850FF20 5000 EDLEN204A3R3S 5438 SFSDT-20-28-H-06.00-S 2000 LE15CZAP 4500 FC68145S 8380 TB0560A 480 A90L-0001-0541 / F 2000 VCP200 16082 SFSD-06-30-G-05.00-S 3000 ED4100/5 2922 LDEEA1180JA0N 4500 JANTX1N6326US 9320 XC4010E-1PQG208I 5000 IDSD-07-S-06.00-P05 1000 D4SL-N2BFA 2000 XC2V80-4CS144I 4500 AAWG144100F1HH4 3000 RC2512JK-0715K 3352 UA-20PMFP-SC8-OXY 24500 SFM-107-L1-S-D 29600 SFSA032GV1AA4TO-I-DB-216-3V3 5100 ABM7011-503 28599 QXK2J153KTP7FJ 48 QVCW22V100SET 3800 SFSDT-05-28-H-06.00-SR 2700 VE-25J-IY 4500 CA3102E22-18PBF80A176A232 3800 KAT007015M-BRTT 4000 ECQ-U2A563KLA 150 D55342E07B107ARWS 1618 QVSN14V065SM 2000 UA647FM 11474 MAX6379XR33+ 17598 SFSD-05-30-G-15.57-SR 5000 IDSD-33-D-19.69-G 4000 SGE-125-2-0550 00100C 71 IDSD-10-S-19.70 18000 JANTX1N4620UR-1 5100 VE-24Y-CX-B1 150 AB-8.000MHZ-DI 28562 NDD05N50ZT4G 461 D55342K07B16B9RWS 250 TC74HC573AP(F) 4500 GBC30DREF-S13 2000 MAX6387XS16D3+ 9050 SGMAV-A5ADAH101 18200 VCC6-QAD-164M360000 1859 NE556 5100 VC04005B00J0G 4850 SFSD-20-28-H-07.00-SR 2000 AAT4296IJS-T1 5000 HA17431PNA-TZ-E 1000 TC28C46EPE 3000 SGMJV-01AAA61 2000 X9259US24 2000 IDSD-10-D-03.95-G 5800 ABS0932.768KHZ 6680 QVCW19V085SET 2000 PBA100F-15-GTN 2000 LF028707.5PXCN 17800 AC0805KPNPO9BN 2400 TARW685K035 1505 ABM13W-52.0000MHZ-7-D1Y-T5 11373 AC3MIB 12200 BAV3004W-7-F 56 RBR56L88700BR 24603 X67DM1321 3000 BA681A 5200 HA2-2522/883 1000 MAX1724EZK30-T 1180 SFSDT-40-28-G-05.00-DR-NUX 336 FCC17A15PB68B 10735 AB-9G1-12V-E_15 8480 GCB09DYRD 2000 DAMMP3X3PP 2400 FCSL76R0005JER 7615 MAX6334UR24D1 26413 CA3106E14S-2PBF80A152 2400 HA7-2840-5 2000 PAB2CD630815 4500 MAX673BESA 1501 DB10M1BH1 4500 D822K39Y5PH6UJ5R 1000 TC90111AXBG 26581 QMV650-1AF5 800 U-88412 17793 FC6-12-3Y 370 SFSD-05-28-G-06.00-D-NUS 7000 ABB-A16-22-00-84 2567 EDZ1200/11 183 HAT903ASDC12V 3800 RC05GF472J 11551 ABM13W-76.8000MHZ-6-N2Z-T5 10052 MAX6383LT29D5+ 5000 RC0201JR-0720RL 8723 SFSD-15-28-G-09.00-D-NUS 12200 OK5615E-R52 1000 ABL-26.549MHZ-14-B-F-T 1239 FDCRSPTAN18S132X 16183 SFH6319-T 3852 SFSD-10-28-H-24.00-DR-NUS 9000 TAM150-213 1000 AC05000101509JAC00 18000 AB-4.000MHZ-D4-T 5000 IDSD-05-D-05.50-T 2000 DAC7564IAPW 5100 MAX6461UK41+ 3800 MAX6467US16D3-T 2000 AC0603FR-139R76L 4500 ECS-21K-30A2000 8150 AB2-B0-26-615-1D1-C 12200 XA9536XL-15VQG44I 5000 FC4ZU-24-NMNMB2 14381 U-79634 1031 QVVPF19V085SM 14000 SFV18R-2STE1LF 3000 ABM10AIG-12.000MHZ-4Z-T3 7055 MAX4053AEEE 4 7352 RC0402JR-0747K 19173 ABM4B-6.6128MHZ-12-D2Y-T 20628 AB-029NLDG 1000 IDSD-08-S-09.10-G-RW 1000 QSH-020-01-H-D-DP-A-RT1-K-TR 5800 SFSD-10-28-G-05.00-D-NUS 13000 PALCE20V10H-15JC/4 2000 TARR474M050RNJ 3000 SFSD-30-30-G-09.25-D-NUS 5800 A902J500E 5000 AAA4M204J05 1000 MAX6718UKZWD3+T 4500 AA-BEC9-FREQ 3000 U-82056 12137 GBC06DRST-S273 4000 RC0603JR-0736R 9098 VCO1500SA 20089 QO612L100TS 5000 EEEHD1HR47R 8681 VCAS04AG183R0YATWA 6217 MAX197BENI+T 5800 AC0402DFX7R9BN 5200 HA2-1615-2 3000 ECS-100AX-480 1000 MAX6328 R31-T 2356 ABNTC-0603-152J-3450F-T 17796 ABC54705-DE 1223 SG-9101CG-C10PGBAA 484 IDSD-06-S-20.00-T-G-ST2 9000 PBA15F-15-V 18400 VCA6082 27999 TAJT105020RNJ 5000 SFM-107-L2-L-D-A-TR 22037 MAX157BEUA+T 6100 AAT60129B-S5-T 1000 HB04U15S15QC 1000 TC514256AJ7O 2000 RC42GF153J 7520 VE-26H-EW-F2 100 NCP301LSN45T1 1000 CA3102E16-10SBF80-05 9000 OE1865 2950 XC3S200A-5FT256C 400 AA5060SEC-E 5100 VE-25J-EX 16000 XC2S100-5TQG144I 1000 NE5532N/AN 5100 ABM13W-37.4000MHZ-8-KH7Z-T5 5639 A9BBA-2006F 4500 IDSD-30-D-84.00 128 SFM-115-02-SM-D-P-TR 1695 FDC655AN-CT-LF 779 SFV17R-4STBE1HLF 3500 TAP475K006CRW 8350 SFM-104-L2-S-D-LC 7943 SG-8002JA66.000M 2500 MAX524CUB 3481 PBO-1-S5 2000 U-78494 22746 AA0038 3000 AAT15071 5200 HB0601810000G 4000 VCLB1104LS 3059 MAX6381XR19D3 8074 VE-21T-IV-F4 1627 MAX4278EVKIT-SO 4980 TAP475K035 4500 ECS-1633-480-BN-TR 14000 BACC63BV20H25P6H 150 SGE-225-0-1310N 7000 XC18V044QG44C 1000 VE-21X-CU-F1 19001 OF-08HS58DS 47 AA3022SRC 5000 HA17902AP-E 4000 HBLXT983QC.A8 5100 D64RP18 1000 AC0201JK-079K76 3000 AAT3218IJS30T1 2400 NC-OO 1000 SFSTC5000100ZC0 3800 UA626FM 3283 A9C21834 13353 BC807-25-7-F 5237 U7815-06 15028 HA1-5195-5 186 D8237-5 14000 AC1218JR-071RL 4500 SFSD-10-28-H-03.26-DR-NDX 7000 LD2985BM27R 4000 SFM-130-02-S-S-A-P-TR 13000 CA3106R36-15PF80 262 U-78683 16221 AC0603FKX7R9BB 10006 NCP4586DSQ12T1G 2000 ABM13W-32.0000MHZ-6-D2Z-T5 5718 A9CAA-0802F 3500 AB-T26123G112VD31-CF 5200 SFSDT-25-28-G-03.00-SL 148 X9400YS24IT1 480 MAX487CPS 8880 SFM-136-02-SM-D 400 LCMXO2-256HC-6SG32CAIC 5000 SGM-01V3B4 2000 FCT16652A 2696 EEF-HE0D331CR 5560 ABV0017 954 SG-9101CE-D05SGDBC 47 TC-32.350MDD-T 8000 RCC15DCAD 13621 JANTX1N6151A 5200 MAX6349MLUT2000 21980 AA01D012L150D 4000 MAX339CPE+ 8523 GCA63A120VAC50/60HZ 4500 HA4033-ALC 2000 SFSD-05-28-G-79.00-S 2400 TC1321EUA 7000 DAMMP15SFF225 3000 NCP663SQ25T1G 2000 DBMV17H2PNK126 7900 VCUT0714A-HD1-GS08 12345 VE-25Y-IX-F1 192 CA3108E20-29SF80 2000 TC7W02FU 8273 HAF15L 6000 SGE-225-2-1770 7700 ABL103U20A 8847 LCMXO2-256HC-5UMG64I 6180 JANS1N6638US 1000 A91099000A02 4370 MAX6043BUT502000 18649 LCSL220KTBMR22 3000 IDSD-09-S-15.00 8000 VE-22P-EX-F1 10148 GC7107AB 1000 AA11R10 297 AB1RRAL24 3000 PALCE16V8H-25JC/4(PROG) 4000 RC30R2J103K-TPN 2342 QS3VH257S1G 1000 QVS49U-52AFL18-39.168MHZ 2000 SFM-135-03-S-D-LC 142 SGE-245-4-1000 9050 NCS12S4803C 445 MAX6730UTTD3+ 16000 SFMC-123-01-S-D-TR 3000 ABM11W-24.5760MHZ-4-D1X-T3 3217 ABM10W-48.0000MHZ-6-B1U-T3 8796 AC0402KRX7R6BB 3000 AB-125W3A-24V0-B20-0 6000 NCP3985SN33T1G8000 2000 TARW156M020 1000 PAT0510S-C-8DB-T10 2700 MAX4530EWP+ 3635 MAX5352ACPA 8296 MAX4701EUE+ 9707 VE-25D-EW-F3 1273 GBC20DCAI 9350 TBJE108K004CRSB0024 6000 ABLS-30.000MHZ-K4F-T 20860 PBZ25P 5000 FC6STMFCSY 3152 XBDAWT-00-0000-00000LDC2 2000 MAX163CCNG+ 4370 MAX6383XR29D2+ 4000 D8174E19-7SN-090 [V001] 6000 MAX385MJE/883 1484 NDL7620P2D(62A) 1000 ABLS10000MHZK4T 5400 SFSDT-15-28-G-40.00-SR 4500 XBDAWT-00-0000-00000BCE8 5000 SGMGH-20A2B21 5000 SFODFCA-04 2950 GBM11DRXS 7750 AAT3216IGV-1.5-T1 480 FCX491A-7 4635 MAX4071ATA+ 4051 LF400AMH/883 4000 ABM8W-12.2880MHZ-6-K2Z-T3 13594 DA15-SA-M1 1979 MAX3272AETP+T 2835 GBF201-02A1 4500 QO70AN 1000 FCR16.0M2GT 18063 SGMJV-02ADE6S 7100 IDSD-05-D-06.00-P10-G 675 ABLS-18.432MHZ-D 20433 SG201AT/883QS 1000 DAUR15S 1000 TCA4510(A4510) 811 BB-RPS-V3-MO2-M 3000 IDSD-16-S-02.00-ST8 12700 QTE-042-04-C-D-DP-A 2400 BC20-Q20-RZ3X2-B3131 2000 LEDILSTAR-P-S 16000 SGMAH-02BAA-TF11 18100 MAX481EESA-TG074 1164 PA46-5-300-Q2-NC2-NP-M 4000 ABL-215-20.000MHZ-I 20940 X4163S8I-2.7 2700 QX9931 5800 BAF3-2RN2-LHC 2400 MAX4416ESA 23887 MAX3486CPA+ 8739 RC0805FR-072R55L 6895 RBM31DTKS 8639 PAT1010-X-05DB-C-C 2000 ABLS-6.000MHZ-20-B4-T 4967 MAX3483ECPA+T 5700 MAX260BEWG+ 5000 VE-232-EW-S 5100 SGE-245-0-2120N 4000 CA3106E20-18SF97 5000 K9K1G08R0B-JIB0 5000 SFV28R-1STBE5LF 5800 CA3106R20-27PWF80 480 A9-30-10-230V-50HZ 1000 PB-1560 198 ECW-H16273HV 14338 QTE-040-03-F-D 2700 LFA150F-24-CJ1R2 12700 D703037HGF-A02-3BA 9000 ABLS3-8.192MHZ-22-B2X 8147 LD6835K 3000 LD1985G-1.5V 18300 AA-B2D6HCE-FREQ 7000 LEDWCD096S400ST 22400 EEF-HX1D560R 4382 DB25-SN-25 4385 CA3106R28-16SK10 2000 ECS-200-20-3X-TR 150 MAX3204EEBT 2400 DAC8831IRGYT.G4 5000 SG-9101CE-D10PHBCB 2700 VDZ30BT2R 157 D89150-0031HK 9000 MAX388CPE 4392 SG311AT/883Q 4000 CA3106E28-21PXB14 9590 MAX6138BEXR30T 1257 PAM3101BAB300 5800 RCH1216BNP-151KB 5537 VE-27N-EY 9000 QS3VH245QG8 7000 MAX170BCPA/ACPA 7750 MAX6326 R22-T 31400 D5R-L02-60 8000 SGE-365-2-0670L 00150C 763 SGE-245-2-0610 05000C 5200 U-88577 2119 TB4575 5100 ABM8W-37.0000MHZ-7-K1Z-T3 4223 AA3528VGC 2950 ABM10W-28.3220MHZ-6-K2Z-T3 17239 ABM11W-29.4912MHZ-4-B1U-T3 9641 ECQV1H105JL 2950 KA78DSO5BP 2000 QSB363CGR 347 RCC13DCAT 9800 GCB64DYFR 5000 ECQ-M2184KZ 1000 MAX6389XS33D2-T 9000 MAX1747EVKIT 7651 XC4010L-5PQ208C 2000 RC0603FR-0747RL 254 CA3106F14S-7SF80F97 485 PBA100F-12-CT 5000 FCA-325-3201L 18100 HA2-5100-10 3000 CACR-SRCA44BCBY279 12200 CA3102R28-12SWA206F80 138 BAR66E6327 2000 OH-A8FXL58C 3800 CB1AH-T-R-24V 2000 QVTU19V090SM 9460 BACC63CB18-31S9H 4000 VC300C5C100A 14998 RC1/4T120J 13906 AB1010R1A 4390 RC0805FR-07249RL 1378 PAL12L10N 3000 MAX3440EEPA 2705 VE-253-IX-S 4000 MAX6316LUK46BY/V+T 8498 AABNC07 452 MAX506CPG 4513 GBU2506-G 500 ECW-H20133RHV 6570 CA3106E36-A34S8 2700 LD6815TD/12H 2000 OK4725E 8140 X25080SI-2.7T2 4500 JANSM2N2907AUA 1389 TB100505Z221 3000 ECQ-E10393KFB 165 LCQT-QFP0.65-80 2502 IDSD-09-S-18.00-P01-G 2000 AC-333 5000 CA3108E20-3PXB 6000 SGM-02A3NT11 3000 SFSD-20-28-F-99.98-S 1000 AC645 1000 NCP15WM474F03RC 1000 D9T-RS485IS /6ES7972-0DA60-0XA0 4100 XC2S50-5FG256I 5000 DAMF7W2SR 250 FC29N-12-3SAS 25109 EEG.0K.303.CLL 28360 ABM-BNC-4 21276 D80402311 6000 AC6401J-EEFGV 8890 AAT1109AT2 5000 AC1210FR-109R76L 1500 TBF-24-12PSW 4500 TC4427EOATR 480 BCM20741A2KFB1GT 8300 SFMC-139-02-SM-D 5000 RCB110DHNT 880 RBR3L40BTE25 9790 IDSD-05-D-10.00-G-RW-R 3800 ED-29718-000 6206 SFSD-28-28-G-06.00-SR 1000 AA01D-005L-120S 2000 TAT7466-2:1-EB 6990 BAS16HT1 1000 TC7SH17F,LF 94 HA2-2622-2 2000 IDSD-20-D-03.20-T 6240 QTE-50L-UVB 2503 LCMX0256C-3TN100C 5800 TB300-05STQC1 83 AB7913-F 3089 IDSD-10-D-48.00-T 9000 MAX3241EGWI 7185 CACR-01NF 32 ECQ-U2A154MG 7730 HA3-2540C-5 250 UA748AHC 8880 OL395N-100 480 SGE-245L-0-2240 10000C-10000C 5000 DB9F/PWR 4000 ABLS26000MHZ10B1XF 2356 NCP304LSQ43T1G 6000 U-95110 24008 MAX4411BEBE+T 6580 MAX6389XS23D2+ 5800 MAX6401BS28+ 2000 ABCR320PAK24 15832 AA-1283 2000 RC55442RB/AT/PB 735 KA-1538 3000 TC70V5C32K7680 1290 MAX1992ETG+TG29 6259 CAT5115ZI-00TESSOP 1000 SGE-365-3-0720 00150M-05000F 2000 HBB524-A+ 28600 AC312EZ-8 3000 ECWV1E473JB9 1330 BC858 9213 A944-120-6000 1000 SGDA-02APY111 4500 CA3102R18-1PZ-K10 736 ECS-240-20-4XDN 480 EDE1116AGBG-1J-F 6278 BC857BL3 2000 RCH1216BNP-330MC 20578 K9F5616U0B-YCB0 480 MAX6381LT29D1+ 4212 AB1FUSE435U 1000 QO11428MX200FTRB 2951 KAL00R00KM-D655 2000 D8085AC-2 24007 TC1N4740A 714 LD244A 2000 MAX16015LTAS 5000 SGD 35-M 480 AAT3218IJS-3.5-T1 3800 ECS-H1AY225R 4500 AAM9823 391 AA-RD1UQ1U/US 5800 MAX632BESA 1284 SGE-125-5-0200 150 DAC1204U 5800 RC4558IPWR 3857 MAX1818EUT15-T 1000 DAM15P032N 150 MAX409BCSA+T 8657 RCC60DREN-S13 1313 PAA.M0.6TL.AC52N 3000 TC164-FR-07562KL 2000 SFSD-05-28-G-16.00-S 2400 RC144ACFP 10978 U-75527 8650 U-81396 14523 RCHV1901417CG1 7142 ECW-H12473RJV 6142 TC PROBE: GLASS FIBRE-1M 144 RC42GF134J 3862 TC1301A-SSBVMFTR 3000 MAX199BEAIT 1000 ABNTC-0201-104H-4150H 530 PAB.M0.2GL.AC52Z 9320 RCEC400GS3302KB 5029 DA40-056SO-BEW 4500 SGE-365-0-0450 1000 QRW010A0B641-BH 2400 MAX5048BAUT+T 3621 BAL-01 7000 SFSDT-15-28-G-16.00-S 5800 CA3140T 3800 CAT93C66V-26490T 1000 BC849CMTF 942 MAX3518E 1846 QXK2J333KTP 6100 DAC312 2000 LCWCQAR.PC-MUNQ-5L7N-1-R18 150 DBMF9W4P 8350 PBSS5220T 799 CA3108E28-21PBF85 14250 RC0805FR-0742R2L 2797 PAM99700AC 1000 ECQU3A683MG 2000 SG-9101CA-D10PHDBA 1000 MAX637AESA 4442 LF12ABPT 1000 XC488CTND 2000 MAX5529GUA 9332 MAX3863ETJT 3988 MAX16993AGJA/VY+ 3000 CA3106F16S-4PF42 480 FCE17E09SC29B 629 JANTX2N402A 150 X10509 137 TAS3108DCPRG4 5100 SFX836AD302 1237 ABLS-8.8874MHZ 829 RC0402FR-07442RL 4669 UA748T 28025 NCP1606ADR4G 5000 HA1-2841-2 5000 ABB-K7VD-25S12 4966 VE-26P-EX-F4 5000 SG9CF1GHYD4AI 3000 AA1811GWA 4500 VE-214-MX 523 VE-25M-CU-F2 1502 AC0764 6229 GBM18DRST 3875 FDS9926A,9926A 2950 DB9M-1M-15.2M 5000 SFV34R-2STE9HLF 47 CACR-SR20SB1AF 3000 DAMMY-15P 3000 FD1400R12IP4D 1422 U-82115 6396 OG-A8HS18AS 4500 TAPK22K315SM 617 EDI188512CA20CB 11937 RCC36DRTS-S93 15668 QSE-060-01-F-D-A-GP 2950 LEA100F-15-SGY 1300 MAX233EUP 369 RC4200MC 6235 A916CY-470M 149 U-80490 2371 ABM8W-15.3600MHZ-4-J2Z-T3 3957 CA3102R24-22PXF80 3000 RCC50DRYS-S734 28142 PC015BTF 5000 QVVP12V055SET 16000 AA12AP2C 2700 EEE1JA100P 28577 BCM4322LKFBG 4000 IDSD-13-D-11.00-T-R 4100 KA1M0880B-YDTU 2000 FDFC2P100 6566 HB2AE-12VDC/DC24V/DC5V 4000 SFMC-102-L1-SM-D 5800 BA8221AN 875 X9259UV24IZT2 1000 SFMC-125-T1-S-D-P 3800 AAT8636B-S3-T 5100 VE-200-CX-F1 4048 VE-25K-MV 8000 OH3035 3000 QSE-014-01-F-D-DP-A-K-TR 731 X2564S 2000 DAMAM15PA101 3800 BACC63BV20F25P6H 3800 MAX6305UK00D2+T 1490 HAL880UT-K-1-B-1-00 1668 PADP-24V-1-S 565 SFH6206-2 20842 NEA71VM-337X 6000 GCA36DRMI 1000 ABM12W-40.0000MHZ-6-J2Z-T3 538 SFSDT-15-30-G-20.00-DR-NUS 4000 LEA150F-48 100 OEJA-50-3-7 4500 PAP7601QN-D 128 SFMC-146-02-L-D 17000 ABM13W-76.8000MHZ-5-JH7Y-T5 2840 VE-26Z-CX-F2 1000 A921CY-2R2M=P3 3000 U-78693 2629 RC0805FR-07300R 12409 LED25W-56-C0450-D 2000 SFMH-109-02-F-D-WT 2950 MAX16023LTAM25+ 5180 AAT3238_08 6000 PALLV18V8H-10JC/4C 8150 LFA50F-5 5000 LED80-04-04 5000 MAX3070EAPA 5800 ABG-43 10194 HA3089/SP 2950 AC0805JKX7R6BN 3800 AB780 3511 LFA150F-36-GJ1R 7700 DAC7541AJP 8650 UA748R 16988 MAX1785EUU+T 2000 TAR8H05K 11816 ECS-T1AY225R 6000 SFOST-01 2400 SFSD-05-30-H-05.00-DR-NUX 5000 MAX4029EUP+ 16830 AC-242CYA 1000 MAX16904SAUE50+T 8000 RC1/4911JB 6378 TC74HC693P 5326 GBC31DCAH-S189 2000 FCC17C37PB69B 6856 A9399-3 111 VE-261-EW-F3 5800 ABM3B144641MHZ12D1XT 27481 QS74FCT521DTSO 542 D915GOMS1 185 TC1269-3.0VUATR 5100 DC002NDR4 3000 ECW-H12183HL 4634 XBP24-Z7WIT-002 5200 FC3BQBBME16.0-T1 3117 IDSD-15-S-24.00 7730 VE-21L-CW-F2 13480 SFR2500001072FR500 8000 SGD7S-590A00A 4000 SGM803-MXN3L/TR 4500 NEOSTAN-01 1327 CA3106R24-28SF80A176 1000 DAC03CDX 5765 ABT7ESM032B 9500 EEE-FPA330UAR 1196 ABM4A-24.576MHZ-4 3385 BAV19W TR 1175 MAX1793EUE33YK 8300 HC2E-HP-AC240V-VDE 2950 MAX395EWG+ 15253 SG-9101CB-C20PHDBB 2000 RBM06DSUN 6000 GBK201209T201YS 8000 AAT3516IGV-2.80-B-B-T1 1000 CA3102E28-12SWF80 5000 TC74VHCT04AF(K.F) 3000 MAX4373TEUA+ 24255 X8-A11-C11-A 4500 RBC74H-12-0PN [V003] 14250 MAX4960ELBT 2340 SFW22R-5STE1LF 1000 A9151017 3000 U-97740 5243 CAT28F020H-12 2000 VE-24D-IW 8500 K9WAG08U1M 2000 FCP13N60N 9198 AAT3510GV-2.63-C-C-T1 44 XC6122C229ER-G 8000 QRM8-018-07.0-L-D-DP-A-GP-K 7890 D78F0058YGC 4500 RCB65DHBS 14994 CACR-SR01AE2ER 5000 ABM8G-48.000MHZ-18-D2Y-T 21500 MAX6370KA 20150 FDS4405-NL 7730 AB886-F/F 4501 XC2VP20-6FG676I 4000 TC600PI-EX-SP 12200 CB3LV-3I-32M7680 6000 MAX6741XKYDD3+ 1000 XC3S50A-4FTG256C 5100 BACC63CB18-14S6 486 A9T13-0011 12792 RC30R2A334K-TPN 242 A9C70134 8000 A90SI200-4PC 2400 QVFXP11V050SM 1000 VE-21K-EU-F4 5555 RCE05DHHT 13576 XB6AV6GB 16000 ABD-02PMFS-LC7001 24175 VE-26N-IX-F1 3875 XC4VLX160-12FFG1148I 5000 OF27GJE-TR 2400 MAX3840ETJ+T 6471 AA2-B0-26-625-1B1C 6000 TAS5110 6990 SFSD-10-28-G-06.00-DL-NDS 16000 AAT3258ITS-33-R-T1 85 AB32F3 1000 QTH-060-02-F-D-DP-A 19390 VE-26Y-CW-F1 8770 CACR-SR05TZ6SFE 3800 X8143-10 1000 DBS150SA12 1000 SGE-245-2-0200 1000 SGE-88-2-0250 01000C 480 NCV7702BDWR2G 5000 SGA4586Z-PCK1 14000 AC-162DGBL 2000 D55342E07B464ART5 5000 LF351AN8 214 CA3106E22-2SBF85 4000 ABAC20W1198SN 4761 RC1206FR-07620RL 9685 NCP15XW152K05RL 1250 MAX3444ESA 5735 ABM13W-76.8000MHZ-6-N1Z-T5 5658 ABM9-R40-N-C1G 13180 AC0603DFNPO8BB 5180 VCA2612Y-1/2K 18548 FCS60US24 1580 AAWQ 2000 NCP1117LPST50T3G 3000 TC0325B2001T1E 4500 FDC617 8142 SFM-119-T1-FM-D 1599 MAX6382XR27D7+ 5000 X9250UV24-2.7 5000 CAT28C65BX-12 1000 TC9184AP 10640 AC-162DSUEBH 4000 BC3-M12-AN6X-0.2-RS4T 5000 GCC06DCST 2000 PAC-P065W 3800 AB6Q-A1-S 9617 AC7 2400 SFSDT-10-28-H-05.00-D-NDX 8000 ECS-2018-480-BN 14000 HA12216FEB 114 GCC19DRYI 2400 EEFCXOE221R 2025 SG-9101CB-D40SGCCB 184 LCM300W-T 6000 ED2200/5 14360 RCC35DRXH 18798 AAT3517IGV-4.10-C-A-T1 676 VC10005100J0G 6976 GCC20DRAI-S734 5000 SFMC-149-L2-FM-D 480 ABM11AIG-40.000MHZ-4-1Z-T 13777 XAA110CP 3000 VE-23H-IY-S 4100 RCC65DCST-S288 11151 AA50552-00I-1-A-C-SZ 1000 QVVSN13094SM 8350 SFM-115-T2-S-D-A-K-TR 9310 ABA-DSB-019-K01 2329 ECW-H10432HV 26752 IDSD-05-D-21.00-T-P10-G-D09 1000 ABBTM-2.4GHZ 312 PBL3910 12200 EEFCD0K330R 33UF 8V 6946 MAX6385XS18D3 2700 OEJNI-50-2-7 4000 D55342H07B200DRT5 6200 ABJ241640 28900 AAH1021_ 25098 AC0402FRNPO5BB 250 TAP4R7K16CRS 4500 U-90267 3024 NCP1013AP100G 6000 MAX6367HKA29+T 375 A926AY-390M 3875 NCP1053ST136T3G 3000 AAT3522IGY263200T1 1000 BB-4WSD9OTB 150 SGE-125-0-1200 00100C-02500C 1000 MAX487CPA(EPA) 4672 OL392L 6000 LFA0805P101P 4000 HA12134AT 1000 HB-HRM-JJ(40) 150 SFSD-07-28-G-06.00-D-NUS 16000 SG87401T/883B 3000 PAIC3005B 3000 D9724-01 3000 KA22427 2000 GBL-B2141-AT PBF 5200 EEF-UD0E151CE 745 ECQ-E2565KFW 8800 KA758 6000 JANTX2N4033A 4500 MAX6649MUA-TG05 800 HA1-306-5 4500 X24C01A-CE 9600 VE-20K-MY-S 24856 MAX632EJA 1191 SGM2005-3.0YD6 145 DAMM15PH 2950 U-95961 5869 AC88CTPMQR34ES 2000 MAX1644EPE 2895 FDN5632N-F085 2000 SG-645PGP64.800000MHZC 1000 AC0612JR-1310R 4000 OF474JE 3500 DAC08FS 3000 XC4003E4PC84C 98 TBF18-19PSB 150 SFM-108-L3-S-D-LC 10819 SFSD-25-28-F-24.00-D-NUS 5100 SFM-110-T1-S-S 7750 TBJE477M006L 1000 SFU450A3B 2400 SFSD-50-28-F-08.00-S 3000 NCP21WB333P03RA 2950 MAX673CTV 10008 RCC60DCSD-S288 11667 IDSD-07-S-30.00-T-G-ST4 9440 PBA30F-12-CN 3000 GBM18DCMN 2400 SG-9101CB-C07SHAAC 4500 A9C52240 226 QVVPX19V307SET 8900 SFM101B 4181 BCM3184LG P30 4500 U-86173 4268 X9317ZPI-2.7 5000 SG-105F/DA 3750 SFH617A-3X017T 22594 SGDA-01VS 4000 CAT504P 2000 FCAV-325-CV3 16464 U74AHCT3G06G-P08-T 15569 TC4426VUA713 4000 TASA-G204D 5800 VC2001-BA 10385 AC2010JK-1097R6L 1000 U74HC4052L-P16 2765 TC4W53FUTE12LF 2700 MAX232EPA+ 1000 MAX2452CSE+ 4500 GBC36DCAH-S189 6000 AC1210JK-079R76 3000 ECQ-E2824KB3 13000 RC0805FR-07549KL 23061 MAX241EAI+ 4000 AC1210JR-139M76 1000 HA12402 8000 MAX1729EUB+T 5100 MAX16922ATPE+T 2400 LDP91821 1000 HA2-5154-2 2400 AA87221-20 480 GBM36DTAD-S189 5000 LCM1500W-T-1 5200 VE-251-CX-B1 38500 CAT809TSDI-T3 3875 RC0805JR-0727ML 24580 AAA200J10 3000 RCA44DTAN 1994 ABM4B-33.000MHZ 20034 PA2007-112 480 LED30W-18-C1660-D 5200 XC3S1000-5FG320C 1000 SGMS-15-XX22 5000 OKI-78SR-3.3/1.5-W36H-C 150 DAC088S085CISQ 98 LEM2520T 2700 PA81JQ 32 OM13515 4500 TB0671A 5000 AC0201FR-101R5L 8000 EDMGR21KAF 6937 VE-23R-CV-F2 5000 PA-K1000HA 8000 PA7024P-15/20 2400 OLS-250R-CD-T 5326 QTH-100-05-F-D-DP-A 2000 TC4432OA 2950 GBM18DCAD-S189 1005 U9517-11 20972 KAD5512P-50Q72 3000 ECQ-E1106JFB 2000 SFSD-07-30C-G-10.00-DR-NDX 5100 AB308R-7.3728MHZ 4500 OEM(SAMSUNG+AS) 5100 KA5SDJAS01TSN 2000 MAX1916EZTT 9170 RC0805FR-072K1 12040 EEFLX0D561R 12850 AB30163-8 1000 HA19508MP 300 TAT-125-2-0-STK 2950 EEFWA1A331P 8184 RC2012F681CS 29857 ABS2_11 5902 ABC75-1T24L 7898 TC74VHC32F(F) 13000 AA6-7777-PCA B 2600 ECQ-P6822JU 5100 MAX17401GTJ+TG40 65 BCM4501KQMEG 2935 A9CAG-1504F 2000 RBM24DRKF 9623 MAX6375XR23+ 5286 TBA820M/TBA820 480 NCP18WF104J03RB-LF 5100 MAX4530CAP 7155 SFSD-11-28C-G-08.00-D-NDX 5000 KA3743A 351 AB15BV1-HA 351 SFSDT-10-30-G-08.00-DR-NUX 2950 CB1E18-8PS 3000 NCP4683DSQ18T1G 4896 PAQ50S48-1R8/PV 3000 IDSD-04-S-72.00-T 4000 AA003252-G 9620 HAZ221KBACF0KR 9000 SGM358YMS/SGM358YS 150 ABM10W-28.6364MHZ-8-B1U-T3 14517 XC5F-6442 2000 RC0603JR-071K8L 11235 TAM55I53 2000 QS29FCT521BTSO 1318 TC7PZ14FU(TE85LF) 3875 SGE-1510-2-5490A 3000 ABM63CA15360MHZBT 5646 CA324E 2000 DAMMC11C1PJ 2000 MAX250TRAFO4KV+ 2000 XC5VLX110-3FFG676C 9000 MAX6381LT16D2+ 26295 IDSD-36-S-02.00-T-P01-G 13000 XC4010XL-2BG256I 5700 VE-20F-MY-S 2287 FCC17A15PA2D0 12908 SG-9101CA-C10PGDCB 1000 SFMC-127-L1-F-D 2950 A950GOT-LBD 6000 MAX3222EEAP-LF 11074 MAX16034LLB29+ 8000 MAX3892EGH 283 SFM-112-T2-S-D-LC-P-TR 27953 EDZ770/5 9888 AA622-04000 1972 U-79795 1846 SFH615A 20453 VE1632510000G 3937 A9T11-0011 2700 SH13-3,50-K 6155 SH1388ASR 2950 SG-615P14.745MC2 2950 PB42WG-1205Z21 150 AA0005E05 5800 GBPC3502-B 1000 DAA10P1800PZ-TUB 2000 SG-9101CG-D10PHDBC 5000 SG-8002CA 48.000000 MHZ PH 1000 MAX4559CPE+ 925 TC7SZ34FE,LJ(CT 26244 SG-8002CA 25M PCM 13000 MAX6388XS34D1 3875 HA3-2529-5 2000 ED720813OY 21498 XC5VSX95T-2FFG1136I 4500 AC8776 4930 MAX16913AGEE/V+ 2950 ECS-260-18-30BQ-DS 1000 MAX1873REEE 4000 TCD1250D 20930 QPD-100-48 8300 QTH-150-02-F-D-A-K 2000 TC7WZ04FK,LJ(CT 8428 SG6843LSZ_Q_FG 4000 EDR0121A08 917 XARP05V 752 BACC63BV16F24S6 1000 HA353405 175 PBA50F-15-VN 5000 AAT3562IGY-2.50-T 5800 RBS-27 18603 CA3106F20A48PBF80 5189 IDSD-09-D-25.00-D03-O 480 ABL-50.000MHZ 10325 CACR-HRC 6383 MAX159AEPE 3000 CA3102E24-2SF80 9500 AC0805JR-071R8L 4500 ECQ-E4474KZ 2700 aa74618igv-0.5-1 8800 BC848BWT1G 1000 MAX2548ELM+T 1000 BAP65-03,115 12400 PA46-4-300-NO2-NP-R 4500 QS74LCX2X2H245CQ2 1120 AC4804ABC4 4735 CAVORFGSCTOSMA. 2500 GBC10DRXI-S734 5000 HA1A-B3-B 2000 TBXDMS16C22 13500 XC4005A-5PC84I 7780 MAX6386LT45D4 14000 A9405 1000 U-94241 19385 MAX603CSA-TG068 4270 X98014L1283.3Z 5100 TAM001 5000 AAT3670ISK42T1 61 MAX4511CPE+ 20972 CB3LV-2I-66.000 2000 PBA150F-5-RN 1000 SFSD-30-28-G-04.00-DR-NUS 250 BCM4320LKFBG 5000 ABM3B-18.432MHZ-T 7839 SG531PT(33.8688MHZ) 3000 SGMSH-20D2A2C-OY 4000 XC4010-5PC84C 480 AC1020DK-0797R6 5800 RC0402JR-075M1L 5738 CA3102E16-10SA95 3800 TAP226K050DCS 3000 PALCE16V8H(-7/-25) 1000 QS74FCT2652AP 20003 FCC17C37SC60B 3246 CA3106E14S-2SF80-F85 4000 TC427-E/OA 4896 LDT-A514RI. 4000 SG-9101CG-C10SGCCB 4490 MAX6388LT21D6 2700 TC0N200AF 2700 U-94664 9260 EEE-FP1C101AP 19302 AAT3686IXN42T1 3800 RBM15DRYN-S13 1250 U-80839 27532 D901S36T 574 PBA50F-9 1000 NCP1060BD060R2G 5800 PA46-2-500-Q2-NO1-NP-M 2503 HA24-0.5-A+ 3000 ABM716000MHZT 5987 MAX3093EPE 2950 QVSN19V085SEM 2400 GCB105DHNT 4000 JANTX1N6162AUS 5000 CA3106E20-22SB 133 TC74AC125P 2950 ABE7-R08S111 5940 RC0201JR-071K1L 16035 PBHV8118T,215 4500 MAX4518CPD 27059 A99974 25.5/08 250 1614 SFV18R-1STBE5LF 5100 ABL-14.32031MHZ 20208 AAT3221IGV-2.5-TI 4500 SFI0402-050E0R8NP-LF 17656 ABC03N22P 17877 SFMH-105-02-L-D-TR 459 EDS08SNRSTU04Q 1305 EEFCX0G221R 15693 MAX6389XS29D2+ 1000 BAV99WT-TP 9390 MAX189CCPP 1000 CA3108FC20-27SBF80A176 4500 X2804ADI-30 480 ECW-H20392HVB 9083 BACC63BP24H43S6H 4500 D51S25A 4500 TAP336K035 4000 PAS42E2000 2000 U-87836 2442 SFM-126-02-L-D-A 9008 TC74AC541FW(ELP) 4370 SG-9101CG-D40SGCAA 2145 ABM7-12.288MHZ-D2Y-T 253 BCM4717VA1KFBG 2000 TC0700PEBW6SR512NI4GRD 8150 LFB10150035050 3000 GBE50DHFN 150 VE-21J-MX-F3 11548 AC0603DK-131R 5200 ABM8W-14.7457MHZ-8-K2Z-T3 15573 NCP18XW272J03RB 150 ABM8W-16.9340MHZ-8-B1U-T3 18294 RBM06DCSS 143 MAX225CWI+ 934 IDSD-17-D-15.74-P18 4100 AAT1205-S-T 5000 OER23WC1224 2400 U-88618 1162 MAX6702ARKA+T 2700 FCN-268M012-G/0D 20291 NCP15WL223E0SRC 8200 MAX211EEWI 1000 PAL16R8A-2MJ/883B 6000 ABJ161261J 11385 AC0402DK-131K 13000 XB5351A 4390 LEGBX66-33643-1-V 6000 SFM-110-L1-F-D-LC 2838 CA3102E18-1SBA34 6000 XC3020-70PC84C 2000 X3064-100PC84C 5100 GCB105DHBN 4000 IDSD-08-D-06.00-R 1000 DAM3A33 5800 AC3 8300 CA3106E24-11PDN 56 NCP5201DR2 6000 OKL-T6-W12 3800 FDS6912AN 5000 NCP1550SN33T1 12700 BB-825-39951 4000 ABLS32000MHZL4QFT 7974 LD7550IN 10009 DBF55280XD12238BJ1 519 PAL16V8AMJ/883B 12325 HAAD1 2950 BCM47093SA03 2950 OM2 BY MY48 DC48 4209 ABM3-22.1184MHZ-D4-T 10450 CA3106E18-1SWBF80F0 4000 BACC45FT20-41P10H 12200 SFW5R-1STGE1LF 6076 IDSD-16-S-06.00-G 7780 PALC22V10-20DMB 4500 RBM40DCBD 4221 PA-838-101D-F2 3713 PBL402G 250 AA0402DR-131R5L 4896 XC4005E-3PQG160I 250 LCS21T2450A20 5000 VE-220-CX-S 3359 AA0201DK-131RL 4000 MAX17082EVKIT+ 2950 AAA2801P-08 5000 PB66F 3000 SFSDT-40-28-G-06.00-D-NDX 77 TBPMANN150PGUCV. 4500 MAX4074HAUT 24240 NCP553SQ18T1G 1000 MAX6192BCSA 6975 LD37P24A4GX00LF 4100 BACC63CB24-30S7 5800 NCV33269DT-5.0G 9430 UA555HMQB 990 SFSD-05-30-G-12.00-D-NUS 5000 XC6121A436ER-G 2338 XAL5020-801MEC 1942 VDRS10P230TSE 19088 ABMS-AT-D 6395 CAB19/15M-HMI 1000 MAX4555CSE+T 12059 HC2-R47 T/R 1000 QSMM-A193-T4YJ1 2700 X1E000021008300 4000 ABM13W-45.0000MHZ-5-B1U-T5 6930 DAC8831ICRGYRG4 3000 NE5520379A-A 3000 SFMC-130-T2-S-D 3800 TC1301B-FHAVUATR 8000 SFM-135-02-F-D-A-K-TR 5000 CA3106E18-19SF80F137 13000 LELK1-1REC4-35103-1-V 376 U-83646 1931 LCMXO2-4000HC-4QN84I 3000 TC1107-30VUATR 6000 RBM24DCBT-S189 5000 SFM-105-L1-L-S 12059 SG-8002JA-48.0000M-PCCL0 2000 RCH108NP-2R2MC 8423 QTE-028-09-H-D-DP 4000 VCT78 5961 AC01000001508JA100 7298 MAX4753GE 5154 TCD2251D 2782 AC161AGA-71-H 2000 U-76782 8455 UA710PC 5748 SFPB-56V 326 UA18CAD22NPM1TI 8677 HA16817 9000 RCC20DCAI 9205 TASA-H320F 162 TC7W34FK 2986 BC857BL3E6327 2000 QW-01 5000 SGMGH-44D2A6FOY 2950 RBC35DETN 250 RCH664NP-1O1K 1951 SFT44T55-7.5J391E-0DU 2700 UA709CT 12940 SFM210-LPSE-D19-ST-BK 5100 XC2C256-6FTG256C 4532 AA150XA 3800 AAC15FSLD 4500 TC55V2001STI-85 3000 LFA15F-3R3-CJ1Y 2000 AAT60254B 5000 SFR2500006811FR500 4000 IDSD-08-D-03.01 1475 RBM11DRTH-S13 2000 U-75929 9010 PAG.M0.8GL.AC52R 480 OH3064 2700 X66AK2H12AAW2 1000 QSE-014-01-C-D-DP-A-TR 1802 GBC06SAHN 5100 AC1210FK-7W100R 8300 AB-DSW-15W 8326 NE2020M 9000 GCA36DTBD-S664 235 U-96247 15606 ABM8W-13.2256MHZ-6-D1X-T3 2943 MAX323ESA+ 13938 NCP304LSQ18T1 1000 VDRUS10T275BSE 20852 PA886C 52 VE-27Z-IX-F1 150 ECW-H12162HVB 1235 LDB-600L 2000 RC0603FR-07120R 5446 PAL14L8MJS 9350 LFA100F-24-HSNR 2000 MAX158CPI 236 GBC36DRTH-S93 2000 LFA100F-36-SJ1R2 5000 IDSD-08-D-06.50-T-R 5000 QSMQC196 2400 AAT3238IGU-1.5-T1 7800 HAL506SFA4R100HASE 1044 AB05 2100 12 08 SN00 4500 MAX6741EXKYDD3 32700 BC33725ZL1GO 3000 X40015S8-A 1258 MAX1945REUI(-T) 2179 MAX1634ACAI 1714 MAX6441KAOSVD3 4500 XC2VP70-6FF1704C0966 4000 VE-21Z-MY-F1 583 ECW-HA3C123HQ 7339 CA5470 8600 PAL20L8DNC 4500 X9C503IZ 3500 TC1268-2.5VOA 5800 MAX265ACPI 2378 AB-15.360MAGE-T 5000 LCX541 285 HA15104883 5000 HA1-384-9 4100 MAX4800ACXZ+ 2690 GBM40DCBI-S189 2000 CA3102E36-10PBF80A176-05 8800 DAN212K80V 2000 TCBN-T2-M4-8-34 3363 CAT24WC02JI18T13 5100 BBS-7 12200 SFSD-25-28-H-12.00-D-NUX 1614 AAE070A017A012A00 2400 SGDV-10D15AOY 8500 AA1111C-TR 349 UA118MH 4370 AB1F3P-T 4000 CAT1023WI-45-A2 5000 ABH7527-525 8239 EDH8808ACL-85KI 7981 RBM15DRKI 12200 SGA2386Z 4490 IDSD-06-S-08.00 6000 AB-24.000MHZ-30-F 5000 ABM8W-27.1200MHZ-4-J1Z-T3 3549 ECQ-V1334JMW 6000 ABM8W-12.8000MHZ-7-B2U-T3 5051 SFI1210ML080C 1331 AA13010 4000 PB134006 4000 SFH690B 7227 AAA3528QWDSYKS 1000 MAX633AESA 307 MAX164BING 8150 ABM10W-50.0000MHZ-7-K2Z-T3 9860 ABM11W-27.1200MHZ-7-K2Z-T3 19729 AAY22 5000 AC0603BKX7R5BB 4500 HA2-0200-5 3000 MAX3313EEUP 11542 MAX4193CSA-T 5218 MAX1917EEE-TG077 8000 CA3106E18-8SBA176 2000 MAX4427CSA+T 28895 MAX6382LT17D2T 150 D78365AGF-3B9 5326 TC4428EOAG 1000 QTS-075-01-L-D-A-GP-K 250 MAX458CPL PDI 7052 QVF19V085SET 2950 GBM25DCMN-S288 3000 ABLS261621MHZ4F 6957 X4-Z1U-B101-A 11745 U-98558 6997 SFSA016GM3AA1TO-C-LB-12P-STD 1000 TC4451VMF713 6990 QXP2E684KRPT 5000 MAX16836ASA+ 5200 DA102J12S215PQF 2000 SFM-120-L2-S-S-P-TR 29370 GBM15DRUH 4896 FDMS7694 4645 OEJA-90-1-5 480 LEGH66-33557-25-V 2000 X5045S8IZ-2.7AT1 1000 IDSD-08-D-05.00-G 19000 QVVPL19V080SEM 1000 FD0-VC-EX4.PA 2428 HA7-2625/883 3000 FDPF7N60NZ 3000 FDS9410NL 3000 SG-9101CE-D15PGABA 1000 IDSD-13-D-24.00-T-P01-G 4100 SH2047RV351893SDV 44 DC06A10SL3S 3000 FD4-28 1928 MAX6731UTVD3+T 4100 CAT28F512PI-90-A0 8000 SFSDT-05-28-G-16.00-DR-NUS 556 VE-214-CX-F1 25977 ABLS-27.000MHZ-14-R25-A2YF-T 5344 XC3090A-7PCG84C 3000 SFSD-24-28-G-56.00-S 6800 SFSDT-15-28-G-14.00-S 5800 MAX4372TEUKT 7267 VCA2613Y00422000 27050 IDSD-14-S-06.00-G-RW 3800 QSE-042-01-C-D-DP-A-GP 5200 TC164-FR-0786R6L 526 DBLS202G 8150 IDSD-05-D-03.00-T-P01-G 4896 SGE-125-2-1820 00700C 3800 VE-24P-IX-F3 150 AB-A3DBHA9-FREQ 2845 ABM13W-76.8000MHZ-7-J1Y-T5 2255 PBC1E200 2950 SFSD-25-28-G-03.97-SS 18000 MAX2034CTM 4000 FDMC2610 3434 A9F54432 1502 FDD1-17251CBMW3C-L56 5242 RC2010FK-0716R9 11192 DAC-08EP 480 K9GAG08UOM-PIBO 1000 TCA1002336MRB0080 9305 SFML-125-T2-S-D-A 1000 HB-4M2010B-201JT 2400 SFM-115-L2-S-D-A-N 4125 KA3S1265RF-YDTU 2000 ABM8W-15.0000MHZ-4-B2U-T3 289 SG1A227M6L011BB180 11700 X9317TP 1250 RCH654NP-330K 6947 ABM3196608MHZD2YT 18483 D55342K07B5H10RS3 394 IDSD-08-D-24.00-T-P01 3000 ABLS-12.1875MHZ-R50-D4Y 11231 AC0805FR-131R5 2000 AB2-X0-06-493-1B1-C 6000 K9F5616Q0C-JCB0 2000 OEH350AT 1000 NCP18XQ102F0SRB 2950 GBC35DCMD-S288 4000 CAT25C16PI-A0 5100 TC511OOOAZ7O 13000 LDC15F-2-S 147 SG-9101CE-D20PHCCC 2000 TC54VN2902EZB713 2400 VC11015B00J0G 23589 AC4-OOW2C-00 31200 TAP476K025SRS 2000 TC1410VCPA 356 QTE-042-02-H-D-DP-A 1000 SG8950A 32 HC05B2800000G 5000 MAX5863ETM-D 6665 XC205B333AR-G 2950 ABA8654-2 19081 U-81717 1295 AC-1050 3500 CA3108R20-29SF80F0 4500 VE-25N-CY-F2 7100 SFH617A-2X016/////////////////// 5826 ECS-40-20-5PDN 4000 PBA1000F-3R3-C 1000 SFJNC1000155MX1 2621 UA3045PC 11937 OEJNI-50-3-7 5000 MAX4519CEE+ 5024 SFSD-40-28-G-36.00-DS-NDX 2000 VC40M00500KBH 1348 CA3106E18-10PF80F42 6000 CAT93C66VGI-1.8 2000 QVVPF28V130SM 8740 X3C25F1-05S 1000 LFB312G45SW1A626 2000 SFM-110-L1-L-S 27170 GCA36DTBZ-S273 4000 MAX6306EUK31D1 14116 TC74HC132AF-TP1 5000 D758N06T 8750 D55342E07B20B0MT5 5800 LF412ACNNOPB 2826 QRS4018N025R25 3800 SFSD-08-30-G-24.00-D-NUS 1000 XC2018-100 9500 AAA-DDR-100-K09 133 SGMSH-20DCA6S-OY 150 GC89C501A0 5000 OE-A8HTYZEL 2826 MAX6386LT26D1 3400 SG-710ECK-33.333MC2 1000 OJ-SS-112D 2000 PA900474 3000 CA3108R10SL-4PB02F0 2000 VC45100PBCB1 21091 TB-7.3728MDE-T 1000 DACO8CSZ 1000 U-78163 7825 ABV1616503 362 MAX6439UTOTYD7 17700 MAX4840EXT 17782 SG-9101CE-C05SHAAA 5100 MAX3161ECG 3000 JANTX1N4485 3800 FCBG125SD1C03 21841 SFSD-30-28-G-19.68-DR-NDX 1000 IDSD-07-D-02.50-R 4000 AB-1.6384MHZ-D-L1 452 EEE-0800-01-PAJ1 3822 LDD-700L 9000 U-89613 12537 A947/486/1 5000 BCM3545MKPB1G 2950 SFSD-35-30-G-06.00-D-NDX 7481 LDA150W-12-G 4370 ABL-11.2896MHZ 18913 DC1041A-A 3000 SFSDT-05-28-G-05.20-DR-NUX 5000 AAT3151 611 SG-9101CE-D30SHBCC 29 AB-1492-F1RE 24008 RBM31DTMT-S189 17961 EEE2AA4R7UPEMS 11935 ABM3B-25.000MHZ-D4Y-T 8278 GBC25DRTF 7000 JANTX1N6065 150 U8606-1 6735 SGE-125-0-0220 05000C-05000C 4500 CAP1126-1-AP-TR 3800 GBPC3501W-E4/51 1000 SG-9101CB-C05SGCCA 4500 DBUE25PTIFO 3000 HA17012GB 5000 U-88265 5757 AAT351XIGV-4.63AC 4500 VE-24J-EU-B1 12200 HAB-L3004SE/M 4000 NCE1505S 563 AC1-B0-24-620-1F2-D 3892 ABM8W-22.0000MHZ-7-B1U-T3 4380 CA3106E16-11PB06 7000 SGE-225-2-0300 01500C 3000 MAX6383LT19D7 4000 MAX167AMEE 1000 SFSD-15-28C-G-48.00-D-NDX 165 AAP20M000000GJE18A 4334 NCV4274ADT5 6990 SFM-130-T1-L-S 2000 PAL16R4B-4CJ 1000 D7501JQ 13000 QVPN15V207SET 7780 UA302FI 3051 GBM28DCMD-S288 96 SFMC-108-02-SM-D-P-TR 148 ABR600 7546 VE-21V-MY-F1 4268 ECQE1A683MB 8990 TC74HC238A 4000 MAX6328EUR22 16200 SG615PCG25MHZ+-50PRM 3000 LEA100F-24-H 3000 MAX404ESA 26402 ECUTA1H100BJ 1946 CA3102E18-1P 150 SG-8002CA1.8432MPCM 480 NCR3110A473JE 1470 PAM2301CAABADJ_0 11800 MAX6321HPUK42AX 3467 SGMGH-13DCA3COY 4000 SGMGH-13D2A2EOY 3000 ND0970500000G 2400 LFC32TE1R5J 1612 X2804ADM-15 5250 VE-26H-MX-B1 446 RC0603FR072K55 29680 A915AY-680M 1000 UA75451BTC 8862 ABNTC-0201-683J-4150F-T 5428 FDSD0630-H-2R2M=P3 1000 SFSD-12-28-G-07.00-D-NUS 2000 VE-23N-IW-F4 1000 PBS5022-100MT 4000 MAX6388LT32D3 4000 MAX6382XR25D1T 1000 TAT7457-T1 5800 TC164-FR-0715R8L 2950 OEJL-75-2-6 4000 NDS-02B-V 2950 XBDAWT-02-0000-00000HAF8 9400 SFW9R-3STAE1LF 48 OHN3119U 150 X40014V8-C 5000 AC9725000 5000 ABLS2-7.3728MHZ-20B-T 14561 ABA-52563-TR1G 4477 RC0603F1242T 12260 QSE-060-01-F-D-GP 2000 QQ80C200/A 6000 U-93598 1724 RC1005F1872CS 7319 TC4071BF 1000 HA7-2841-2 5000 MAX3654ETE+ 5227 RCDX60-36D28 17991 CA3108E32-5PBF80F0 3500 AAT3218IGV-1.9-T1 2000 OF287FARBCODIERT 882 MAX230C/EWP 4500 SG205BT 4500 AAT1011F 4000 TAP226M006CCS 5200 CA3106R16-10SF42 4000 ECW-FD2W335KB 1003 SGSP101 136 PA1512.700NLT 5275 ABB16 7794 HAT2165H-EL 346 HA1-2655/883 480 AA0402DR-071R 2950 ABV123450 8100 ABM11W-16.0000MHZ-6-B2U-T3 6915 CA3108E18-3PB 2700 RC70R2A155K-TPN 2948 FDS4467ANL 100 PAW3402DK-TJ-PR 6000 OH9145 5200 HA13468MP 4000 RC855NP-131KC 8037 GCB55DYRN-S1355 2000 IDSD-06-D-27.00 9590 ECS-8FMX-100-TR 480 VE-25F-EY-F1 2000 K9NCG08U5M-PCKO 150 D55342E07B121ART5 2400 XC5B-6421-0 2700 FDBA 50H 14-19 PN-K-A276 8282 JANTX1N4959 5100 AC1206DK-7W9K76 2700 RBK83240XX 9390 PANADAC921A-1 5000 OLO102 5000 SGMGH-05DCA2S-OY 1000 MAX6727EKASYD3 2700 RCC20DCAT 17413 GC014-21P 12200 MAX3265CUEAV 19663 HA7-5147A-5 14000 ABV1232419 261 IDSD-06-D-10.00-D04 4000 SFI1206ML150C 12917 QSE-028-01-L-D-DP-A-K 2369 QZPBCBCBXX87 8300 VC52600001 4285 GBD2012GA121N 1000 AC0402BRE13100R 6000 HA1-2546-9 4500 MAX182ACP1 136 DAM3 2000 X32-24000-22 4300 QTE-020-01-L-D-GP-LC 1889 VE-23D-EW-B1 1000 MAX197ACAI+T 2648 RCH110NP-681KB 1682 RBC65DRTH 1000 CAT661ESA 7850 TC297TA128F300SBBKXUMA1 2000 PAM3101BAB280 2000 PAM8803NHR_05 3800 RC1005J562CS 228 GBB105DYHN 2400 VE-22V-CX-S 5902 GCBAQ-8 250 GBM25DCWT 150 DAMV-3H3P-N-K127 1000 AA3528VRVCS/A 2400 ABM13W-76.8000MHZ-6-J2Z-T5 28347 MAX5152AEEE+ 27169 AAA2801-10 2000 X24325PI 1480 AA0005009 2000 AC0603GKNPO7BB 6220 BAV21WS-7-G 4000 RCA18DRMD 6389 SG-8001JA 33.000MHZ 2000 QPD5223 2000 FDMC3020DC 2829 AA3528PR2C/A 1000 SG-9101CB-C02SHBCC 2000 GBC28DRXI 4000 CAT-SEAM-30-10-RA 5100 MAX6741XKWTD3 2000 TC1263-2.8VAT 250 SGE-225-0-1540 05000C-05000C 1000 OEH25A 3000 ND20 2000 GBB75DHNT 2950 TARQ155M020RNJ 1994 AAT3221IGV-3.3-T11 4000 RCB64DHND 4508 CAT6201VP2-GT3 7800 EE92251B3-000U-A99 8535 OESL-63-2-6 4500 ECOS2WA391 447 CACR-SR06 2400 SFSDT-10-28-G-05.00-SR 3000 HA2-5127A-5 250 LFA150F-12-SNCR 6100 ABLS2-66.6667MHZ-D 9233 LE CW E3A-LZNX-Q3R5 5800 TAS5729MDDCA 1000 AC0805FR-132K7L 3000 VCO190-1775T 2783 RBM44DSEN-S13 18534 SFSA064GM1AA4TO-C-QC-416-STD 5000 NCP59151DS50R4G 2000 GBM11DSEN-S13 16000 LDS-A3906RI 2000 A90L-0001-0316 / R 5275 AC0612JR-071K 2950 LCMX02-1200UHC-5FTG256I 2950 RCC25DRAS 780 MAX5962-8876701LA 2658 ABM7-32.000MHZ-D-2-Y-T 15090 GBC40DREF 9100 SFSD-06-28-F-05.00-SR 1740 MAX4600EWE+ 10277 ABA30150X18BT2WDA24C 1147 ECW-F4243JLB 2000 IDSD-10-S-04.00-P02-G 3000 D70008AC-8 5000 SFML-107-02-L-D-A 8750 AB-029NN9K 9213 VE-2N0-IW-F4 1614 EEG.2B.302.CLL 1947 NCP3335ADMADJR 83 OL1055 2000 MAX6305UK00D1-T 9112 HA178M05P 74 PA28F800BX-B80 193 AB982 11386 RBM30DTMT-S189 13512 GCB09DYHR 17750 SFSDT-05-30-G-12.00-S 3000 D80401380 2000 MAX465ACPD 2198 TAJE686M025R-NNBUY 1000 EEE1HAR47AR 6758 XC1765EPC 1501 BCM384T120T300A00 3000 OH-A8FVC28B 5200 MAX504BCPD 13160 MAX5948BESA+ 1314 MAX5969BETB+ 4884 SGE-365-2-1850 10000C 1000 PA-SOD6SM18-24 19000 ABC54705-HD 1827 KA2411G(PBFREE) 2000 GC87C510A0-SP20I 1000 AC1225DR-07976R 8300 SGE-225-0-3090 10000C-10000C 4500 KB 3T-6-SB 3T 452 AB-25.000MHZ-Z 5000 AA104VC08 5800 AB-6.763281MHZ-32 78 MAX5419PETAT 4789 VE-2N1-CU-B1 1000 AAT60055B-S15-T 24007 ABM3B12270MHZD4Y 6762 A9F54101 4000 U-95236 20589 SG-9101CE-D20SGABC 2950 MAX306EPI+(NEW+) 479 BAP51-02.115 5000 CA3102E24-5SYB 5000 AC82Q43-SLB88-MM#898629 2700 XC3130A-1VQ100C 2700 KA40W 1000 MAX5514ETCT 10667 CA3108E20-2SB01 1000 SFM-135-01-F-D-A 3000 ABL-7.3728MHZ-I 483 SG137T/883B 1000 X40233S 2195 X806416004 77 EEGA2E551CKE 15358 TC4039BP 5200 EDZTE6133B 4488 DBMMV9X4SN 3000 SFSD-07-30C-F-03.26-S 9050 QVVFX11V050SM 5800 MAX6386XS18D1 5000 ACA-106 5100 QPE1258 1000 MAX5388NAUB+ 11054 EEGA2G182FHE 29703 HB8 3000 ABM8W-21.9487MHZ-8-J2Z-T3 17248 JANTX1N751A 3000 PAL16R4A2 2000 XB6EDF8B1P 4000 RCB110DHAR 10352 LES15A48-5V0AJ 5000 XC443712CFNR2 8000 VCJT 3/4 5204 GBM28DCSI 3875 GBM12DRTN-S13 6000 HA13492 4900 MAX3232EGI 12716 MAX522ESA/BEWE 8548 LCSTOM4DAQ3 9840 LCWW5SM-JY-4K 336 X4-Z11-PW-A 2000 XC4VLX100-11FFG1148C 2000 HAT2174H 4500 QTH-030-01-C-D 2700 QXK2E106JTP 4000 FCR10.0M5 9066 MAX6740XKWTD3+ 150 MAX6709JUB+T E 1000 XC4028XLA-08BG352C 2503 VE-21F-MX-F4 5828 DAM1MA15 5000 ECST1AY225R 5000 HA9P-2556-9 2700 ABM3B-12.288MHZ-10-1-U 17820 MAX4020EEE+ 6301 AC0402FRX7R8BB 2000 LD1117AL-AD-AA3-A- 98 NDL5551P 4500 VE-25J-MY-B1 5135 SFSA032GM1AA2TO-C-QC-216-STD 2000 MAX6736XKYHD3+ 5100 ABV1234619 150 BAT54AWT3 1000 RC0805FR-07619RL 11999 BA8205 5000 IDSD-06-S-07.00-T-ST2 2000 AAT3221IGV-1.6-T1 3000 RC20GF101J 9320 MAX6388LT30D6 2389 D70741GC-25 2000 GBC44DRYS-S93 5200 BAL6309 4500 AC0402MPNPO8BN 2000 MAX6383XR40D4 9000 XC4025E-1HQ240C 4000 U-77962 8833 FCA-210-1030M 7196 RC9624DPR665316 8785 SG3842Y 3000 TB-16.384MCE-T 2950 CAT24W05 4000 BACC45FN24-61P7H 27900 SFM-110-L3-S-D-A 17013 ABM11W-40.0000MHZ-6-B2U-T3 13145 DC0040/03-PC99AL-0.1 2000 LDV12-15-R80 2000 XC2VP70-7FFG1517C 4500 VE-224-CY-F2 11094 VE-22K-IY-F2 20390 HA4314ACP 5000 FCGX24-S 4364 HA1691B 2179 IDSD-10-S-11.81 2000 OE-A8HS59FS 2000 SG531PC-7.680MHZ 2400 FCC1700-C37AD-292 20787 VE-21N-MU-B1 3559 D500-12 1000 ECR1VXY330MLL200511 5100 TC82C55AM-10 2436 HC3-H-AC240V-F 4000 QTH-040-05-L-D-DP-A 5200 GBPC2508-E4/51 136 NDL5521P1SC(2) 17300 DAMK7W2PK87 184 XC145660RTGC 3000 MAX2321EUP.B50029 4000 VE-25H-EU-F4 1000 BACC63BV20H16SNH 1000 X25320P2.7 150 X07B-0102 2000 AC0603BKX7R9BN 8676 ABM8G-24.000MHZ-B4Y-T3 5864 MAX17292EUBA+ 4982 ECXO-2185-40.000M 8563 LED25W-36-C0700 4100 XC6122A445MR-G 1000 D4PB-SCB-PK5 1000 XC4013E-2PQG208C 16000 MAX234CWE+T 6000 EDH8808AC-55LPKMHR 2709 SG-9101CE-D30SGAAC 250 VE-20M-MY-F2 1411 ABLS-27.000MHZ-B2-T 22822 D78310AGF-3BE 472 RBC31DREN 4000 RC05GF103J 3222 LFA30-12B0766B027AF-194 5000 TC1015 3000 ABM13W-40.0000MHZ-8-J1Y-T5 3693 MAX660ESA/CSA 5000 FDFD1-250 7059 SG-9101CG-D15PHBCB 1000 MAX2242EBC-T 1000 SFSDT-25-30-G-05.00-DL-NDX 1000 NCP4569DM33R2 3800 MAX6387LT32D4 3000 MAX358CWE 8674 DBM21W1S1A7NA190 1000 AAV5050401 4000 SFSDT-35-28-G-14.00-D-NUX 4000 RCE5C1H103J1K1H03B 15544 GBM15DTMS 8300 SFM-105-L2-L-S-TR 13396 U-99545 12938 GBM22DCAT 1000 RC2012F1474CS 9371 EDR0121A09 6227 BACC63BN12-3S8 300 XBT-HM017110 3000 DA14585-00ATDEVKT-P 201 TC74HC541AF(F) 1000 AAT3142ITPT1 1000 D5V0L1B2S9-7 4000 MAX3241ECGJ-TD 8506 PA7469L 7000 SFSDT-40-28-G-05.91-D-NUS 235 QTH-040-04-L-D-DP-K-TR 5800 SH01D0505A 2000 PATT0805E8982BGT5 2400 PAM0174A02 2400 ABM11W-33.8688MHZ-8-B1U-T3 28280 TB-PRX200 114 RC855NP-270JB 4116 AC3MAH-AU-B 3000 PA75CD 5200 DBU-25P-FO 1000 LE53A 17799 CA3106E28-15SF80 2950 OF106JE 7000 RC0603FR-0793R1L 5221 SGDB-10ADB 3000 HAN16E/MF-2469-3M 1500 PAL20L8AMJS/883B 1756 TB010-508-18BE 1777 MAX3238ECAZ 21461 FCN-704Q026-AU/M 1441 NCP4625HSQ30T1G 5100 PBA50F-48-TN 4000 CAT25C08YGI-T3-A1 3000 SFV-CNB05 3000 HANQWP8/4-2434-11M 4773 ED2F103A2-61046 26820 PBA300F-24-GU 2700 SGE-225-2-0530N 2000 RBM36DCMN 3025 TC164-FR-07820KL 661 MAX4687BT+T 9254 HAT-3+ 3000 MAX1735EYJ25-T 1665 MAX529CAG+ 19778 D8253O 485 SFSDT-13-28-G-06.00-DL-NDX 1250 SGE-225-2-6100 05000C 63 BACC63BV24B61S8 3000 LDH65400PAAA400 12200 MAX3033ECSE+ 150 D4NS-4AFNPT 5000 BB3656AG-3 2000 TB3500H13F 5000 ABM11W-27.1200MHZ-6-K1Z-T3 272 RBC43DCAT 5000 TC90A80N 20348 UA124DMQB 10305 RC73A2B4992FT 10014 HA1F-DC5V 5000 MAX4639EGE 10998 MAX4126CUA 10527 DBM21W1P1A5NA190 4500 AA88348 3000 QVCF9T-UL 2950 RCC05HETN 12908 TAS156K020P1C 8300 AB-21.33333MHZ-32D4Z 10004 MAX4292EBLT 5644 MAX1589ATT250 6000 DAFIR-GEN-SC-U1 72 RBQ-12/33-D48PBH-C 26063 TC4451EPA 9000 CA3106E14S-1SB15 5200 PADP-22V-1-S 2000 VE-261-CV-F2 4500 BCM20737A1KML2G 2000 TC0193A 3000 X17128DPI 17300 ECS-200-13-30B-AEM-TR 2000 RC20GF561J 4168 VCT49XYEPZC2 21265 X-310653 1000 NCV33274ADG 2700 BA6410 5100 GBC50DCMN 9450 LD2-101-R 37285 IDSR012.T 92 XC56307GC100D 2700 SGE-225-2-0550 10000C 2000 TB0475A 2000 CA3108E16-9PF80 11869 ABV1610513 3795 TAPG20K307SM 500 U-74525 948 FDMC7664 7664 AA59126/07903 4599 MAX631AESA+ 2016 VC08015B00J0G 6898 BACC63BV24F57PN 4500 CA3106E28-15SBF42 2501 MAX491EEPA-LF 4233 MAX3514EEP-T 10330 ABM13W-38.4000MHZ-8-N1Z-T5 5551 CA3106FC20-33P 143 HAK271MBACF0KR 452 MAX667MJA/883C 456 TAWD106K025R0600 8300 TAP475M020BRW 4000 LEMC3225T1R5M 4000 MAX5918LEEE+ 29492 X9401WV24ZT1 500 VCAS121030H620 75 EEEFC1C470P 12216 SGE-1510-2-2540A 00500C 2000 AAAIM200J-08H 5000 FCA50F-24-C 18316 FDD1-17238DBMW44-L 3100 SFM-107-02-S-D-A-K-TR 4312 SFSD-30-28-H-12.00-D-NDX 5000 XC17V01PC20C 5326 AAZ 14 5000 OEH2527AT 8000 AB090A-S2-P1 150 D753104 2000 MAX6386XS38D6 5000 MAX20070BGTJ/V+ 2501 XC4005-6PC84C 6000 VDRS14T150TME 1180 MAX2116UTLT 3000 AC220S05DC-5W 2000 TC74VHCT08AFT 2384 ABM11W-28.2240MHZ-7-K2Z-T3 22725 AC244008 4500 TCD1703CG 785 MAX384CPW 1827 GBO25-12NO1 17400 BB-MDR-20-12 1000 SGMP-A8A3TA11 10006 TC51N5702ECBTR 5800 VCE05US03-P 5862 XBTZ928 2000 QYX1H473JTP1FD 3000 GBM36DCTI-S288 6000 SGR117AK/883B 5800 SG-9101CB-C05SHBAA 4500 FC-255 32.0000KA-A0 3068 SFSD-07-30-G-03.50-DR-NDS 6000 XC6122A737MR-G 480 CAT64LC40WI-GT3 2700 SG-8003JF-PDM 4500 OM11034,598 5100 BAT54S-7 3000 TCB10U102NP19 24049 HAAPP-51529 7900 RBM25DRMT 3800 XC4020XL-09BG256C 2505 HANQW4/2-2219-25M 4500 DA15-SL-36 1000 AAT3170_08 1463 TC518512AFI-10 3800 CA3106E14S-6P02 8000 SGM-03LB4CL 9490 VCS25AXT-4473 11731 SFV23R-1STE1HLF 4000 ABM12W-40.0000MHZ-6-B2U-T3 3362 OF-A8HT17BP 6000 PACS128402Q 5100 MAX3246EEPI 11242 MAX6380XR34 10491 TCBN-T1-M4-8-61 7387 ECST1AX475R(10V4.7UF) 13000 MAX1922ETB+T 9000 VE-20W-IX 23650 DAMMP3H3PJ 2199 AA20B-048L-120S 135 UA30CAD60NPTI 1659 PBA100F-24-MN 17500 FC6606A 5467 A9404341 2000 U-91430 22067 PBRC5.000BR-A 3000 NCV7513FTR2G 162 SG8002JF-48000MPCML2 3000 SFSD-40-28-G-08.00-SS 9840 D4SL-2JDG-D4 9590 FDC6420C 7808 SG-8002JC94.00M 1000 SFSDT-03-28-G-03.26-DR-NDS 18340 NCP1117DT25T5G 3000 SGM2305 3000 TAJS685K006R 1683 TAPA155M035RNJ 13931 IDSD-08-D-02.00-P08-G 8300 FDB-1012 13047 ECW-H10113HV 27312 EEFSF0D101R 950 SFI06035R0NV05 8158 TC12K002 3000 IDSD-13-D-36.00 1000 MAX232ACSE 5000 D55342H07B287ERT5 1000 MAX503EWE 15493 PB10FG-1205Z21 8150 GBB56DHFN-S578 1000 MAX525BC 5721 MAX6388XS36D6 5000 RC3216J561CS 3581 CA3106R14S-5S 796 PBO-1-S12 4500 VE-203-CY-F3 1087 BAF-6-1/4 480 MAX3045BCWE 480 IDSD-05-D-02.75 8740 MAX6351LSUTT 13584 RBM18DREH 1000 IDSD-20-D-36.00-D02 9000 SFM-120-T2-S-D-LC-K 3465 DB-2511V 4500 RCH108NP-220MB 9806 QS29FCT2052CTSO 3000 VE-201-CX-B1 6882 EDR0121A24 2998 BACC45FM22-12P8 3000 LEGZX1-1-63-30.0-AG-03-V 1000 VE1A470MF3R 12441 SFT1431-W 3800 AAT2834IBK-T1 5200 AAA-250WT SANYO 5000 QTH-090-10-F-D-LC 7780 SG-9101CG-D40PGDBB 3000 OL6205E-R52 2400 SGD7S-5R5A00A002 8500 MAX3395EETC+AAFZ 5738 VE-23V-CY-F1 6000 AA-A29LLBH-FREQ 9590 AAT4650IAS-T1 1674 D55342E07B120BRWS 5200 CA3102E20-29SBF80A152-05 4000 XC6121E727ER-G 5000 PADTHERMALFG356MMTHK 5100 VE-26Y-CY-S 8770 TC224K35AT 2400 UA293EHC 15700 MAX211CAI/ECAI 2000 CA3106R14S-9SF80 2400 PAL10H8-2MJ 13000 MAX6428ORUR+T 328 HA3-5002-9 2000 BA7796FS-E2 8300 NCP305LSQ16T1 3000 GCB05DHAS 2000 BCM2022KPJ 3000 AA15A-048L-120S 4100 QVPX28V125ST 25022 NDS6D2415EC 6000 TB200HB-10SP 5000 SG3825CDW 5000 CAT24WC64P-D3 5000 OESL-50-3-6 5000 AAT6208B 18000 PA8SO1-03-3 1865 TBC40-11EGWB 997 X9400WV24I-2.7T1 2000 SG-9101CA-C05PHBBB 4000 OF24GJ 9000 XC6121A335ER-G 5100 RC1218JK-07160RL 233 OE-A8HT28FS 2000 AAC564KC23002 19000 QV60 7900 PA61M/883 3254 BACC63BV20H25PN 4000 SFSRA6M00CF00-BO 2000 RCC12DRYI-S93 3935 BC857BS115 8200 BA7O7 6000 DAC0801LCM 2000 LCMC0402B2N7GTAR 3000 PA541 4500 MAX4431-UK 3515 LDEDD3330JA5NO 250 DAC7731EC/1K 265 X24645S8I-2.7 14250 SFSDT-10-28-G-18.70-DR-NDX 5000 SH1286SV312816SG 142 MAX6061BEUR-T 14256 SGE-125-2-0630 07000C 7180 AAT4298IJQ-T1 8300 ABL4000MHZ 3600 ECQ-E12222RJF 5000 X24C01AS35T2 3589 SGE-225-2-0790 113 SGL41-40/25 2700 FDS256P 16800 RBE2VA20AGTR 547 TAPN13K204SM 976 LFB30N12B0463B021AF517 1000 LFA20-2A1E223MT 32502 MAX5678ETJ+ 11820 CAT24WC01JI-1.8-484TE13-C2 16453 VC11RT23010M 14415 MAX379EWGT 27950 TC1277-10ENBTR 5800 SGLC8BCUL00 2700 XC5VLX110T-1FFG1738C4031 3800 VC02005A00J0G 9844 ECS-400-10-36Q-EP-TR 2000 MAX4121EVKIT-SO 15408 PAL20R4AC 6990 HA1-2541-2 7700 XC2V250-5FG456C 191 SG7815AIG/883-PB 3000 UA715DC 2604 TB62736FUG(0,EL) 250 AC-162EYAQY- 5100 SGE-125-0-0940 00200C-01750C 9000 RBC35DETH 6100 OEC0022A 2950 MAX260BCNG.ACNG 250 GBB92DHRN-S330 4000 DBL5W5S343H40LF 3000 SG-8002JA49.800000MHZPCC 19000 U-81773 22899 UA1468HMQB 4003 QS4A101QG8 4500 KA84/127/BEFRTAH 1000 SGE-225-2-0870L 00600C 4000 EEC0254B1-000U-F99 6920 MAX3243ECPWE4 13014 ECUPA1H330 5000 PA4835L HTSSOP-28 17400 IDSD-08-D-10.70-R 5000 AA3528SECH 16464 MAX232AMJE/88 480 SFSD-15-30-H-04.00-DR-NUS 5000 ECS-2100AX-5.0688MHZ 4000 AA104VF01 5000 VE-24D-MY-B1 2700 MAX1647EAP 2000 RC0603JR-078R2L 202 GC5042 2700 SG-9101CB-D20SGDAA 7860 BC2M-S4-M0 1000 AB-153W6A-12V0-M00_15 3000 AA-2202 5000 SFSD-05-28-G-05.25-SR 4500 MAX1781ETM+CF6 6000 SGDS-30A02A 4500 DAM15SNMK52 2700 TAS5110DADG4 5150 LCYG6SP-DAEA-5E-XX 5000 ECRJA006A11W 1000 DAM-7W2S-A191-A 2000 CAW10R100JLF 1000 PBW15F-15-VN 8300 SGMG-13AWAYR13 754 LE1M35B716 150 QS123XXHW110 1600 AAT3514IGV-4.70-C-A-T1 2000 NCP18XW332F03RB 2000 SGE-125-4-1220 9320 XC5210-6PQ160I 17800 PAAD14020BHYD09 5000 AC-162EHIY-H 3000 SFM-104-02-S-S-TR 11640 GBB92DHBT-S329 2700 KAF-09001-ABA-DP-BA 2400 MAX207ENG 1005 IDSD-06-S-05.00-T-ST2 13000 MAX2470EUT-T 12200 AA-BADYAE-FREQ 452 FCC10151ADPA 7701 VE-22N-MY-S 8106 ECQ-E4564JFW 1000 QU80L186EC16 2000 MAX6461XR16 5000 FCC20501AATP 16974 PAL22V10C-7PC 4000 ABM12W-24.0000MHZ-8-J1Z-T3 7588 SGMAS-04A2A2B 4500 HA17901AFP-E 3800 GBC40DCSN 4500 MAX3371-XT 1785 SFMC-124-01-S-D-P 4500 MAX2206EBS+TW 9000 ECST1AY225ZR 7100 QSML-A436-Y7PM1 2000 SFSDT-07-28-G-05.91-DR-NDX 6695 DAC084S085CIMM 2000 QO320L125G 2000 MAX17201G+00E 5000 TC962CPAODU 24014 X4-A11-C10H-US 364 TC7MPH3245FTG(EB,A) 1000 DBP1031A019-130 2700 ECXO-1784-44.736M 5940 ABM13W-80.0000MHZ-6-B2U-T5 7268 D55342K07B47D0RTSV 687 ECQ-U2A684ML 1000 AAT2860IMK-2-T1 4500 CA3106R18-11SBF80 3000 VE-20R-CX-B1 4601 ECW-H20103RHV 3583 NERO12KWIKBURNESSENTIALS 9520 PBA100F-36-R 1000 AA1010RWC9 8000 XBHAWT-02-0000-000LT50E1 2950 TC4427COA-LF 9000 SG73S2ATTD5601F 219 VE-23B-EX-B1 1000 NCP5220AMNR2/N5220A 3000 MAX237RS232 9000 CA3106E14S-5PBA176 4000 IDSD-08-D-06.50-T-G 3000 ABM13W-80.0000MHZ-8-B1G-T5 1626 RC1/2106JB 18964 HBL532B6W 2000 OM2 BY MY2J AC24 1000 VE-23B-MU 4500 CAS300M17BM2 2000 RC0402FR-0763K4 29466 BACC63CB10-5S7H 1000 TB200-23SP 3000 AC2512JR-131R5L 1000 X9429YS16-2.7 3000 AAT3512IGV-3.30-B-C-T1 8800 D73F751JO3F 14900 GC80960RP33 9500 SG2842AM 6000 MAX3273ETG+ 1741 DB0805A0967AWTR 5000 XC6121E619ER-G 4000 XBTC8752 396 CATTEN-08R0-BNC 2950 AB-FA01230-19712-8A1 25034 SGE-1510-2-0400L 00200C 2000 QS3383QG 17300 LFA240F-24-SJ1 32400 SG7812K/883B 5100 MAX6383XR39D6 3800 SG-9101CA-C02SHCCC 1000 CAT8801SSD-GT3 2000 AC200 1000 RCA15DTMD 2792 ABDXR160C0 1865 LCS_112_CTP 1000 D71O54C 2950 AC0603JK-13100R 8000 QS74FCT374AT2 1539 FDC655AN_NL 4430 ABL-32.000MHZ-I-TALL CAN 23956 OK5635E-R52 2000 SGE-245-2-1150L 00600C 16000 AA05E048L120S 6000 XC4013E-4PQG160I 7785 FCE17B25PB20B 7998 HC0001-GREEN 250 PB2012-201/1A/0805-200R/1A 10009 QP-200-3E 1000 PBSS4240TTR 2000 GBM30DRSS 4500 MAX6724UTSYD32000 5850 VCO600A666514MHZ 8137 CA3106F18-10SF80F187 1250 ABL-16.128MHZ 2186 RC1/2-68K-5% 488 SG2011-3.3XN3 480 SFM-120-02-L-S-LC-P-TR 21922 PBHV9540Z 2000 MAX16963RAUEA/V+T 5100 CAT24C01BPI 4370 FCE17B25SA40B 13014 TC74VHCT541AF(EPKF 1000 TAP6A250V 5100 MAX6320PUK47AW 1908 D55342K07B24E3R 4000 EECS5R5V155A 21888 EDJ1108BDSE-DJ-F 3512 NCV7513AFTG 2000 TAP337M006SRS 250 FDC642P/642 3931 MAX619CPE 25566 OH-A8FVC18D 3000 KA9257-S 7800 VE-243-CW-F2 1000 ABCIRHSE06T32A13SCNF80V0 16602 MAX3243AI 11981 MAX2003CWE 3000 EDS2516ADTA75XE 3056 QT2C02ASG 4000 SG-9101CE-C07PGABA 2950 QVPG26V110ST 2400 MAX241EWI-T 12200 VE-24T-MW-B1 2000 TBC-120-ABA 2000 ABLS3-4.000MHZ-A4 15085 CA3106E16S-1PWB03A176 695 SFSD-05-28-F-10.00-S 9782 SGDA-08VPY179 5200 XB5AS8442 2700 SGE-225-4-2000 250 IDSD-12-D-18.00-G-D07 148 SG23882-001 6000 NCP3231MNTXG 6000 RC55-D-866R-B-B 260 PA-SO36-S-V-01 300 A90L-0001-0519 / RL 7750 CAT24WC03UI-18 6000 AC01000507JAC00 468 XC4062XLA-09BGG560I 1483 TB6596FLG(0,EL) 2000 TAJE686M016RJ 5000 D6417709SF100B 5100 VE-264-IX-F1 8390 ECS-160-18-9X 150 LCM300L-T-4 8000 AB7870-F 1245 EDLA26SR 13987 MAX4453EZA+TG069 6383 AC5-10M/BK-R 12200 ABLS-12.000MHZ-B4H-T 6933 FCO-726B-12.288MHZ 9563 PAL16R4PC 2400 XADRP18V 5800 LDS0705-151M-R 5326 MAX479ESD+ 7961 TB8-02 4000 GCA36DRMD-S273 7490 XC4VFX100-12FF1517C 2000 HA17431PA-E 3000 CAT9883G-140 4500 PA-1600-32SL 2000 TC124-FR-078K45L 4100 MAX6357SVUT-T 12594 ABM12W-40.0000MHZ-4-J2Z-T3 3259 QS74FCT139ATSO 5100 AA32416A 11386 DC00030 4500 MAX202CPEPBF 4500 AAT1403A 6000 ECS-H1VY334R 1000 VE-20T-IY-B1 5796 ABM8W-13.0625MHZ-6-J2Z-T3 23460 PBB206E 4000 X9241WS 1000 BB2-B0-46-620-121-D 3000 NCP18XW153K05RL 2000 DAMM15PDA101 6000 U-87279 17704 GBC28DCSH 2000 VDRS05C140BSE 6433 EDN.1M.308.XLM 14315 GBC12DCST-S288 7490 ECP1401/1411/1.1 2000 OF-A8HS18CS 9000 TC1300R-3.3VUATR 12200 U9505-04 27453 LCMXO2-256HC-6TG100I 5000 RC4250P 1364 CANM200SNM-001 2700 NCP5106B 12200 PAA.M0.9GL.AC52U 2332 CAB.M19.GLA.C52J 5000 VE0931500000G 28506 JANTX1N3008A 1000 RC875NP-822J-5OC 7543 D60T406010KE 5800 AC82GM45/QV08ES 1000 VCDG1113F-TR 9711 BCM4329HKUBG 5000 TCA1D475M8R 19674 VE-21D-MU-S 6081 BAS-5106 129 ABM63CA16384MHZBT 15983 SGE-225-0-0910 02000C-02000C 9200 MAX2245 2000 HC1-6518-8 4500 BC5-QF5.5-Y1X-0.2-RS4.21T/S250 428 FD1771AL 13341 HA125569 1000 PB097100 2400 FCE17C37PE490 4466 CA3106E14S-6PB15F0 250 TC74AC374P 5100 SGM2027-ADYTN6G/TR 437 PAM0126A03V20 1000 PBY201209T-680Y-N 18000 TC4423MJA/883C 1000 MAX6381XR16D3+T 12042 MAX6581EVKIT+ 3000 LDB610 3000 MAX2537ETI+ 2700 IDSD-18-S-15.00-ST4-RW 2356 RC0603FR-077K87L 290 PACDISPLAYPRO 5000 KA-3528APBC-G 3875 HBL7383 5000 GBB34DYFN-S1355 5000 VC7820A-LZ-100-155.520-C 63 PALCE16V8Q-150PC 1000 MAX548ACPA+P 8116 EEETK2A470AQ 15873 X9314WMIZ-3 2950 ECS-110-S-5P-TR 2950 QS0B-01-2201-J 1471 JANTX1N2200 3000 SG3102E40-56PZ 2000 MAX4292EBL+T 25043 ECW-FD2J155JC 1250 SGS054YB-A 3000 PBY160808T-400Y-N 2950 SFS104805A 1000 SFMC-125-T1-SM-D 3800 VE-23N-IW 5000 HA2-2505-5 2950 AA1206DK-131RL 2950 CA3106E28-21SZBF80 2700 EEGA2D822GHE 6530 AAT3215IGV-1.5-T1.. 3000 SFM-122-L3-S-D-A 3958 A920CY-390M=P3 12200 U8911-GP069H 7995 AA393 5000 LDS-C303RI 1000 CA3106F20-17S 2000 BA6992FS 8800 ECQ-E12393JFB 5000 KA78R05TU 3000 RC2512JK-07620RL 11674 VE-23L-MU-S 4759 MAX536ALH 21488 CA3106E24-2PWBF80 3000 NCV8570MN250R2G 4100 XC17S150APD8C 13000 AAT351XIGV-3.60CB 2950 OFMS12MIE02111 5000 SFM-150-02-S-D-A-TR 2000 SG615PT-31.3344MM0 173 AAT1151IKS-1.8-T1 4300 SFT1443-W 384 MAX4081TAUAT 8467 X24C01SI-3T4 2000 BCM4358X3KWBG 4500 MAX4209TATA 2272 MAX271CNG+ 8900 MAX6381LT44D5T 7805 VE-25W-CY-S 8740 KAAAABY8921 3000 MAX208EEWG+ 287 MAX4434ESA 28719 LD1117AG18AA3AR 1622 IDSD-05-S-04.50 2000 VCC1-B3F-66M6667000 6841 PA-850-103G-NGF 5000 VC14025100J0G 935 ABCIRP1819GPL 26516 XB6EAV6JP 8370 DBM25PFNMBK52 3000 PBIA485000 2000 EEEHP1H1R0R 3921 FDP060AN08A0/ALCAT 8900 FCN10786_LE1-D 8592 VC5510NNCP 11010 SG1524BF 6990 MAX4401EXT+T 4497 KAD0206 5800 SGA-6489-TR1 7651 ABLS-20.000MHZ-30-B2-T 29339 AC-162DSTWH 2000 TB300-0500ST 1000 SFM210-LPSE-S42-ST-BK 1000 FDD1-17251EBMW33-L56 916 RC0805FR-07180RL 12470 XA7A75T-1CSG324Q 6000 OM10093 4000 RBM40DCSI-S288 19403 CA3108E20-27SBF80G12F85 7180 SFML-112-02-L-D-LC 1000 VE-21N-MV-F3 3791 RCB75DHFT 3487 AA26487LF 2192 BAP51L 4000 AC-162EYIY- 2400 IDSD-20-D-11.00-R 480 RC855NP-110KB 6106 CA3106F10SL-3P 8300 KA558D2TF 4500 NCP715SQ18T2G 6000 XC3042A-10TQ144C 13000 EEE1CA221XP 1818 MAX5051CWE 3461 CAT6612CQ 20007 LED75W-022-C3400-D 1000 MAX487CPA/EPA 18984 SG-615PC-24.0000M 5100 X9224AWPI 19420 A901S00230 7800 TC0416A 819 MAX3042BCUE 1000 CAT874 5000 GBU4D 143 AB-P06481B012VD36-CF 4959 FCQ20A10 21454 VE2330500000G 2000 FDD1-17251EBMW3C 6661 DAC3152IRGZR 2400 A98L-0004-0799/B 2000 LCT-H320240M35W 18000 IDSD-13-D-06.00-T-RW 4100 VE-23Z-EY-F2 3000 MAX4723EBL 3180 VE-23R-IV-F1 2000 NCV20062DMR2G 8370 X29504BF 5000 FCN1913H104J 1392 SGM6011-1.8YD10G 1000 SFH615AA 3773 X9511WSIT1Z 5000 SFSDT-07-30-G-15.00-SS 4500 AA0805DK-131KL 12800 HB0622800000G 4000 NCP18XQ102F03RB 2400 AC0402FK-13976R 4500 A9GT-70LTTCH 4500 MAX232CSE/232CWE 7000 XC2S50-5TQG144I 2000 RC0201FR-0718KL 4057 X5165S8IZ-2.7A 5800 LDS-CA13RI 2400 SFML-145-01-S-D-LC 2700 LD1117AL18A 738 MAX6716AUTYDD3 3000 UA0802CPA 5366 SG73P2ATTD2203F 6000 GBB105DHAS 4490 AAT3526ICX-4.63-200-T1 2400 HA-SH152-Y 2000 MAX2613ETA+T 13000 A9BBG-2004F 2950 AB308-14.500MHZ-18 2000 FCC17B25PC6DB 9294 TC1044S-CPA 500 MAX2161EGM 150 QSS-048-01-L-D-DP-RA-WT-K 2000 CA3102E20-15SBF80 1000 AC40-06 3000 RCH895NP-560K 4464 FC6A-C40K1DE 9373 ABM13W-52.0000MHZ-8-B1Z-T5 25699 MAX5214GUA+ 7439 CAT34TS04HU4GT4A 150 JANTX1N4461US 7000 CA95C68-16CN 3316 PAS150-6AG 9000 X2816D-25 2950 CAT7108CM 4500 PBA30F-48-CN 4000 SFSD-05-28-G-20.00-DR-NDS 7000 SG-9101CB-C15SGBAB 3000 LFA300F-48-T1Y 2646 SG8002JCPH42.720000 5000 CA3106E16S-1PB111 1480 KAR04LGGR 1000 BAR18NFILM-H/J 600 VE-261-IX-F1 1000 BCM20733A1KFB1G 18000 QTLP600C-7.TR 8000 MAX1800EHJ 3000 NCP301LSN36T1 2000 MAX653CSA-T 639 MAX6377XR22+ 8490 FCSP140LTR 25332 FD-EG30S 11094 MAX543BCP 6706 X9421WV14IT1 3000 MAX6441KAPRSD7+ 2700 QMV81BAD1 769 DBC30H-12-12P8 [V001] 5200 SGE-245-5-0650L 88 LDN40-12D 5000 FDMA6023PZT 12480 MAX463CWP 6649 RC2012J203CS 24099 CA3106E20-7PF80F187 7700 ABLS-40.000MHZ-D-T 2525 TC652AEVUATR 3800 CA3102R36A34SF80 7730 D55342E07B16B5RT5 1000 VCO190-864TY 4791 HABOO5 1000 VC0326BRTD 1790 PB4SCHWARZ 5100 AC88CTPM/QI78ES 6990 SFMC-107-L3-L-D-P-TR 5200 VC06035A0000G 6972 VCC1B3B77M76000 3982 FD0200YM 23460 QSS-075-01-C-D-A-LS2 2700 SFM-115-T2-S-S-LC-P 452 LDEIF3560KA0N00 3000 AA3528QWS-D-AMT 9000 SFV30R-1STBE1HLF 2700 SG-9101CA-C10PGDBB 5000 BCH1302N11A1C 464 TAJW157K002R 2700 MAX333BSEAP-T 20745 XC1765ELPC20C 2700 RCH654NP-181KB 3167 XC3030-50PG84I 1000 LCM518O1HA 2000 TB-19.200MCD-T 4000 PA-169A-2 3800 HAL1506SU-A 5100 TB-409-74+ 4000 SGA8038 4500 HAN16B/40M2213-15M/S3306 3000 TB62218AFG 2700 SG-9101CA-C20PHAAA 18400 TC74VHC139FS 1000 TC7S32FU(T5LT) 13000 TC7129CKW713 7963 SFMC-135-T1-FM-D 2700 AC-162EGJB-H 1000 SFPB-66VRP 8690 BB833-E6327 1000 SGE-1510-4-1940A 00200M 4000 MAX3801UTG-T 14824 GBJ610-F 150 CAT803MSDI-GT3 832 PALCE168H-5JC/5 5100 PAXDR100 3000 ABM10W-37.0500MHZ-4-B2U-T3 167 AA0200-20-3Y 13000 QVFL22V100SEM 1000 MAX421 6570 RCA32DTAI 15448 LDC-55 2000 AA25D-P010VA1-R8000 3000 MAX6731AUTWD3+ 2000 LELK1-1REC4-29549-5-V 5100 SGE-245-2-1300 00500C 2000 TBJC156M006CRB0023 5000 XASE12 800 BB-SR30510110-SWH 1000 ABM42CA1431818MHZBT 29740 MAX6382LT27D2 13000 MAX5467BETJ 3507 VE-253-IU 375 SG1200EX23 7000 GCC22DRXS 816 MAX5622AECB 8512 AA60A-036L-050D033H 331 EECHP1A330P 5496 AAA2001A-08 1000 LD111ACJ-4 3000 OE13-00E0 2000 PAT1632-C-3DB 2700 ABLS-3.5795MHZ-18-R180-D-2-X-F 18200 HAL212JQ-K 6000 NE64K 5000 TC1313-CO2EUN 7000 QS74FCT3540SO 4141 HA1-4741-2/8/9 1263 VE-24N-EW-F2 7363 LCX540 5000 X9260TS24I-2.7 1000 FCS-16-SG 14356 ABM26000MHZ 5918 KA78R33CYDT 328 MAX19790EVKIT+ 9000 CA3106E14S-2SF97 2400 BAT54CWT1 480 XC6122C326ER-G 94 LFA100F-3R3-CJ1Y 3000 SG-8002DC16.0000M-PTMB:ROHS 4000 SG40TC10M-5600 3000 BB-808-38721 2000 HA7-5777-8 9000 CA3106E20-29SB02 3000 ABCED9009403459035 4751 BAS70-02W E6327 3800 MAX214CWI+T 5200 TAR08-09YCN2V-USB-F 300 RC0603JR-075R6L 11377 MAX477EVKIT 2926 RC07GF100JTR 764 AB-15-66700MHZ-20 4000 AA-SRT-45-26-GR 4000 MAX6321HPUK49CX 2350 MAX6303AESA 5500 CA3102E28-12PB 7730 ECQ-E1275KF3 7750 SGC6489Z 5100 AAT3221IJS-3.0 9000 X9408YV24IZ 3000 PBL38201/1 2700 ABM10W-37.0500MHZ-4-D1X-T3 1817 ABI-PC3-WMUX-1 4449 TAJT335K016RTX 150 TB-5.0-P-2P1/GY 13000 KA9803 2700 SFH615A-4X008T 29336 ABNTC-0603-684F-4500F 9730 ABM10W-16.0000MHZ-8-K1Z-T3 1641 TC212A225M016A 4000 KA8330 9460 CACR-IR151515FB 4000 PBD352302 5000 X0231392 5800 EEE-FC0J102P 1527 SGE-245-4-0150L 02000M 1508 IDSD-10-S-36.00-T-ST3 500 GBM08DCSI-S288 8000 DA2JF2300L 2400 TC03G300A 2-30P 2000 AC0201FK-071RL 3000 UA139AFM 5496 TC72-28MUATRB34 150 CA3108F18-1PF80A206 2000 CAT93C46U-GO 7490 IDSD-07-D-25.01 5000 ABM13W-38.4000MHZ-5-B1Y-T5 12488 TAP106K020 5100 QMSS-052-06.75-L-D-A-K 7700 AB-33G1-24VD-T10 4370 MAX3483CSA-T 6738 TB0358A 553 BCM4323YA1KFBGH 3000 AC03BGM 2000 RC14JB750R 14786 SG-9101CB-C02SGCCC 1000 MAX6034AEXR 8052 AAT3511IGV-3.80-C-C-T1 2950 MAX4030EESA+ 8254 PA20V8BCF 2950 MAX488CSA 6457 SFML-105-02-L-D-LC-K 4500 VE-254-EW-F2 8917 MAX1976AEZT160+T 459 PA28F800B5T70 9000 ECQ-E6223KFB 9000 ABM8W-37.0500MHZ-8-B1U-T3 1446 LFB2H1G90SG6A157 1000 FDC37C932FR 29238 SG-9101CB-C07SHCBB 2950 GCC19DREH-S13 8000 CA3108R12S-3SYF80 7700 CAH.M34.SLL.C72G 2700 SFM-124-T1-L-D 6110 XC3195A-3PC84I 1000 OM184-15SC 13500 AB-11.0592MHZ-L 3000 ABT7PDU040G 1000 ABM11W-30.0000MHZ-7-J1Z-T3 29817 NCSR300FM50ETRGF 7730 MAX4455ECQD 9362 XC6121E441ER-G 3000 GBC31DRAS-S734 19000 BC850C 8720 PA16SO16D-EO-150 150 RCA28DCBN 1514 CA3106E28-16PBF42 1250 LCMXO1200E-5TN100C 150 MAX4695ETCT 2364 MAX186CEAP+ 1000 MAX202ECXE 3000 IDSD-14-S-12.00-T-P06-G 472 TBCF81BULK 600 CA3108F10SL-4SBF80 2226 MAX353CSE+T 14883 AAT351XIGV-3.60BA 7490 D6C10F1LFS 4000 FCN1913C224J-E4 1858 QSB30048S05N 630 BAS70-04T-7-F 5000 MAX1837EUT50#TG16 4000 MAX6440UTOSVD3 9170 SFV4R-3STBE1HLF/C 2700 VC70R2E683K-TS 3400 SF-SO26D-J-01 5000 TAP684K035SP 3000 LFB433G50SN1A38...
2011-11-12 17:46
미니멀풀터치 shw-a250k 공기기 판매합니다 전북 익산
판매 미니멀풀터치 shw-a250k 60,000원 결제 방법 결제 방식은 판매자와 협의 배송 방법 판매자와 직접 연락하세요 판매자 판매 기간이 지나 판매자 연락처를 볼 수 없습니다. 구매 문의 구매 문의 채팅 판매 가능한 기간이 지났습니다. 구매 가능 여부를 판매자와 상의하세요. 직접결제 시 아래 사항에 유의해주세요. 카페 구매문의 채팅이나 전화 등을 이용해 연락하고 외부 메신저 이용 및 개인 정보 유출에 주의하세요. 계좌이체 시 선입금을 유도할 경우 안전한 거래인지 다시 한번 확인하세요. 불확실한 판매자(본인 미인증, 해외IP, 사기의심 전화번호)의 물건은 구매하지 말아주세요. 네이버에 등록된 판매 물품과 내용은 개별 판매자가 등록한 것으로서, 네이버카페는 등록을 위한 시스템만 제공하며 내용에 대하여 일체의 책임을 지지 않습니다. 이 판매가격이 적당한지 궁금하세요? 해당 제품의 신제품 최저가격을 바로 확인해 보세요 ▶ 최저가 조회하기 판 매 양 식 아이디 harmony7777 이메일 eoms008@gmail.com 거주지역 전북 익산시 판매 제품명 미니멀풀터치 shw-a250k 구입시기 2011년4월 희망가격 6만원 먼저 적당한 가격인지 신제품 최저가와 비교해 보세요 거래방법 직거래 상세설명 사진 및 상세내용 자전거 거래시 차대번호 필수 (미 기재시 삭제처리) 몇일전에 5인치 폰으로 옮겨타면서 해지한공기기입니다 기기바꾸기전 스마트폰가지고 다니던게 파손이 되어서 임시로 사용했던거라 상태는 정말 좋습니다 스마트폰이 아닌 일반 전화용으로 쓰실분들에겐 정말 좋을거라고 생각도 되구요. 사용한건 본체하고 밧데리 실사용은 상당히 적구요1개 외엔 꺼내보지도 않았구요 젤리케이스하고 액보호지 부착되어져 있습니다. 외장메모리4g 넣어두었습니다 전북 익산 직거래만 하겠습니다 타지역택배거래 선입금 택배 배송등은 연락주지 말아주세요.. 위 항목을 (거래금지 항목 포함) 허위작성하거나 임의 삭제 또는 채우지 않을 경우 무통보 삭제될수 있습니다.
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싱글카페 돌싱 솔로 미팅 3040모임 재혼 싱글모임(싱카모)
2017-12-20 15:22
12월23일(토) 송년 통기타 라이브 모임 초대
안녕하세요~~~^^ 싱카모 동맹카페 뮤직벙커(통기타 노래동호회)에서 송년 통기타 라이브 모임을 전원주택 마당에 모닥불 피우고 바베큐파티 진행합니다 통기타 / 노래에 관심이 있는 회원분들은 참석하세요^^ 모임 댓글은 아래주소로 하세요~ http://cafe.naver.com/harmony7777 ▣ 모임일시 : 12월23일(토) 오후4시~~~밤11시까지 ▣ 모임장소 : 용인시 처인구 남사면(자세한 주소는 쪽지로 발송함) ▣ 모임회비 : 2만원 ▣ 모임안내 : OIO-8611-5042 마틸레옹
https://cafeptthumb-phinf.pstatic.net/MjAxNzEyMjBfMTk3/MDAxNTEzNzUwNzg3MDE1.16cnes_-JHNGmGptrd7TzlFAmvyMAipWkA0ctyfichEg.eApWsYz4v1sbiH8EHeiht3FG5Mf4QnI6PGM1lYrJO0Ig.JPEG.yejiin7777/20161119_173005RT.jpg?type=w800, https://cafeptthumb-phinf.pstatic.net/MjAxNzEyMjBfMjUy/MDAxNTEzNzUwNzg3MTA3.JJ4fVIc5EL5Ol7cIeNK2bQGNoI59nHET8Iq2OiON0p4g.MxSVChWy4WK5J47MvzXbiop1Iy4aTPMd_nar8q5YciAg.JPEG.yejiin7777/20161119_1800375.jpg?type=w800, https://cafeptthumb-phinf.pstatic.net/MjAxNzEyMjBfMjgx/MDAxNTEzNzUwNzg3MjQw.tzR4KbYJbOE8jEkxmyAvIbW8LgFUSvePI3kTwPaivMIg.aBTviodPSFvIu0V02ytXUhhYFIPOxWF7dsGvIu5bzxog.JPEG.yejiin7777/20170121_19331456.jpg?type=w800, https://cafeptthumb-phinf.pstatic.net/MjAxNzEyMjBfMTMx/MDAxNTEzNzUwNzg3Mzg4.aVpCbpEUCyrbi39-BDmdCGU63KyvvVM0S-ChtZTbGtsg.VVRG_fHcF22UCZHtw1OVyDtUPBgXXwZwnbtPmGUVaUQg.JPEG.yejiin7777/20170121_20220356.jpg?type=w800, https://cafeptthumb-phinf.pstatic.net/MjAxNzEyMjBfMjU4/MDAxNTEzNzUwNzg3NDg3.xdwRP4Q2k3VZFdorK5GlmQkYLHXIC-_VZqn33C2Rir4g.RYWS9WCvG85MAvKFEePpOYR5cOpo7rED1GHK2U3MRfgg.JPEG.yejiin7777/20161119_19034856.jpg?type=w800
MLP FIM 마이 리틀 포니 팬카페
2012-11-18 18:34
[스압]Best of Pony tunes 전 시리즈에 포함된 음악
=============================== = MLP MUSIC ARCHIVE CHANGELOG = =============================== Website: http://mlpmusicarchive.com/ Latest Update: v013: http://mlpmusicarchive.com/archive-updates/update-v013-the-5k-update ===================== = COPYRIGHT NOTICES = ===================== We, the Staff of MLP Music Archive, do not own any of the music in the Archive. Each song is owned by the individual artists who created them and should take credit as such. All songs in this Archive are in here as non-profit and no-gain purposes, and is strictly for recreational usage. This Archive is a continuation of the original Archive maintained by Waka from Ponychan. He is the original contributor of the first 1800+ songs and the file structure as it is. ===================== = THE COLLABORATORS = ===================== bo1g - Overall Manager derpybrony - Music Supervisor ZeiferRei - Files and Folders Supervisor roflcopter572 - Metadata AGryX - Soundcloud and Album Art Gypsiness - Missing Songs Walfas - Awesome Guy szjdfgs/Jones_Toast - General Artist Follower ================== = SPECIAL THANKS = ================== Waka - the original creator of the Archive. pao - the creator of the python script that generates the .bat and .sh fixes, saving roflcopter572 a GREAT deal of work and time Reddit Bronies - helped put together BoPT2 and are very supportive. Thanks, guys! Those who supports the Archive by pointing out missing songs and other bugs, And finally, the talented musical community, for creating songs that are 20% cooler than most other non-pony songs! ============= = CHANGELOG = June 26, 2012 Update V011 ============= ------------ - OFFICIAL - ------------ ADDED: 10 Songs Love Is In Bloom (Extended).mp3 Love Is In Bloom (Extended with Rainbow Dash).mp3 A Friend in Deed Credits.mp3 Special Credits.mp3 Standard Credits.mp3 Art of the Dress (German).mp3 At the Gala (Polish).mp3 Cupcakes (Swedish).mp3 Hop, Skip, and Jump (Polish).mp3 Singing Telegram (German).mp3 This Day Aria (Instrumental).mp3 REMOVED: CHANGED: 1 Song Art of the Dress (German).mp3 --- For the full version of the song, reprise and all ----------- - FANMADE - ----------- ADDED: 444 Songs 2007excalibur2007 - My Little Fortress 2 - This Spy Aria.mp3 3wavesHiguchiCutter - Your Facekau.mp3 5COPY - A Saturday Night in Ponyville.mp3 5COPY - Aetus - Chords of Octavia (5COPY Remix).mp3 5COPY - Art of the Dress (5COPY Bootleg).mp3 5COPY - Badly Mixed.mp3 5COPY - Canterlot Dreams (Club Mix).mp3 5COPY - Canterlot Dreams (Original Mix).mp3 5COPY - Canterlot Dreams (Piano).mp3 5COPY - Sandy Hooves.mp3 5COPY - SoundCloudsdale (Original Mix).mp3 5COPY - Spitfire (5COPY Remix).mp3 5COPY - Temporal.mp3 5COPY - The Canterlot Streets at Night.mp3 @ppleBukker - An Apple for Twilight.mp3 @ppleBukker - Glitchcord.mp3 @ppleBukker - Gummy's Rave.mp3 AcousticBrony - An Ode To Derpy Hooves (Derpy's Theme).mp3 AdmiralCubie - Art of the Dress (Remix).mp3 AdmiralCubie - For The New Lunar Republic (SSPPPAAAACCCEEE Remix).mp3 AdmiralCubie - One Thousand Years.mp3 AdmiralCubie - Sisters.mp3 AdmiralCubie - The Cutie Mark Crusaders Theme Song (Remix).mp3 Aerial View - Fluttershy.mp3 Aerial View - On a Cloud.mp3 Aerial View - Stylized Action Violence.mp3 AerieFlew - Luna.mp3 AerieFlew - Oh Spike (Twilights Song).mp3 AerieFlew - Special Somepony.mp3 AgileDash - AgileDash - This Day Aria (AgileDash Remix).mp3 All Levels at Once - Pony Should Pony Pony (Instrumental).mp3 All Levels at Once - Pony Should Pony Pony.mp3 All Levels at Once - Smile!.mp3 All Levels at Once - The Perfect Stallion.mp3 And The Rainfall - Family Ways.mp3 Archie - Love Is In Bloom (Club Mix).mp3 Archie - Magic Is Timeless (Club Mix).mp3 Arkane - Glorious Moonlight.mp3 Arkane - Luna Ascends.mp3 Arkane - Nightmare's Nocturnal Kiss.mp3 Arkane - Octavia's Cello.mp3 Arkane - Rainbow Factory Symphonic Metal (WIP).mp3 Arkane - The March of Heroes.mp3 Arkane - This Day Aria (Metal Remix).mp3 AspectOfTheStorm - Art of the Dress (Orchestrated).mp3 AspectOfTheStorm - Avast The DJ's Decks.mp3 AspectOfTheStorm - Cupcakes (Orchestrated).mp3 AspectOfTheStorm - Fusion.mp3 AspectOfTheStorm - Intensive Octavia Unit.mp3 AspectOfTheStorm - Intensive Scratch Unit.mp3 AspectOfTheStorm - Luna's Reign.mp3 AspectOfTheStorm - Luna's Struggle.mp3 AspectOfTheStorm - My Little Pony - Friendship Is Magic Main Theme (Orchestrated).mp3 AspectOfTheStorm - Nightmare's Revenge.mp3 AspectOfTheStorm - Octavia's Return.mp3 AspectOfTheStorm - Octavia's Triumph.mp3 AspectOfTheStorm - Octavia's Uprising.mp3 AspectOfTheStorm - Octavia's Vanquish.mp3 AspectOfTheStorm - Perfect Unison.mp3 AspectOfTheStorm - Rainbow Dash Tylenol (Orchestrated).mp3 AspectOfTheStorm - Scratching Harmony (Re-Orchestrated).mp3 AspectOfTheStorm - Silence of The Everfree.mp3 AspectOfTheStorm - Twilight's Discovery.mp3 AspectOfTheStorm - Winter Wrap Up (Orchestrated).mp3 AussieAsher - Vinyl Scratch (AussieAsher and The Marking Dude Remix).mp3 Automatic Jack - 86'd from CTX [CENSORED] (Winter Rap Off Round 3).mp3 Automatic Jack - The Twisa Spajor Non-Stop Party Adventure (Winter Rap Off Round 2).mp3 Automatic Jack - What Does Zecora Do (Winter Rap Off Round 1).mp3 Aviators - Spirit of Chaos.mp3 Bagpipe Brony - Discord (vs. Eurobeat Brony).mp3 Bagpipe Brony - Equestrian Anthem - Glory to Our Princess (ft. Overkillius).mp3 BassRabbit - Head Honcho (Mayor Mare's Theme).mp3 BassRabbit - Tune Of The Moon (Luna's Theme) (Unfinished).mp3 BassRabbit - VS. PINKAMENA (WIP).mp3 BassRabbit - Wild West Dance (Braeburn's Theme).mp3 BeatnikGunso - Pinkie Pie Intro.mp3 BeatnikGunso - Spike's Journey .mp3 BeatnikGunso - The Nightmare of The Princess.mp3 BeatnikGunso - The Wringer.mp3 BeatnikGunso - untitledz.2Rarity.mp3 beetwick - Set Phasers to Hug.mp3 Belgerum - For The New Lunar Republic (Belgerum Remix).mp3 Belgerum - Gone Are The Days.mp3 Belgerum - Love Is For Fools (Love Is In Bloom Remix).mp3 Belgerum - Send Them To the Moon (ft. DreamHuk).mp3 Belgerum - Shadow of a Flower (Hearts and Hooves Remix).mp3 Belgerum - YEAH.mp3 bigBerd - A Touch Of Variation (CAPS).mp3 bigBerd - Act One (WIP).mp3 bigBerd - Celestia Rules All.mp3 bigBerd - Don't Call Me An Egghead.mp3 bigBerd - Ruffled Feathers (WIP).mp3 bigBerd - Twi.mp3 bigBerd - Winter Rap Off Round 1 - Berd's Verse.mp3 Blupon73 - Dance Battlefield.mp3 Blupon73 - Future (WIP).mp3 Blupon73 - Insane Structure.mp3 Blupon73 - Next Generation.mp3 Blupon73 - Ninjashy.mp3 Blupon73 - Pony love.mp3 Blupon73 - Power.mp3 Blupon73 - Serial - 1D58 Prototype - Fluttershy.mp3 Blupon73 - Soaring Pegasus From The Sky.mp3 breadu - Ponypox.mp3 breadu - The White Crown.mp3 breadu - Twilight Sparkles.mp3 The Massive Smile! Project - The Massive Smile Project.mp3 Brony MACH - Equestrian Hymn.mp3 BronyMusicMix - Crackels Cousin.mp3 BronyMusicMix - Equestria In Tears.mp3 BronyMusicMix - Fruits Of Her Labour (Remix).mp3 BronyMusicMix - Octavia's Overture (Remix).mp3 BronyMusicMix - The Rock Farm.mp3 ByCelestiasBeard - Dash.mp3 ByCelestiasBeard - Elements of Harmony.mp3 ByCelestiasBeard - Fluttershy's Modelling (Beard Mix).mp3 ByCelestiasBeard - NACP Tribute (Fixed Version).mp3 ByCelestiasBeard - Ponyville House Mafia.mp3 ByCelestiasBeard - Princess Mi Amore Cadenza & Shining Armour.mp3 ByCelestiasBeard - So Many Bunnies (20 Longer Mix).mp3 ByCelestiasBeard - Soaring.mp3 Calamus Dash - The Art of Becoming Popular.mp3 CaptainFluffatun - Space Race (Chromatic Adventures Remix).mp3 Cats Millionaire - The Incredibly Expensive One of a Kind Crochet Wool Sweater Song.mp3 MainlyMedia - Pinkie's Lie (Celtic Remix).mp3 MainlyMedia - Rainbow Factory Remix.mp3 CGEyeGuy - For the Solar Empire.mp3 CGEyeGuy - Party Time!.mp3 CGEyeGuy - Shadow of a Flower (CGEyeGuy Remix).mp3 Cii - Barking Mad.mp3 Cii - Smash It!.mp3 Circuitfry - Popurarity (Shake That Flank!).mp3 Circuitfry - Spa Sisters Isles.mp3 Balloon Party - 100- No Feeble Cheering - 01 Break It.mp3 Balloon Party - 100- No Feeble Cheering - 02 They Will See Me.mp3 Balloon Party - 100- No Feeble Cheering - 03 Get My Rope.mp3 Balloon Party - 100- No Feeble Cheering - 04 Arrivederci (ft. Harry Adkins & Mic the Microphone).mp3 Balloon Party - 100- No Feeble Cheering - 05 The Little Toy Shop.mp3 Balloon Party - 100- No Feeble Cheering - 06 This Monster in Me.mp3 Balloon Party - 100- No Feeble Cheering - 07 Everfree.mp3 Balloon Party - 100- No Feeble Cheering - 08 Boooring!.mp3 Balloon Party - 100- No Feeble Cheering - 09 Sleep.mp3 Balloon Party - 100- No Feeble Cheering - 10 Cawtion.mp3 Balloon Party - 100- No Feeble Cheering - 11 New Fluttershy (Monster Mix).mp3 Balloon Party - 100- No Feeble Cheering - 12 Rejected.mp3 Balloon Party - 100- No Feeble Cheering - 13 Midwives of Discord - Graphene.mp3 Balloon Party - 100- No Feeble Cheering - 14 From the Gaping Cavity.mp3 Balloon Party - 100- No Feeble Cheering - 15 Bronies are Weird.mp3 Balloon Party - 100- No Feeble Cheering - 16 Spinner.mp3 Balloon Party - 100- No Feeble Cheering - 17 Ascension.mp3 Balloon Party - 100- No Feeble Cheering - 18 KataklYsm.mp3 Balloon Party - 100- No Feeble Cheering - 19 Dark Terrors.mp3 Balloon Party - 100- No Feeble Cheering - 20 What Stays What Goes.mp3 Balloon Party - 100- No Feeble Cheering - 21 Balefire.mp3 Balloon Party - 100- No Feeble Cheering - 22 Divinity.mp3 Balloon Party - 100- No Feeble Cheering - 23 Impact of Friendship.mp3 Balloon Party - 100- No Feeble Cheering - 24 Never Back Down (ThatSonofaMitch Remix).mp3 Balloon Party - 100- No Feeble Cheering - 25 Interrobang Pie Invades Equestria.mp3 Balloon Party - 100- No Feeble Cheering - 26 Loco.mp3 Balloon Party - 100- No Feeble Cheering - 27 Breaking Bonds (ft. Mando, Lulz, MHM, George & PrinceWhateverer).mp3 Balloon Party - 100- No Feeble Cheering - 28 Melody.mp3 Balloon Party - 100- No Feeble Cheering - 29 Dregs of a Bitter Cup.mp3 Balloon Party - 100- No Feeble Cheering - 30 Lunatic.mp3 Balloon Party - 100- No Feeble Cheering - 31 16 NOCAB.mp3 Balloon Party - 100- No Feeble Cheering - 32 Hurricane Dial.mp3 Balloon Party - 100- No Feeble Cheering - 33 Stinkin' Thinkin'.mp3 Balloon Party - 100- No Feeble Cheering - 34 Everypony's Bangin'.mp3 Balloon Party - 100- No Feeble Cheering - 35 Lung Buster.mp3 Balloon Party - 100- No Feeble Cheering - 36 Helium.mp3 Balloon Party - 100- No Feeble Cheering - 37 Orbital Friendship Cannon.mp3 Balloon Party - 100- No Feeble Cheering - 38 Party Pony.mp3 Balloon Party - 100- No Feeble Cheering - 39 Prominence (ft. Whitetail).mp3 Balloon Party - 100- No Feeble Cheering - 40 I Know You're in There.mp3 Balloon Party - 100- No Feeble Cheering - 41 Disco Lights (ft. PinkiePieSwear).mp3 Balloon Party - 100- No Feeble Cheering - 42 How Far We've Come (ft. Art Attack).mp3 Balloon Party - 100- No Feeble Cheering - 43 Mass Destruction.mp3 Balloon Party - 100- No Feeble Cheering - 44 Friendship in Tartarus (The Escape).mp3 Balloon Party - 100- No Feeble Cheering - 45 Dregs of a Bitter Cup (Art Attack Remix).mp3 CommandSpry - A Touch of Variation (Mastered).mp3 CommandSpry - Crimson Rose.mp3 CommandSpry - I'll Always Cheer You On.mp3 CommandSpry - Live to Fly.mp3 CommandSpry - Shadow of a Flower (CommandSpry Remix).mp3 CommandSpry - True Colors.mp3 CopyCat - Capturing Winter In C Sharp.mp3 Cpl. Bradley - d.licious (Cpl. Bradley Remix).mp3 Cpl. Bradley - Equestrian Rave Society.mp3 CrashDistortion - Faceless (ft. Chris Nelson).mp3 CrashDistortion - You & What Army.mp3 Curbstomper - Curbstomper Visits Canterlot (Hellfire in Equestria).mp3 Curbstomper - Erection of the Unforgiven.mp3 Curbstomper - Lunar Decay.mp3 CyberpunkColt - Beyond Her Garden (CyberpunkColt Remix).mp3 CyberpunkColt - Omni (Tribute to Omnipony).mp3 Cyril - All Confidential (ft. Tarby).mp3 Cyril - B.B.B.F.F. (ft. Sketchie).mp3 Cyril - B.Y.O.P. (System of a Down Parody).mp3 Cyril - Been Dreamin' (Greatest Chapter Mix).mp3 Cyril - By Right, I Should Be Queen (Death).mp3 Cyril - Cyril Befriends Alex S. - Cyril with Pinkie.mp3 Cyril - Luna's New Republic (2012 Remaster).mp3 Cyril - Luna's Winter Wrap Up.mp3 Cyril - Nightmare Night (Symphonic Metal Cover).mp3 Cyril - One Trick Pony (Staying the Same).mp3 Cyril - The Life of a Twilight Star.mp3 Cyril - Wingboners (Acoustic Demo).mp3 Cyrricky - Stars in Autumn - Want it Need It (Remix).mp3 Cyrricky - Theme Of The Pegasi.mp3 DanMacintosh - BiggieShy.mp3 Dark Symphony - Smile.mp3 DasDeer - Final Showdown With Nightmare Moon.mp3 DasDeer - Jelly Pony Battle Theme.mp3 DasDeer - Lost in Cyberspace.mp3 DasDeer - Memories of the Seaponies.mp3 DasDeer - Pinkie Responsibility Pie (Instrumental).mp3 DasDeer - Road to Appleloosa.mp3 DasDeer - Welcome to Ponyville.mp3 DashsSunglasses - BONKERS. (A Flaedr Remix).mp3 David Larsen - Magic.mp3 David Larsen - Zenith.mp3 Deadhor5 - Dreamer.mp3 Deadhor5 - Everfree.mp3 Deadhor5 - Everypony Should Know (Deadhor5 Remix).mp3 DeerHooves - Jack-O-Lanterns.mp3 Delynel - I Didn't Like Canterlot Anyway. (Winter Wrap Off Round 3).mp3 DerpyCrash - Applejack in Manehattan.mp3 DerpyCrash - Appleoosa.mp3 DerpyCrash - Cheerilee's Special Somepony.mp3 DerpyCrash - Daring Escape (ft. Facexplodie).mp3 DerpyCrash - Everfree Forest.mp3 DerpyCrash - LOUDER.mp3 DerpyCrash - WinterBopDerpyCrash.mp3 Dethonator - Shadow of a Flower (80's Glam Metal Edition).mp3 Digibrony - Without Luna.mp3 Dikekike - Ponyday (Rebecca Black Mashup).mp3 DJ AliCaster - CMC Final Goodbye.mp3 DJ AliCaster - Cupcakes (The Fletching Of Rainbow Dash).mp3 DJ AliCaster - Greenest Eyes (Fluttershy Is Everyponies Crush).mp3 DJ AliCaster - Take Control (This Fandom Needs Alittle Crash Rock).mp3 DJ AliCaster - Without Love (You Can Never Experience Peace) (ft. The Gutter Flies).mp3 DJ Alto9315 - 99 Pikurons (ft. Jackle App, Ernula x Cuilan & Jay-Z).mp3 DJ Alto9315 - Beyond 99 Problems (ft. Glaze, The Living Tombstone & Jay-Z).mp3 DJ Alto9315 - Can I Get with Rarity (ft. The Notorious B.I.G.).mp3 DJ Alto9315 - Discord City (Ain't No Love) (ft. Bobby Bland, Eurobeat Brony & Kanye West).mp3 DJ Alto9315 - Gold Digger Discord (ft. Jamie Foxx, Kanye West, Eurobeat Brony & The Living Tombstone).mp3 DJ Alto9315 - Hyrule Temple - Cutie Mark Crusaders.mp3 DJ Alto9315 - Lunar Lockdown (ft. Not A Clever Pony & Kanye West).mp3 DJ Alto9315 - MotherWinter Wrap Up.mp3 DJ Alto9315 - New Encore Republic (ft. Not A Clever Pony & Jay-Z).mp3 DJ Alto9315 - One Trick Success (ft. Nas, Mic the Microphone, Jackle App, The Living Tombstone & Jay-Z).mp3 DJ Alto9315 - Pinkie's Got 5 On It (Luniz).mp3 DJ Alto9315 - Pony Takeover (ft. Akon, Maros, Birdman, Lil Wayne, DJ Khaled & Swagberg).mp3 DJ Alto9315 - Pony Takeover (Inverse) (ft. Akon, T.I., Rick Ross, Fat Joe, Birdman, Lil Wayne, DJ Khaled & Swagberg).mp3 DJ Alto9315 - Popularidad (Luny Tunes).mp3 DJ Alto9315 - Popularity (ft. Jamie XX).mp3 DJ Alto9315 - Public Groove Announcement (ft. Ernula x Cuilan & Jay-Z).mp3 DJ Alto9315 - Sburban Aria (Homestuck).mp3 DJ Alto9315 - Smile in the Rain (Version 2) (ft. Mary J. Blige).mp3 DJ Alto9315 - Soar 'n' Nite (ft. Ernula x Cuilan & Kid Cudi).mp3 DJ Alto9315 - Song of the Hero - Circle of Friends.mp3 DJ Alto9315 - Two Words Overture (ft. Mos Def, Freeway, The Harlem Boys Choir, Kanye West & The Living Tombstone).mp3 DJ Alto9315 - Whatever U Want (ft. John Legend & Consequence).mp3 Dj D-R-K - 20 Cooler Dubstep.mp3 DJ Hellbunny - Are You Ready For Your Nightmare.mp3 DJ Hellbunny - Nightmare Night (Dubstep Cover).mp3 DJ Hellbunny - Twilight.mp3 DJ Manjaro - Captain Pipsqueak.mp3 DJ Manjaro - Element of Magic.mp3 DJ Manjaro - Lunar Isolation.mp3 Dj Pon-3 - And The Rainfall - At The Gala (Dj Pon-3's Best Night Ever Remix).mp3 Dj Pon-3 - Bon Bon vs. Applebloom (Shoplifting Apples Mix).mp3 Dj Pon-3 - Dj Pon-3 Befriends Aviators - Winter Jump Up (Dave Loves Ponies Remix).mp3 Dj Pon-3 - Equestria Girls (Music Sounds Better With Ponies).mp3 Dj Pon-3 - Evil Enchantress (Dj Pon-3 Smoking Blue Flowers Remix).mp3 Dj Pon-3 - Flutterwonder (Natural Ambience Mix) (ft. PinkiePieSwear).mp3 Dj Pon-3 - FraGmenTd - Balloons in My Basket (Dj Pon-3 Deep Thoughts Remix).mp3 Dj Pon-3 - He's a Bear (Dj Pon-3's Big House Remix) (ft. Evdog).mp3 Dj Pon-3 - Love is in Bloom (Reception Remix).mp3 Dj Pon-3 - My Little Pwny - Magic is Satanic.mp3 Dj Pon-3 - October Sky (Dj Pon-3 Mosh Mix) (ft. Evdog & Automatic Jack).mp3 Dj Pon-3 - Pinkie Cake - Gamemaster (Dj Pon-3 Remix).mp3 Dj Pon-3 - Pinkie Piggy Dance (Dj Pon-3's Adventurez on the Wheelz of Stealz).mp3 Dj Pon-3 - Pony Confessions (We Are the End Remix) v3.mp3 Dj Pon-3 - Sound Issues (Dj Pon-3 Bronycon Afterparty Remix) (ft. Evdog).mp3 Dj Pon-3 - Stars in Autumn - No Strings Attached (Octavia Shipping With Dj Pon-3 Remix) .mp3 Dj Pon-3 - [voodoopony] - Do What You Want (Coz a Pony is Free) (Dj Pon-3 NYE Extended Re-Edit).mp3 DJ SoarinSoren - Discord! (DJ SoarinSoren Remix).mp3 DJ SoarinSoren - MAYDAY.mp3 DJ SoarinSoren - Pony Swag S.S. MegaSynthBoomRemix.mp3 DJ-C0L7 - A Disturbed Mashup Cupcakes I Will Devour You (ft. Pinkie Pie).mp3 DJ-C0L7 - Freestyle P0NY.mp3 DJDissOrder - Maximum PPM (Ponies Per Minute) (DJ Tool).mp3 DJDissOrder - Winter Wrapup (Club Mix).mp3 Doofcake - Against Chrysalis.mp3 Doofcake - Pinkie High.mp3 Doofcake - SO MUCH SPACE.mp3 Drowning In Footwear - Klip Klop (Kesha Parody).mp3 Drowning In Footwear - Pony O.mp3 Dustykatt - Becoming Popular (The Pony Everypony Should Know) (Cover).mp3 Dustykatt - Blue Skys Now Grey.mp3 Dustykatt - Celestia Waits For You.mp3 Dustykatt - Cowboy.mp3 Dustykatt - Dustykatt Befriends Bronyfied - Cheerilee (Thin Lizzy Parody).mp3 Dustykatt - Hush Now, Quiet Now.mp3 Dustykatt - Piano Colt (Billy Joel Parody).mp3 Dustykatt - Sad Eyes (ft. Caerdwyn).mp3 Dustykatt - Smile Smile Smile.mp3 Dustykatt - The Manliest Brony in the World.mp3 Dustykatt - Twilight Smile.mp3 Eilliot Han - This Day Aria - Piano.mp3 ElectroKaplosion - Because Im Shy (Instrumental).mp3 ElectroKaplosion - Because Im Shy.mp3 ElectroKaplosion - Cola Pony (ElectroKaplosion Remix).mp3 ElectroKaplosion - Derpy Hooves In Space.mp3 ElectroKaplosion - Friendship (ElectroKaplosion Remix).mp3 ElectroKaplosion - Got My Party Cannon (Scootaloo Chickens Theme).mp3 ElectroKaplosion - Love Is In Bloom (Piano Instrumental Cover).mp3 ElectroKaplosion - Metal Steroid Pony YEAH!!!.mp3 ElectroKaplosion - My Little Dashie Tribute Song (I Would Have Never Been Happy).mp3 ElectroKaplosion - My Little Pony - Screamo Is Magic Theme Song (1000 Sub Special).mp3 ElectroKaplosion - No Retreating.mp3 ElectroKaplosion - The Air Beneath My Hooves.mp3 ElectroKaplosion - The Battle for Canterlot.mp3 ElectroKaplosion - The Cutie Mark Crusader Conclusion.mp3 ElectroKaplosion - The Downfall Of Harmony.mp3 ElectroKaplosion - Tomorrows Spring (Winter Wrap Up Remix).mp3 Ernula x Cuilan - Beyond Her Garden (Ernula x Cuilan Remix).mp3 Ernula x Cuilan - Life.mp3 Ernula x Cuilan - Pinkie's Brew (Industrialized Mix).mp3 Ernula x Cuilan - Pirukon (Ernula x Cuilan's Remix).mp3 Ernula x Cuilan - Sisters Rule the Sky.mp3 Ernula x Cuilan - Thunderlane (Fighting is Magic).mp3 Ernula x Cuilan - (n? ??)?'s Sunshine Intro (Remix).mp3 Ernula x Cuilan - Dear Princess Celestia... Spike's a Stoner..mp3 Ernula x Cuilan - Pinkie Pie is Invincible.mp3 Ernula x Cuilan - Steven Magnet.mp3 Ernula x Cuilan - What Three Ponies Are Thinking in Episode 20.mp3 Ernula x Cuilan - What's The Moral, Pinkie Pie-.mp3 Eurobeat Brony - 16 This Day Aria (Changeling Mix ft. Odyssey).mp3 Eurobeat Brony - 17 This Day Aria (Changeling Mix ft. Jessa).mp3 Eurobeat Brony - 18 Love Is In Bloom (Full Bloom Mix).mp3 Evdog - He's A Bear.mp3 Evdog - October Sky.mp3 F3nning - F3nning Emulates Madeon - Fluttershy's Gala (Toastbeard).mp3 F3nning - For The New Lunar Republic (Melted Plastic Remix).mp3 F3nning - Reading Rainbow (For BringMeTheHorrigan).mp3 F3nning - So Many Wonders (Everything Remix).mp3 F3nning - Twilight (Red Hot Chili Parody).mp3 GaugeN - Mischievous Purple Unicorn.mp3 GaugeN - My Own Two Wings (ft. Ibeabronyrapper & NightmareSnake).mp3 GaugeN - Scratch That'.mp3 Glaze - Fruits Of Her Labour (ft. StormWolf) (Instrumental).mp3 Glaze - Fruits Of Her Labour (ft. StormWolf).mp3 Hirosashii - Discord' Lament.mp3 Hirosashii - Sweet and Tasty is My Bestest Friend.mp3 hotdiggedydemon - Fluttershy's Song (SHED.MOV).mp3 John Brodie - This Day Aria (Cover Version).mp3 Lenich - Pinkie's Brew Russian Gypsy Jazz (ft. Kirya).mp3 Litronom - Microsoft Anna - Cupcakes.mp3 mlrportraiture - Wood Toster - Carrot Garden.mp3 Navy Brony - This Day Shall Reap.mp3 Obtuse Lolcat - Winter Wrap Up Rock Remake.mp3 Omnipony - She's An Alarm Clock (She's A Pony Remix).mp3 Overkillius - Beyond Her Destruction.mp3 Overkillius - Celestia's Lesson in Friendship.mp3 Overkillius - Derpy Hooves Has 8 Wings.mp3 Overkillius - Discord's Plan. LAscoringstrings.mp3 Overkillius - Discord.mp3 Overkillius - Dreams of Eternal Generosity.mp3 Overkillius - Friendship is Magic.mp3 Overkillius - Out of Inspiration.mp3 Overkillius - Rarity and the Beast.mp3 Overkillius - Rocktavia (Demo Track).mp3 Overkillius - Twilights Letters.mp3 Overkillius - Where Have The Unicorns Gone (ft. M. Sammy).mp3 PhonyBrony - Twilightlicious (ft. Tara Strong) (Remix).mp3 Princess Addictia - Pink Ponies (XXL Deluxe Edit).mp3 Princess Addictia - Stargazing (ft. Lavender Harmony).mp3 RainbowCrash88 - Diamond Tiara Stage Theme (Fighting Is Magic).mp3 RainproDash - Pinkie's Sweet Smile.mp3 Riff Track - Cola Pony (ft. Cyril) (Instrumental).mp3 Riff Track - Cola Pony (ft. Cyril).mp3 RoyalPony - Twilightlicious (ft. Tara Strong) (Remix).mp3 SandJosieph - Daddy Discord (ft. Lanovran & SiminaCindy) (Instrumental).mp3 SandJosieph - Daddy Discord (ft. Lanovran & SiminaCindy).mp3 SandJosieph - Daddy Discord - Screwball's Music Box.mp3 SandJosieph - Gloomy Town (ft. SiminaCindy) (Instrumental).mp3 SandJosieph - Gloomy Town (ft. SiminaCindy).mp3 SherclopPones - Daring Do and the Draconequus Labyrinth.mp3 SherclopPones - Princess of the Night (Instrumental).mp3 SherclopPones - Princess of the Night.mp3 SherclopPones - Sweetie's Big Race.mp3 SimGretina - BBBFF (Sim Gretina Remix).mp3 SimGretina - Twilightlicious (ft. Tara Strong) (SimGretina Remix).mp3 SoGreatandPowerful - A Sorceress Girl.mp3 SoGreatandPowerful - Other Animals (ft. Facexplodie).mp3 SoGreatandPowerful - The Standard Model.mp3 TeiThePony - TeiThePony Clops With SherclopPones - Glitches of the Night.mp3 thattagen - thattagen Befriends PinkiePieSwear - Flutterwonder (Piano Cover Ver. 2).mp3 thattagen - thattagen Befriends PinkiePieSwear - Flutterwonder (Piano Cover).mp3 The Color Twelve - Everfree.mp3 The Living Tombstone - Dubstep Dishwasher.mp3 The Living Tombstone - Good ol' Days (ft. Mic The Microphone & Jackle App) (Instrumental).mp3 The Living Tombstone - Good ol' Days (ft. Mic The Microphone & Jackle App).mp3 Tsyolin - Tsyolin Befriends Aviators - Friendship (Orchestral Experimental Cover) ft. Veggie55.mp3 Tsyolin - Tsyolin Befriends Replacer - Cerulean Blue (Orchestral Rock Cover) (ft. d.notive & Veggie55).mp3 Tsyolin - Tsyolin Befriends The Living Tombstone - Back in the Day (Orchestral Swing Mashup).mp3 UgliStiK14 - Applebloom's Signature Attack.mp3 UnanimousDelivers - Easy Feeds Flowers Ground.mp3 UnanimousDelivers - Indie Film Pretense Deluxe.mp3 UnanimousDelivers - Town Hall Tower of Disaster.mp3 Underpony - Aloe Aloe.mp3 Underpony - Flutterwonder (Underpony Nightcore DnB Remix).mp3 Underpony - My Arms Around Her.mp3 Underpony - Scootaloo's Stage Theme.mp3 Underpony - Smile (Macaroni Groove Mix).mp3 Underpony - Summer.mp3 Underpony - Sweetie Belle's Best Idea Ever (Assertiveness Remix).mp3 Underpony - Sweetie Belle's Stage Theme.mp3 Underpony - Violet Eyes.mp3 Vafrous Coyote - The Puppet Master.mp3 Valence - Dreams of Canterlot.mp3 Valence - Stargazing With Twilight.mp3 Valence - Trapped on the Moon.mp3 ValenheartX - Equestria Gurlz (DJ PON-3).mp3 VanillaNapoleon - Gala Night Fever.mp3 VinylScratchTheDJ - Octavia's Dream (Reprise).mp3 VinylScratchTheDJ - Vinyl Hardstyle.mp3 VinylScratchTheDJ - Winter Wrap Up Remix (Acoustic).mp3 Vivix - A Dragon.mp3 Vivix - Princess in Love.mp3 Vivix - Spark.mp3 Vivix - The Great and Powerful.mp3 Volan - Equestrian Airspace.mp3 Volan - Nightmares Regime (Instrumental).mp3 Volan - Nightmares Regime.mp3 Volan - Pop (Drum & Bass).mp3 Volan - The Everyday.mp3 Whitetail - A Spark - TS 2012 Demo.mp3 zahqo - Becoming Popular - The Living Tombstone Cover (zahqos Rendition) (Instrumental).mp3 zahqo - Becoming Popular - The Living Tombstone Cover (zahqos Rendition).mp3 zahqo - Fly with the Pegasi (ft. Aviators).mp3 zahqo - Luna's Ruse (ft. haymaker) (Instrumental).mp3 zahqo - Luna's Ruse (ft. haymaker).mp3 ================================================================================================ ============= = CHANGELOG = May 8, 2012 Update V010 ============= ------------ - OFFICIAL - ------------ ADDED: None this update. Sorry :( REMOVED: CHANGED: ----------- - FANMADE - ----------- ADDED: 146 Songs AaRD - HAYBACONSTRIPS! [Instrumental] AaRD - Luna. Alles Was Bleibt. AaRD - Sad But True AaRD - Dead and Unforgiven AaRD - It Was... Maybe... AaRD - Lullaby for Ponyville Arkane Metal - This Day Aria Metal Remix ArtAttack - Mic's Boner Bartekko - Bartekko Befriends Facade - Derpstep (Bartekko Remix) Bartekko - Rainbow Factory ( Bartekko's Synth Mix) Bartekko - Rarity's Dream Bartekko - Believe To Win Bartekko - Fluttershy's Sleep Bartekko - Flutterwonder (Bartekko's Dubstep Remix) Bartekko - Just A Little Pony Bartekko - Little Foals Bartekko - Ponyscope Bartekko - Rainbow's Blood (Bartekko Remix) Bartekko - The Great Journey Bartekko - Tribes (Ft. LyokoFreaks) Just A Little Pony.jpg Bartekko - Her Cold Memories Bartekko - Le Pet Race Bartekko - Shadow Of A Flower (Bartekko Remix) Bartekko - Storm In PonyVille BassBeastJD - A Long Way From Equestria (Orchestral) BassBeastJD - Luna Won't You Cry For Me (Octavias Cover) BassBeastJD - My Little Medley (Final) Brookekelpie - Hush Now Quiet Now (Harmony Version) ByCelestiasBeard - Dash ByCelestiasBeard - Elements of Harmony ByCelestiasBeard - Fluttershys Modelling (Beard Mix) ByCelestiasBeard - Ponyville House Mafia ByCelestiasBeard - So Many Bunnies (20% Longer Mix) DarkWolfDoritos - A Dash of Dash DarkWolfDoritos - FlutterShy's Lullaby (Piano and Strings) DarkWolfDoritos - My Little Dashie (Fan Music) DasDeer - Another Day for Big Mac DasDeer - Black Alleys of Canterlot DasDeer - Emerald Pony Zone DasDeer - Fluttershy's Goodbye DasDeer - Hopeful Village DasDeer - Magical Hope DasDeer - March of the Lunar Empire DasDeer - My Little Tetris (Tetris Parody) DasDeer - Mysteries of Glowfree Forest DasDeer - Ponies in the Horizon DasDeer - Ruffled Feathers (Instrumental) DasDeer - Ruffled Feathers DasDeer - The Abandoned Mansion DasDeer - The Last Stand DasDeer - Two Very Different Sisters DrDissonance - Don Discord DrDissonance - First Bird of Spring (Smile! Charity Song) DrDissonance - Fallen Caesar Style DrDissonance - Fallout Equestria Theme v2.0 DrDissonance - Radiated Alicorn DrDissonance - Remnants Of Our Past (Wasteland Day II) DrDissonance - Shattered Hoof DeadEyes' Reign DrDissonance - Shattered Hoof Gawd's Reign DrDissonance - Tales of a Courier DrDissonance - Tenpony Tower DrDissonance - The Battle For Shattered Hoof DrDissonance - DrDissonance Befriends Stormwolf - Psycho Of A Flower DrDissonance - Pony Pet Labour DrDissonance - Super Steamy Cider Squeezy 9000 DrDissonance - The Funeral Everypony Should Go DrDissonance - The Sea Pony Lair DrDissonance - The Smile Emporium DrDissonance - It's Coming To Get You DrDissonance - Lament for Pinkie DrDissonance - They Are Watching Facade - All Alone Facade - Elements of a Cheer Facade - Ponies at the Rave Facade - The Night Will Last Forever Facade - Winter Wrap Up (Facade Mix) Facade - Winter Wrap Up (Facade Remix II) ferriswheel42 - Dear Future Me ferriswheel42 - Diamond Destiny ferriswheel42 - Sonic Spectrum ferriswheel42 - Sugar Overdose (Instrumental) ferriswheel42 - Sugar Overdose ferriswheel42 - The Last Roundup Flutter Bully - Gilda's Final Goodbye (ft. GaugeN) Flutter Bully - Guess Who's Back in Town InfinityDash - The Perfect Stallion (16 bit Remix) InfinityDash - Winter Wrap Up Zone (16 Bit Remix) InterrobangPie - Final Day Area KeepOnRockingBrony - Hop Skip And A Jump (Remix) KeepOnRockingBrony - Pinkie Pie's Party Anthem KeepOnRockingBrony - Farm KeepOnRockingBrony - Miracle Vapors MicTheMicrophone - Breaking Point N3uro - DJ P0N-3 vs. DJ Soundwave N3uro - From Ashes N3uro - Griffon, Smirnoff N3uro - Progress N3uro - Summer (N3uro Remix) NoizyBrony - Story of the Blanks Remake - Everfree Forest Score NoizyBrony - The Party of One (The Order of Death) philsterman10 - At the Gala (Colt Version) philsterman10 - Friendship is Magic Opening Theme (Colt Version) philsterman10 - Giggle at the Ghostie (Colt Version) philsterman10 - Hop Skip and Jump! (Colt Version) philsterman10 - Pinkie Pie's Cupcake Song (Colt Version) philsterman10 - Twilight is my Bestest Friend (Colt Version) philsterman10 - Winter Wrap up (Colt Version) SpectraDash - My Little Skyrim (No BGM) SpectraDash - My Little Skyrim TemporalWalker - Diane TemporalWalker - Duke Westlake Cypher TemporalWalker - Foals On Parade (ft. freakycrawler and Connor Rothstein) TemporalWalker - I Don't Wanna Clop (ft. TheDumplingz) TemporalWalker - I Wish I Was a Tree TemporalWalker - Pinkie's Brew (TemporalWalker Cover) TemporalWalker - Shoot The Messenger (Temporal Walker Cover) TemporalWalker - The Gator In The Tub Is Bringing Sexy Back The Living Tombstone - One Trick Pony (Instumental Remix) The Living Tombstone - One TrickPony (The Living Tombstone's Remix) Thegreatandpowerfulchalupa - Chalupa's Favorite Pony (Extended mix) Thegreatandpowerfulchalupa - Chalupa's Favorite Pony Thegreatandpowerfulchalupa - I Wish I Was a Tree (Chalupa Version) Thegreatandpowerfulchalupa - Muffins and Bubbles (Colt cover) Toastwaffle - Flutter Free (Instrumental) Toastwaffle - Flutter Free Toastwaffle - Love Crusaders Toastwaffle - Shadow Archon Battle Theme Toastwaffle - Sweetie's Big Race (Instrumental) Toastwaffle - Sweetie's Big Race (Toastwaffle Remix) Toastwaffle - Toast, Waffles & Cupcakes (Instrumental) Toastwaffle - Toast, Waffles & Cupcakes Yelling At Cats - A Pony To Be Reckoned With (vs. AJScriber) Yelling At Cats - Equestria Daily Yelling At Cats - Equestria Girls Rap (ft. PRiSON) Yelling At Cats - I'm Home Yelling At Cats - P.T.F.U. (ft. Temporal Walker) Yelling At Cats - Unicorn Raps Faster Yelling At Cats - Welcome to the Everfree (vs. TheDumplingz) Yelling At Cats - Yelling At Cats Befriends Hirosashii - The Land of Equestria Yelling At Cats - Yelling At Cats vs. TemporalWalker [voodoopony] - Bringer of the Sun [voodoopony] - Dashie's Dreams [Instrumental] [voodoopony] - Dashie's Dreams [voodoopony] - Do What You Want (Coz a Pony is Free) [voodoopony] - Stone Cold ================================================================================================ ============= = CHANGELOG = April 26, 2012 Update V009 ============= ------------ - OFFICIAL - ------------ ADDED: 6 Songs B.B.B.F.F. Reprise B.B.B.F.F. Love Is In Bloom Sunshine Sunshine Ladybugs Awake This Day Aria Reprise This Day Aria REMOVED: CHANGED: ----------- - FANMADE - ----------- ADDED: 205 Songs &I - When I See Her Smiling Archie.V - The Pinkie Pie Style (Club Mix) ArtAttack - 20% Faster (ArtAttack Remix) ArtAttack - A Man And His Wood (ft. MicTheMicrophone) ArtAttack - Like a Spinning Record (ArtAttack Remix) ArtAttack - Shadow of a Flower (ArtAttack Remix) BeautifullyAbstract - Becoming Popular (Vocal Cover) BeautifullyAbstract - Luna Dream Mode (Vocal Cover) Blutheblur - Daddy Discord (Cover) Blutheblur - Find a Pet (Cover) Blutheblur - Gloomy Town (Cover) Blutheblur - Like a Spinning Record (Cover) Blutheblur - Octavia's Overture (Cover) Blutheblur - Pinkie's Brew (Cover) Blutheblur - September (Cover) Blutheblur - The Beginning of Order (Cover) Blutheblur - The Living Tombstone's Fly (English cover) Blutheblur - Want it, Need it (Cover) Brony MACH - Becoming Popular (Sky Trance Remix) Brony MACH - Flutterrap Brony MACH - Fluttersphere Brony MACH - Friendship Resurrection Brony MACH - Octavia the Spartan Brony MACH - Octavia's Resurrect Bronyoff - Pinkie Pie's Cupcakes Song (Chinese) Bronyoff - The 12 Days of Ponymas (The Twelve Days of Christmas Parody) Codbarley - Flutternights Codbarley - Fluttershy's Lullaby (Ultramarine Orchestral take) Codbarley - Forsaken-Night Codbarley - No Cupcakes Codbarley - Pink Duppy v2 (Instrumental) Codbarley - Pink Duppy v2 Codbarley - Pink Duppy Codbarley - Rarity's House Codbarley - Smile (CB Remix ft. MermaidKween) Codbarley - Smile (CB Remix) Codbarley - Smile (Instrumental CB Remix) cyrrickycruga - Pink DJ Spike - Assimilation (Welcome To The Shadowbolts) Dj Spike - Avast Our Asses DJ Spike - Becoming Popular (Cover) DJ Spike - Derpy In Canterlot DJ Spike - Everfree Dj Spike - For The New Lunar Republic (DJ Spike Edit) DJ Spike - The New Lunar Republic (DJ Spike and Rakshema vs. NotACleverPony) H8_Seed - Autumn (H8_Seed Talkbox Cover) H8_Seed - Daring Mare H8_Seed - Make it Drop! H8_Seed - Manticore H8_Seed - Mash & Slash With Dash (Instrumental) H8_Seed - Petrified (Instrumental) H8_Seed - Petrified H8_Seed - Seeds in the Garden (Instrumental) InfectedPonyz - Hush Now Lullaby (Mastered version) InfectedPonyz - Louder (Original Mix) InfectedPonyz - Pink Promises Lance Arrow - Above The Veil (Instrumental) Lance Arrow - Above The Veil Lance Arrow - Cheerilee (Instrumental) Lance Arrow - Such A Wonderful Show (Instrumental) Lance Arrow - TheLivingTombstone's Birthday Song MainlyMedia - Equestrian Dream (ft. RoyalPony) MainlyMedia - Nightmare Night (Remix) MainlyMedia - No More Rain MainlyMedia - Shadow Of A Flower (Celtic Remix) mindlessgonzo - Luna Comes Undone (Fun-Doubled Re-edit ft. Korn) MLPwns - Derpy Carrots MLPwns - Planes and Pegasi (ft. alllevelsatonce) (Instrumental) MLPwns - Planes and Pegasi (ft. alllevelsatonce) MLPwns - Senor Wirriam's Theme Song MLPwns - Shadow of a Flower (MLPwns Dubstep Remix) Mogul Dash - 200 Sub Sandwich Mogul Dash - A Grayer Shade of Pink Mogul Dash - A Place as Wonderful (Remastered) Mogul Dash - A Place as Wonderful Mogul Dash - Filthy Rich Mogul Dash - Flutter Cannon (Flux Pavilion Parody) Mogul Dash - Giggle at the Pony Swag (Mash Up) Mogul Dash - I Want it Now Mogul Dash - Quest Mogul Dash - Showdown Mogul Dash - Voyage of Pirate Pip (Instrumental) MrTanookiMario - Derp Zone (No BGM) MrTanookiMario - Derp Zone MusicalPony - Christmas in Ponyville MusicalPony - Hearts and Hooves MusicalPony - Party Soft MusicalPony - Party with Pinkie Pie MusicalPony - Soaring Through Cloudsdale MusicalPony - Wing Power Nameless Warning - Past The Sun Nameless Warning - Projection Nameless Warning - Rage Quit Nameless Warning - The Travel NewWorldMare - Bleak (REMIX'D) NewWorldMare - Bleak NewWorldMare - Crusade No More (NewWorldMare Piano Cover) NewWorldMare - Derpy's Flight NewWorldMare - Discord (NewWorldMare Remix) NewWorldMare - Everfree NewWorldMare - Fruits of Her Labour (NewWorldMare Remix) NewWorldMare - Giggle at the Ghostie (NewWorldMare Mix) NewWorldMare - Good ol' Days (NewWorldMare CHiptune Remix) NewWorldMare - Rarity in Paris NewWorldMare - Star Trot NewWorldMare - Suprise's March NewWorldMare - The Crusaders Go Crusading (NewWorldMare Elevator Mix) NewWorldMare - The Heart Carol NewWorldMare - The Heart Menders (Luna + Loyalty Remix) NewWorldMare - The Moon NewWorldMare - Weighty Ghost (NewWorldMare Remix) NewWorldMare - Your Latest Trick (Eurobeat Mix) Nick The Punk Rock Pony - Art of The Dress Nick The Punk Rock Pony - Chaos is a Wonderful Thing (Discord's Theme) Nick The Punk Rock Pony - Derp ( NIN Parody ) Nick The Punk Rock Pony - I Hate Losing (Rainbow Dash's Theme) NightmareMoontheband - Alois NightmareMoontheband - Ocean Retreat NightmareMoontheband - Sonic Rainboom NightmareMoontheband - Vinny Scratch Theme Song NightmareMoontheband - Applejack Got Swagga NightmareMoontheband - Completion NightmareMoontheband - Gltichstep NightmareMoontheband - Mask up NightmareMoontheband - Nightmare Night NightmareMoontheband - Pirates of Equestria NightmareMoontheband - Premier with Pinkie Pie NightmareMoontheband - Premier NightmareMoontheband - Star NightmareMoontheband - The Only Thing They'll Call You Is Loser NightmareMoontheband - Tranceful Chaos NightmareMoontheband - Wave NightmareMoontheband - Welcome to Azekahh's Sex Library Ownageownz - Daddy Discord (Piano Cover) PhillyPu - Crusade Onward! (CMC Crusading Theme Reimagined) PinkiePieSwear - Sunshine and Celery Stalks (Instrumental) Plagus777 - Becoming Slam Jamular (Quad City DJs vs. Town Toast) ponyphonic - Winter Wrap Up (Vocal Cover) PonyVisation - A Foals First Trick PonyVisation - A Young Mares War PonyVisation - Ballad of the Pegasus PonyVisation - Canterlot Ruins PonyVisation - Circle of Friends PonyVisation - Clouds of Peril (Piano Improvisation) PonyVisation - Everfree Mist PonyVisation - Luna's First Day on the Dark Moon PonyVisation - Merry Christmas To All Ponies! PonyVisation - Smile Song (Piano-Vocal Cover) (ft. MsIkarishipper) PonyVisation - Spitfire's Cloud PonyVisation - Spring In Equestria PonyVisation - Want PonyVisation - Winter Wrap Up (Piano Improv) Princess Addictia - Appletastic Gala Princess Addictia - Equestrian Wasteland Princess Addictia - Hush Now (Melancholia Dubtrot Remix) Princess Addictia - Spin That Record (Princess Addictia Remix) psychgoth - Mein Herz Bleibt Stumm psychgoth - She Drank the Punch Radiarc - Another Nightmare Radiarc - Canterlot Castle Radiarc - Duet in the Afternoon Radiarc - Dysphoria in Pink Radiarc - Isolating the Variable Radiarc - Nightmare Radiarc - Octavian War Radiarc - Rock Farm Radiarc - Ruins of Harmony Radiarc - Sorrow Radiarc - Stare Down Radiarc - Trick or Treating RoyalPony - Beyond Her Garden (RP Remix) RoyalPony - Discord RoyalPony - Fluttershy's Kindness (Instrumental) sgtwhp - All Flutered Up sgtwhp - Defect (sgtwhp Remix) sgtwhp - Hop, Skip and Drop (sgtwhp Remix and Mashup) sgtwhp - Welcome (sgtwhp Remix) Shadysoup - An Eventful Christmas in Equestria Shadysoup - New Lunar Republic - A Bittersweet Victory Shadysoup - Nightmare Night (Shadysoup Remix) Shadysoup - The Tale of Sir Toastbeard (ft. Peak Freak) Shadysoup - Why Do All The Stallions In This Village Suck! Sonic Breakbeat - Avast Fluttershys Arse (Sonic Breakbeat Remix) Sonic Breakbeat - Beyond Her Garden (Sonic Breakbeat Remix) Sonic Breakbeat - Discord (Sonic Breakbeat Remix) Sonic Breakbeat - Fruits Of Her Labour (Sonic Breakbeat Remix) Sonic Breakbeat - Ghost Stories The Living Tombstone - Fly (Instrumental) The Living Tombstone - Fly The Living Tombstone - Magic (ft. Lauren G.) (Instrumental) The Living Tombstone - Magic (ft. Lauren G.) Tsyolin - Back in the Day Tsyolin - Danny Boy Tsyolin - Friendship Tsyolin - Tsyolin Befriends WoodenToaster - WoodenOverture Tsyolin - V Scratch WeirdCombonations - Adventures In Ponyville WeirdCombonations - Equestria's Downfall WeirdCombonations - Everfree's Penumbra - TrevLegend (t. The Great and Powerful Chalupa and Temporal Walker) WeirdCombonations - Nightmare Night (Orchestral Remix) WeirdCombonations - Start The Revolution WeirdCombonations - Streets Of Equestria (Extended) WeirdCombonations - Streets Of Equestria WeirdCombonations - The End Of Friendship Whitetail - Pinkie Pie Theme REMOVED: CHANGED: ================================================================================================ ============= = CHANGELOG = April 12, 2012 Update V008 ============= ------------ - OFFICIAL - ------------ ADDED: REMOVED: CHANGED: ----------- - FANMADE - ----------- ADDED: 311 (!!!) Anon3mous1 - At the End of the Trail Anon3mous1 - Discord's Song (Flutterguy Edition) Anon3mous1 - Make a Brony Out of You (Mulan Parody) Anon3mous1 - Whiskey AussieAsher - Party Cannon (Aussie Remix) Aviators - After Everything Aviators - Applebuckin' Aviators - Becoming Popular (Aviators Remix) Aviators - Believe (I'm Feeling Pinkie Keen) Aviators - Canterlot 3000 Aviators - Cloudsdale Streets Aviators - Monster Aviators - Nightmare Night (Aviators Remix) Aviators - Pinkie's Parasprite Polka (Aviators Remix) Aviators - Spirit of Chaos Aviators - The Adventure Aviators - The Real Me Aviators - Tonight Aviators - Winter Wrap Up (Aviators Remix) aznjohny - Amazing Little Pony BassBeastJD - A Long Way From Equestria BlackGryph0n - Dash is Dreaming (Shower of Diamonds) BlackGryph0n - PIRL (Bass Boosted ft. Baask) BlackGryph0n - Proud To Be a Brony BlackGryph0n - Take Me to Equestria Blaze - End Of Loyalty (Blaze Remix) Blaze - Flying With Rainbow Dash (Blaze Remix) Bronyfied - Brony Metal Medley Bronyfied - Pinkie's Brew (ft. The Living Tombstone) Bronyfied - Pinkie's Brew (Instrumental) BronyMike - Pinkie's Brew (BronyMike Cover) Catfood Cartoons - All Ponies Must Be Perfect Catfood Cartoons - Of Derpy Hooves d.notive - d.licious daksMusic - Smile (daks Remix) DerpyCrash - Avalanche (ft. MarblMuzik) DJTwitch - She's A Pony (DJT Remix) Doofcake - Bright Eyes Doofcake - Fancy Seas Doofcake - Friendship Doofcake - Giggle At The Ghostly (Doofcake Remix) Doofcake - Pinkie's Lie (Doofcake Remix) Doofcake - Spirit of Chaos (Instrumental) Doofcake - Spirit of Chaos DOSbomber - Loco in The Coco DOSbomber - Winter Wrap Up (DOSbomber Remix) Elliptisoar - Dreams Of Colour (Elliptisoar Vocal Cover) Elliptisoar - Twilightlicious (Instrumental Remix) Elliptisoar - Twilightlicious (Remix) f3nning - Until The End (Instrumental) f3nning - Until The End forcedemodo - Past Sins Main Theme forcedemodo - Past Sins OST Chapter 0 forcedemodo - Past Sins OST Chapter 1 forcedemodo - Past Sins OST Chapter 2 forcedemodo - Past Sins OST Chapter 3 Part 1 forcedemodo - Past Sins OST Chapter 3 Part 2 Forest Rain - Family Ways (Cover) Forest Rain - Family Ways Forest Rain - Join The Herd (Instrumental) Forest Rain - Join The Herd (Rock Vocals) Forest Rain - Join The Herd Forest Rain - Luna Alt Mode (Instrumental) Forest Rain - Luna Alt Mode Forest Rain - Memory Lane (Instrumental) Forest Rain - Memory Lane FriendshipisMagyk - Discord's Song Groovy Hooves - Sound The Pinkie Siren Hasbro - Call Upon The Sea Ponies IBringDaLULZ - Dashie (iBTL Cover) Ilyasbeth - FLUTTERSHY'S LULLABY (ft. WestJ) Ilysabeth - Becoming Popular (Piano Cover ft. Metajoker) Ilysabeth - Cupcakes - The Musical Part 2 (Portal Parody) Ilysabeth - I'll Make a Brony Out of You (Mulan Parody) Ilysabeth - September (Cover vs. The Living Tombstone) ISMBOFepicly - Give Me Eyes To See (ft. Vocals from Solrac) ISMBOFepicly - Smile, Smile, Smile Song (Hard Rock Cover) (ft. Bronyfied & Whitetail) ISMBOFepicly - Twilightlicious (Melodic Metalcore Version) JackleApp - 1000 Years JackleApp - Big Macintosh (JackleApp Remix) JackleApp - Cobblestoned (ft. Vinyl Scratch) JackleApp - Escape (Remix) JackleApp - London, Kingston, Havana JackleApp - Never Again JackleApp - Positive JackleApp - Retreat JackleApp - Sugarcube Corner JakeLionsWorld - Fluttershy INC MC Chris - Discord (April Fools) MicTheMicophone - MicTheMicrophone Befriends Tsyolin and Veggie55 - Somewhere New MindKog - Cloudfallen mindlessgonzo - The Pony Metallica Should Know (Metallica Mashup) mirrorimage98 - Lavender Ponyville (Pokemon Parody) MovieMajic - Cracks (vs. The Living Tombstone) MrNewbyNewb - The Perfect Stallion (MrNN Cover Vocal Euromance Mix) MysteriousBronie - The Equestria Train MysteriousSpoonz - Celestias Dominance MysteriousSpoonz - Rainbow Dash - Obscure MysteriousSpoonz - The Madness Descent MysteriousSpoonz - This is For You MysteriousSpoonz - Twilight vs. Ursa Nameless Warning - Dashie Navy Brony - Beautiful Night (Instrumental) Navy Brony - Beautiful Night NiX_Spark - Cutie Pox Problem OfficialOmnivore - In Reverse (ft. JackleApp) OfficialOmnivore - Monster (ft. Aviators) OfficialOmnivore - PewDiePie! OfficialOmnivore - Poni Robots OfficialOmnivore - The Mysterious Mare?-?Do?-?Well Peak Freak - Beyond Her Garden Peak Freak - Crackle Peak Freak - Discord Peak Freak - Her Eyes Peak Freak - Iron Will Peak Freak - Smile Smile Smile (Live Acoustic Cover) Peak Freak - Snails @ Sweetie Belle Peak Freak - Temple Atmospheric Peak Freak - The Adventures of Stargaze PhllyPu - The Jamboree of Ladybugs Plagus777 - Crimson Slam (Quad City DJs vs. Dezzie Rose) Plagus777 - Feel Good Slam (Quad City DJs vs. Gorillaz) Plagus777 - If You Dont Wanna Braeburn (DMX vs. SimGretina) Plagus777 - If You Dont Wanna Discord (DMX vs. Discord) Plagus777 - If You Dont Wanna Pony (DMX vs. Friendship is Magic) Plagus777 - It's Peanut Butter Jelly Slam!!! (Quad City DJs vs. Generous Banana) Plagus777 - My Little Pony Slamming is Jamming (Intro Theme) Plagus777 - Quad City DJs vs. Applejack (vs. RainbowCrash88) Plagus777 - Quad City DJs vs. Diamond Tiara (vs. RainbowCrash88) Plagus777 - Quad City DJs vs. Rarity (vs. WhitetailMusic) Plagus777 - Quad City DJs vs. Twilight Sparkle (vs. RainbowCrash88) Plagus777 - Slam Jam With Pinkie Pie (Quad City DJs vs. Alex S.) Plagus777 - Slam, Slam, Slam (Quad City DJs vs. Pinkie Pie) Plagus777 - Slamgroove (Quad City DJs vs. Parov Stelar) Plagus777 - Slamming At the Gala (Quad City DJs vs. Super Ponybeat) Plagus777 - Slato (Slam Jam Edit) (Quad City DJs vs. Archie) Plagus777 - Summer Slam (Quad City DJs vs. Bon Bon & Lyra) Plagus777 - SunSlams and CeleryJams (Quad City DJs vs. Applejack) Plagus777 - The Perfect Slam (Quad City DJs vs. The Cutie Mark Crusaders) Plagus777 - The Slam Jam Carol (Quad City DJs vs. Super Ponybeat) Plagus777 - Trixies Good Slam (Quad City DJs vs. The Great and Powerful Trixie) Plagus777 - Winter Slam Jam (Quad City DJs vs. Super Ponybeat) Pokey Smokes - Avast Fluttershy's Lament Pokey Smokes - Pomf Ponyphonic - The Moon Rises psycosis91 - (We Just Came To Get Our) Cutie Marks (Dragonette Mashup) psycosis91 - Be Pinkie (Party Like This) psycosis91 - Flimflamdro psycosis91 - Giggle Like It's Hot (Snoop Dogg Mashup) psycosis91 - Little Bad Luna psycosis91 - My Little K-On (K-On Mashup) psycosis91 - Paper Ponies (Stylin Like Us) (Pre-Gen 4 Remix) psycosis91 - Pinkie Party Anthem (DJ Alex S. & LMFAO Mashup) psycosis91 - Popular Feeling (Black Eyed Peas Mashup) psycosis91 - Rude Ghosties (Rihanna Mashup) psycosis91 - Sorry For Tombstone Remixing (LMFAO Mashup) psycosis91 - Welcome To The Gala (Marvel vs. Capcom Mashup) psycosis91 - Winter 'n Stuff (Deadmau5 Parody) psycosis91 - Wondergala RainbowCrash88 - MLP Fighting Is Magic - Diamond Tiara Stage Theme ReicheruCharin - Bad Harmony Replacer - No Words ShadwTunes - Avast Fluttershy's Remix SherclopPones - SweetieBot - Sweetie's Big Race SherclopPones - Pinkie's Brew (Accapella) SherclopPones - Pinkie's Brew (Instrumental) Silva Hound - 20% Faster Silva Hound - A Rare Gem (Silva Hound Remix) Silva Hound - Aloe Silva Hound - Asexually Shipping Vinyl With Octavia Silva Hound - Berry Punch Silva Hound - Big Macintosh (Annodam's Bronies Unite Remix) Silva Hound - Big Macintosh Silva Hound - Butterscotch Sundae Silva Hound - Carrot Top Silva Hound - Cheerilee Silva Hound - Cherry Twist Silva Hound - Cteno Phorae Silva Hound - Derpy Hooves (Dyle Of Fire Remix) Silva Hound - Derpy Hooves Silva Hound - Diamond Mint Silva Hound - Discord Silva Hound - Doctor Whooves Silva Hound - Eclipse (ft. Thorinair) Silva Hound - Elements of Harmony Silva Hound - Epic Pie Silva Hound - Fleur De Lis Silva Hound - Flutterrage (Silva Hound Remix) Silva Hound - Fluttershy Silva Hound - Gilda Silva Hound - Granny Smith Silva Hound - In Trances Silva Hound - Lemon Hearts Silva Hound - Lotus Silva Hound - Lunafyre Silva Hound - Magical Friends Silva Hound - Nightmare Moon Silva Hound - Octavia Silva Hound - Party Cannon Silva Hound - Photo Finish Silva Hound - Pinkie Pie Silva Hound - Prince Blueblood Silva Hound - Princess Celestia Silva Hound - Princess Luna Silva Hound - Rainbow Dash Silva Hound - Rainbow Factory (Silva Hound Remix) Silva Hound - Rarity (Holon Zone's Magical Glue Remix) Silva Hound - Rarity Silva Hound - Roseluck Silva Hound - Screwball Silva Hound - Silva Hound vs. Jam X, Beam and Vace - Vinyl Pressure (DJ Auric's Flying Mashup) Silva Hound - Soarin' Silva Hound - Spike Silva Hound - Spitfire (Frown Forever Remix) Silva Hound - Spitfire (Silva Hound Remix) Silva Hound - Sun Shine (Silva Hound Remix) Silva Hound - Sunset Rose (Mallard's Deep Feelings Total Blackout Remix) Silva Hound - Sunset Rose Silva Hound - Sybil Stripes Silva Hound - Velvet Silva Hound - Vinyl Scratch Silva Hound - Welcome To Equestria (ft. Skelius) Silva Hound - Zecora SimGretina - Sunset Rose (SimGretina Remix) StableBrony - Avast Crackle's Ass Super Meat Brony - Weather Factory TeiThePony - Discord's Pony Swag (TeiThePony Mashup) TeiThePony - Nigthmare Moon is a Onetrick Pony (ft. The Living Tombstone, Eurobeat Brony, JackleApp, Mic The Microphone) TeiThePony - Shadow of a Flower (TeiThePony Remix) The Beatle Bronies - My Fair Princess (My Sweet Lord) The Living Tombstone - Cracks (Instrumental) The Living Tombstone - Cracks The Living Tombstone - Discord (The Living Tombstone's Remix) (Radio Edit) TheSweetestBelle - Leadership, Courage, Sincerity TheSweetestBelle - Pinkie Pie's No Fear Song (vs. DavidLarsenM1 and Biff0r) TheSweetestBelle - So Many Wonders (TSB Cover) Trot Pilgrim - My Little Investigations - Investigation Theme Tsyolin - Friendship Symphony No. 1 In D Major (Season 1 Orchestrated) TwentyTen - Obsolete (ft. MictheMicrophone and iBringDaLulz) Underpony - Aloe Aloe Underpony - Flutterwonder (Nightcore DnB Remix vs. PinkiePieSwear) Underpony - My Arms Around Her Underpony - Scootaloo's Stage Theme Underpony - Smile (Macaroni Groove Mix) Underpony - Summer Underpony - Sweetie Belle's Best Idea Ever Underpony - Sweetie's Stage Theme WaveHack - Avast Your Bass WaveHack - Cloudsdance (Instrumental) WaveHack - Cloudsdance WaveHack - Twilight Dusk (Instrumental) WestJ - CherryChonga WestJ - CMC SWAGGA WestJ - Daring Do Lost in the Projects WestJ - Fate Of Equestria WestJ - Ghastly Gorge WestJ - Late Night Crusading In The Everfree Forest (REDO) WestJ - Late Night Crusading In The Everfree Forest WestJ - Like A Spinning Record (Vinyl Sides With WestJ Mix) WestJ - Luna's Chill Bar WestJ - Luna's Night Sky WestJ - Madame Pinkie Pie WestJ - Pegasis Race WestJ - Pinkie's Balloon Rave WestJ - The Leaves of Whitetail Forest WestJ - Winter Wrap Up (Late Night Drum and Bass Remix) WestJ - Best Night Ever WestJ - Chaos Squall WestJ - Rainboom Breakdown WestJ - Straight hair Whitetail - Cherry Twist (Whitetail Edit) Whitetail - Derpy Hooves (Radio Edit) (As Silva Hound) Whitetail - Destination Moon Whitetail - Dreams of Flight Whitetail - Expensive Taste Whitetail - In Trances (Whitetail Remix) Whitetail - It's Not Very Far.... (Hop, Skip and Jump Pinkamina Mix) Whitetail - Not Quite Me (Will the Real Derpy Hooves Please Stand Up) Whitetail - Raritys Theme (Fighting is Magic) Whitetail - Secrets and Lies Whitetail - Temple of the Two Pony Sisters Wintergreen - Assertiveness (Taking Control) Wintergreen - Second Thoughts 2 Wintergreen - Shroud the Land WolfOfSadness - Becoming Popular WolfOfSadness - Beyond Her Garden (WOS Remix) WolfOfSadness - Big And Small Garden (FLUTTERRAGE) WolfOfSadness - Bombing Equestria WolfOfSadness - CHEER FOR THIS WolfOfSadness - DashAttack (Mare Do Well) WolfOfSadness - Dragonkind (ft. JackTHerbert) WolfOfSadness - Elements WolfOfSadness - Filly Killing Machine WolfOfSadness - For AgileDash!!! WolfOfSadness - Issues with Applejack WolfOfSadness - Jack-T-UP WolfOfSadness - Mind of Pinkie WolfOfSadness - Nothing's Changed WolfOfSadness - One Letter Too Late WolfOfSadness - The Headless Horse WolfOfSadness - The Rising Sun WolfOfSadness - Time Is Running Out WolfOfSadness - To Fly WolfOfSadness - TOM WolfOfSadness - Trying to be Assertive WolfOfSadness - Way More Than Rare WolfOfSadness - Wendigos WoodenToaster - Cracks (vs. The Living Tombstone) zatslol - Becoming Popular (Indie(ish) Cover) zatslol - Under the Dress z0rg - You Gotta Share ================================================================================================ ====================== = MARCH 30 2012 v007 = ====================== ------------ - OFFICIAL - ------------ ADDED: REMOVED: CHANGED: ----------- - FANMADE - ----------- ADDED: 135 Songs 3ight8it - Incremental Friendship 47sMiuMiu - Song to the Princesses Agile Dash - A Night of Observation Agile Dash - AgileXStorm Agile Dash - Befriends PinkiePieSwear Trixies Great Side (Full Version) Agile Dash - Brushie Brushie (Colgates Theme Remix) Agile Dash - Fluttershys Lullaby Agile Dash - Flutterwonder Cover Agile Dash - It's Always More Fun When The Night Is Young Agile Dash - Lunas City Night Agile Dash - Lunas Requiem (Remix) Agile Dash - Pinkamina Diane Pie Agile Dash - Rainbow's High Flying Adventure Agile Dash - Rarity's Stress Agile Dash - Simply Brighter Agile Dash - SkyRacer Agile Dash - Stargazer Twilight Agile Dash - Sugar Cube Corner (ft. WolfofSadness) (Vocaless Version) Agile Dash - Sugar Cube Corner (ft. WolfofSadness) Agile Dash - Sunset Comes Just Before Twilight (SunsetRose's Theme) Agile Dash - The Assualt On The Celestial Army Agile Dash - The Darkness Inside Agile Dash - The Great Techno Trixie Agile Dash - The Sunny Side Of Equestria ArtAttack - 20% Faster (Silva Hound) (Remix) Aviators - Friendship (Instrumental) Aviators - Friendship bchaifa - SHED.LIFE Blaze - Carrot Top's Rush Blaze - Cracks (The Living Tombstone) (Blaze Remix) Blaze - Derpy Don't Change (ft. EzeeShady) (Instrumental) Blaze - Derpy Don't Change (ft. EzeeShady) Blaze - Fluttershy's Spell Blaze - I'm Blue Blaze - Louise The Labrat (Blaze Vocal Remaster) Blaze - Love Me Cheerilee (Remix) Blaze - Octavia (The Living Tombstone) (Blaze Remix) Blaze - Sacrifice Blaze - Smile WIP (The Living Tombstone) (Blaze Remix) Bronyfied - Avast Bronyfied's Ass Bronyfied - Flower of the Season (ft. Aviators) Bronyfied - FlutterRiff VS. Sweetie Hell - Thrash Now, Riot Now Bronyfied - Pinkie's Headbanging Telegram Bronyfied - Pinkie's Parasprite Metal Bronyfied - Pinkies Brew (ft. The Living Tombstone) Bronyfied - Pretty Fly for a Twilight Bronyfied - Twilightlicious (Remix) Bronyfied - Winter Wrap Up (Metalized) d.notive - After Hours With Rarity d.notive - Pony Fantasy d.notive - Rainbow Dash Picked Me DeservingDeath - Winter Wrap Up (Brony Version) DevMeltus - Smile Song (Guitar and Bass Cover) DrDissonance - The Night That Never Ended (Do Not Go To Sleep) EngineerMK2004 - Nightmare Moon Be Prepared EngineerMK2004 - Sun's Fire filmguru - Rarity Is An Egomaniac FiMFlamFilosophy - Rainbow Fun Factory FiMFlamFilosophy - The Devil Owns All The Railways But I've Got A Monopoly On Boardwalk FraGmenTd - Pinkies Punk Piggy Dance FraGmenTd - That Girl HacePloder - Dance of the Virgins hxrmn - Luna's Battle Theme hxrmn - Twilight's Quandary Lanovran - Pony Fever Lanovran - Songkeeper - Hush Now, Quiet Now Lanovran - Songkeeper - The Find a Pet Jig Man Of Many Lolz - A Hearth's Warming Morning Man Of Many Lolz - Applejack's Stereotypical Southern Theme MandoPony - The Equestria Daily Song Masterpj555 - Pretty Fly for a Twilight MicTheMicrophone - SO MANY CLOPFICS (ft. iBringDaLULZ) NeedsMoreDjent - Lyra's Joke NeedsMoreDjent - Rainbow Factory (WoodenToaster Remix) NeedsMoreDjent - The Old Ponyville Boogie NeedsMoreDjent - Gainful Performances NeedsMoreDjent - Interlude 1 NeedsMoreDjent - Interlude 2 NeedsMoreDjent - Interlude 3 NeedsMoreDjent - Interlude 4 NeedsMoreDjent - Of Great And Powerful Things NeedsMoreDjent - Prideful Boasts NeedsMoreDjent - Sorrowful Beginnings NeedsMoreDjent - Tearful Regrets Of Great And Powerful Things.JPG OfficialOmnivore - FlutterShine PepperBrony - ,~_Smile!_~, ponyphonic - The Moon Rises Psychedelic Brony - No 3.1415926535897932384626 For You Qcom - Ultimate Radio of Ultimate Listening RandomBlockFilms - Noche in Equestria RandomBlockFilms - PinkieBeats RandomBlockFilms - The Derpzzzzzzzzzzzz sdogginsworth - Equestrian National Anthem SgtScrubnoob - Apple Race SimGretina - CMC - The Perfect Stallion (Is Spike Remix) SoGreatandPowerful - In History, Maybe SoGreatandPowerful - What Went Wrong Stablefree - Beyond Her Garden (Extended Remix) Stablefree - Bon Bon Stablefree - Dedicated to Tom (Starry Eyed Remix) Stablefree - Flutterwonder (Remix) Stablefree - Rainbow Factory (Remix) Stablefree - Rarity Likes Straws Stablefree - Ruins Ponies (Non-Autotuned and Explicit) Stablefree - Shadow Of A Flower (Remix) WoodenToaster - Love Me Cheerilee (ft. The Living Tombstone) (Instrumental) WoodenToaster - Love Me Cheerilee (ft. The Living Tombstone) Volan - Bom (Hardstyle Mix) What7Now - Equestria National Anthem (sdoggingsworth Cover) WoodenToaster - Fruits Of Her Labour (ft. StormWolf) WoolySnake - The Levels of Pinkie Pie WoolySnake - Trixie's Request WoolySnake - Yay - Fluttershy ft. Rainbow Dash X-Trav - Discordantly X-Trav - Fancy Pant's Terror Theme X-Trav - First Flight X-Trav - New Horizons X-Trav - Soon X-Trav - Toastbeard! The Musical xXDaruXx - Artwork (Opal Essence's Theme) xxLOSTxECHOxx - I'm Not Dead Yaplap - The Perfect FUKING Stallion Yelling At Cats - I'll Take You Yelling At Cats - Nightmare yhatzeeman12 - Rainbow Phantasm Yourenigma - Giggle at them Mostly (Stand up Tall!) Yourenigma - Prelude to the Groove - Octavia n' Scratch yourman1996 - Do Da Pinkie zahqo - Griffon Wings zatslol - Learn To Fly zatslol - Under the Dress ZephyrPony - Battle with Vampire Twilight (Those Who Fight Remix) ZephyrPony - Caretaker REMOVED: CHANGED: ================================================================================================ ============================ = MARCH 23 2012 v006+v006a = ============================ ------------ - OFFICIAL - ------------ ADDED: REMOVED: CHANGED: ----------- - FANMADE - ----------- ADDED: 47sMiuMiu - Song to the Princesses Aviators - Friendship Bejoty - Becoming Popular BeSharpSeeFlat - Blind Mare BeSharpSeeFlat - Canterlot Crashers BeSharpSeeFlat - Celestia's Moon Blaster 2 BeSharpSeeFlat - Poniri Forest BeSharpSeeFlat - Ponyville Item Shop BeSharpSeeFlat - Princess Celestia's Secret Slide Black Electric - Four Stages of Pinkamena Black Electric - Gilda Theme Black Electric - On the Rock Farm Black Electric - Pinkie Pie Style Black Electric - Rarity Metal Theme Black Electric - Shaded Crusade Black Electric - The Timber Wolves CommandSpry - Celestimas CommandSpry - My Little Dashie Post Epilogue CommandSpry - Sunrise over Equestria Dark Symphony - Adopted Family Dark Symphony - Dreams and Sunrises Dark Symphony - Flutterstare Dark Symphony - For Skeprise Dark Symphony - Incurable Dark Symphony - Light in the Rainy Darkness Dark Symphony - Nightmare's Requiem Dark Symphony - Octavia's Smile Dark Symphony - Quiet Shadows Dark Symphony - VinylxRiff Derpyderp910 - Derpalicious EngineerMK2004 - Hellfire Animatic (Sun's Fire) EngineerMK2004 - Nightmare Moon Be Prepared f3nning - Becoming Dynamite final f3nning - Better f3nning - Find a Pet (Remix) f3nning - Equestria National Anthem (Heartburn Dubstep Remix) f3nning - Hush Now, Quiet Now (Up All Night Remix) f3nning - Love Potion f3nning - Lunamac f3nning - My Little Pony Intro (Doosy Dubstep Remix)) f3nning - Nightmare Night Electro-Dubstep (Double Dubstep Remix) f3nning - Pinkamena's Singing Drum N Pony f3nning - Ponydeon f3nning - Smile (Miles and Miles) f3nning - So Many Strangers f3nning - Ursa Ain't Got Nothing On Twi (Winter Wrap Off) f3nning - When The Ponies Take Control Mandopony - Heaven's light Mandopony - I'll Be Waiting (Derpys Song) MictheMicrophone - Fashionably Evil MusicalWolfe - Winter Wrap Up (Elevator Remix) Pinky Pie - Equestria Girls (feat. Nigel Thornberry) Psychgoth - The Knights of Time and Space (Ft. Pierce Smolder and KeikoandGilly) rabiesx86 - Filly Sauce - Cutie Mark Crusaders [No BGM] rabiesx86 - Filly Sauce - Cutie Mark Crusaders rabiesx86 - Fillygroove rabiesx86 - Generation 1 Race rabiesx86 - Invaders Must Pie rabiesx86 - Pink Life rabiesx86 - Pon De Shy rabiesx86 - Ponies Peep Sand Canyon at the Gala rabiesx86 - Ponyvania III - Equanius (Find a Pet) rabiesx86 - Rainbow Dash Tylenol rabiesx86 - Rock My Louder Pony rabiesx86 - Rock My Pony (No BGM) rabiesx86 - Rock My Pony rabiesx86 - s2kuk rabiesx86 - shy.ex rabiesx86 - The Neigh Back Home [No BGM] rabiesx86 - Touch Filly, Get Silly rabiesx86 - YOU GOT BUCKET, SHE GOT BUCKET Replacer - All Cleaned Up Replacer - Cerulean Blue Replacer - Crusade No More Replacer - Everypony Everypony (Becoming Popular) Replacer - Halloween In Ponyville (Remix) Replacer - Let Your Mane Down (d.notive cover) Replacer - Rarity Likes Straws (Replacer Remix) Scarlett Peace - Pony Rock Anthem Scarlett Peace - Trixies Ballad SoGreatandPowerful - On My Own SuperPsyGuy - Pinkie's Advenure The Living Tombstone - Octavia's Overture Instrumental The Living Tombstone - Octavia's Overture The Living Tombstone - Smile Smile Smile (The Living Tombstone Remix) The Living Tombstone - Smile Smile Smile Instrumental (The Living Tombstone Remix) Volan - Friends Volan - I Don't Turn Ponies Into Stone Volan - Reverb Volan - The Elements Of A Good Cheer Volan - The World Famous Flim Flam Brothers Volan - Bom (Hardstyle Mix) Volan - WE CAN WUB IF WE WANT TO XaiyuChan - The Shim Sham Sisters Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000! Zorggn - Celestia Runway (Final) Zorggn - Dusk at Dawn Zorggn - Ers04-Luna Zorggn - Friendship Forever (Remix) Zorggn - Mating Season Wrap-up (feat. KeepOnRocking Jackle App DerpyGrooves Interrobang Pie) Zorggn - Pinkie's serving you Zorggn - Rainbow Dash Must Dye Zorggn - Scootalo - My favourite chick Zorggn - This is Ponyville Zorggn - Vinyl vs. Scratch Zorggn - Vinyl Scratch vs. I-pie REMOVED: CHANGED: Almost 1GB of metadeta fixes ================================================================================================ ================= = MAR 15 v005 = ================= ------------ - OFFICIAL - ------------ ADDED: Tara Strong - Twilight-Licious REMOVED: CHANGED: ----------- - FANMADE - ----------- ADDED: [voodoopony] - Derpin in Ponyville [voodoopony] - Dragonshy's Dark Descent [voodoopony] - Escape Pony [voodoopony] - Flight of the Wonderbolts [voodoopony] - Good Morning -Luna Says- [voodoopony] - Luna's Spectrum -Stars- [voodoopony] - Lurking in the Everfree [voodoopony] - Pinkie's Epiphany [voodoopony] - Pious Pony [voodoopony] - Ponyville Epigram &I - Flutter is hushing quietly &I - Raritys Night Out &I - So Many Wonders Trance Remix &I - The mix is not sour +NURSE - Parties on the Moon +NURSE - Party Cannon! 3ight8it - Always Your Mane 6 3ight8it - Cockatrice on the Loose 3ight8it - Incremental Friendship 3ight8it - Equestria Meets Lasers 3ight8it - Piano Pony (Keyboard Cat remix) 3ight8it - Route 1- Equestria 3ight8it - Vinyl's Dreams 3ight8it piano - Dusk for the Night 5ublim3Pirate - AppleReader 5ublim3Pirate - Back to Ponies 5ublim3Pirate - Imaginary Ponies 5ublim3Pirate - Ponie Gaiden 5ublim3Pirate - Last Brony 5ublim3Pirate - Ponies Reflection 5ublim3Pirate - PONiES 5ublim3Pirate - Rudora no Ponies 5ublm3Pirate - Poniestreak 47sMiuMiu - FLUTTERWONDER (Fluttering Wonders vocal mix) 47sMiuMiu - WANT IT NEED IT 47sMiuMiu - Want it, need it (Cover) 2007excalibur2007 - Becoming Popular (Canterlo-Disco mix) 2007excalibur2007 - Ponies 1945 II 2007excalibur2007 - Theory of Harmony BlindCaveSalamander - Dubstep Is Magic Bronyfied - PINKIE'S GOT A SHOTGUN (OH GOD, RUN!!) CaptainFluffatun - Daring Do- Fearless Filly CaptainFluffatun - Fortune and Glory CaptainFluffatun - Legend of the Sapphire Statue CaptainFluffatun - Race for the Divine CaptainFluffatun - Ahuizotl - More than Myth CaptainFluffatun - Faceoff CaptainFluffatun - The Guiding Wind d.Notive - Let your Mane Down d.Notive - Mistress Zecora d.notive - The Final Trick Dexter C. Ford - Cutaway Fantasies about the Grand Galloping Gala were Acceptable in the Eighties Dexter C. Ford - P. Pie's Singing Telegram (20- Cooler Mix) Dexter C. Ford - Rainbow Dash Road Dexter C. Ford - Share + Care Dexter C. Ford - So Many Cupcakes Dexter C. Ford - 'Winter' String Quartet Dev Meltus - Giggle at the Ghostie (Guitar Cover) Dev Meltus - Super Ponybeat (Guitar Cover) DevMeltus - At the Gala (Guitar Cover) DevMeltus - Beyond Her Garden (Guitar Cover) DevMeltus - Smile Song (Guitar + Bass Cover) Donn DeVore - The Ballad of Applejack's Last Roundup H8_Seed - Shoot the Messenger H8_Seed - Shoot the Messenger (Instrumental) HandytheXxxX - Battle Music HeroOfTimeBand - The Elements of Harmony JohnGotti0831 - Xtended Wrap Up KingSpartaX37 - Rainbow Road (KSX37 Edition) Kostacat1 - Flim and FLam's Revenge Michael Arellano - Lunas Anthem Mindset - Luna Eclipse Mindset - Pinkie Pie 24 bit depth Mindset - Solar Strives (Version 2) Mogul Dash - Pegasus Dreamscape (Ft. Callacanter) MsLegionofhel...
싱글카페 돌싱 솔로 미팅 3040모임 재혼 싱글모임(싱카모)
2017-05-19 13:48
5월20일(토) 통기타라이브 야외공연 및 피크닉
안녕하세요~ 싱카모 동맹카페 "뮤직벙커" 통기타 야외 라이브 공연 및 야외모임을 합니다. 통기타를 배우고자 하는분/ 노래에 관심이 많은분을 초청합니다~ (단. 뮤직벙커 카페 가입후 참석해야함) 뮤지벙커 카페가입하기 http://cafe.naver.com/harmony7777 ▣ 모임안내 : 통기타 야외 라이브 공연(관공서 신고없이 우리끼리 즉석공연임) ▣ 모임일시 : 5월20일 토요일 오후3시부터~오후9시까지(이후는 뒷풀이) ▣ 모임장소 : 오산천 공원(오산 시민회관 뒷편 자전거대여점 앞) (경기도 오산시 오산동 345번지) ▣ 모임인원 : 무한 ▣ 모임회비 : 1만원 경기도+오산시+오산동+345 경기도+오산시+중앙동 크게보기 | 길찾기
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통기타 노래 동호회 카페 모임-수원 동탄 광교 영통 용인 기흥
2020-01-04 16:18
아래글은 청소를 직접하는 회원들이 알아야되는 내용입니다.
《새해 첫주는 이런 글 게시를 피할려고 했으나 부득불 게시하게 됨을 헤아려 주시기 바랍니다》 벙커청소와 관련하여 카페(스탭만보기)에 질의한 내용과 답변받은 내용입니다. 청소를 직접하는 회원들이 당연히 알아야 될 내용이므로 공유합니다. ■ 카페에 벙커청소 공지 (12/19) https://cafe.naver.com/harmony7777/6422 ■ 카페(스탭만보기) 질의(12/20) (첨부 1) ■ 카페(스탭만보기) 답변(12/22) (첨부 2) ■ 금요드럼반 청소 관련 카페 게시(1/4) https://cafe.naver.com/harmony7777/6551 ■ 벙커 청소관련 의견 ㅇ 질의 1번 관련 - 특정요일을 청소담당구역에서 제외시킨 이유가 특정요일에 나오는 회원이 다른 요일에도 나와서 제외시켰다는건 객관적이지도 않고 공정하지도 않다고 생각합니다. 그런 논리이면 다른 요일도 제외시킬수 있다는 얘기가 됩니다. - 청소구역은 타당한 사유가 없는한 앞으로 밀리든 뒤로 밀리든 순차적으로 돌아가면서 하는게 지극히 상식적입니다. ㅇ 질의 2번 관련 - 2018년 신갈에 있을때는 지금과 벙커환경이 확연히 달랐고, 2019년 3월 수원으로 이사온 이후 청소한 것을 여지껏 그래왔다고 하는건 근거가 부족하다고 생각합니다. 첨부1 첨부2
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싱글카페 돌싱 솔로 미팅 3040모임 재혼 싱글모임(싱카모)
2016-09-12 12:00
기타배우기 어쿠스틱 초보 무료 강좌-왕초보 입문
뮤직벙커 기타배우기 어쿠스틱 초보 무료 강좌입니다~ 왕초보 화요반 토요반을 진행하니 기타배우기에 관심이 있는분은 오세요^^(기타배우기는 무료 입니다) 기타배우기(어쿠스틱/통기타)는 매주 월요일 화요일 수요일 토요일로 월요일은 노래위주 강좌입니다. 화요일은 기타를 처음 입문하는 왕초보반이고요.수요일은 누구나 참석 가능하며 토요일은 초보 및 중급 강좌를 하고있어요. 뮤직벙커 기타배우기 카페 - http://cafe.naver.com/harmony7777 수도권 어느지역이든 환영합니다~~ 특히 기타는 못해도 노래에 소질이 있는분도 환영해요..통기타 반주자가 많아요~~노래만 해도 됩니다.. 아래 그림은 초보반 강좌중~~초보 기타배우기는 개인지도와 단체지도 같이 병행하고요..기타는 연습실에 연습용이 있으니 통기타가 없는분은 그냥 오시면 되요~~ 토요일 야외 벙개 장터 통닭 + 맥주 사가지고 즉석 공연중입니다~~ 기타배우기 뮤직벙커 정기모임겸 야외 바베큐파티 정기모임 공연중 왕초보 기타배우기 팁 *기타를 먼저 구입하지 말것-기타는 전문가의 조언후 구입하세요~~나중에 후회할수도 있어요. 좋은 기타를 구입하고자 하면 중고를 한번 검토해보세요 길들여진 기타가 더 좋을수있어요 *손가락이 작거나 가늘거나 두껍다고 미리 포기하지 말것- 손가락과 기타 실력과 무관함 *여러 악보나 이것저것 노래를 하지말고 1개 노래를 기타치며 1달간 연습할것-욕심내면 힘들어짐 *기타배우기 코드는 쉬운것만 위주로 연습하세요..처음에는 3가지정돠만 코드를 외울것 *못하더라도 합주시 흉내만이라도 할것.코드 변경없이 음이 안맞아도 되니 하나 코드만 누르고 스트록만 집중 *손톱은 꼭 깍고 기타배우기~~ *초보는 초보한테 기타를 배우는게 더 빠릅니다. *어려운 코드 쉽게 하는방법-이부분은 고수한테 물어보는게 빠름 기타배우기 (어쿠스틱) 초보 왕초보 및 노래 배우기- 뮤직벙커 입니다
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